wait for someone to come online

12:05, update messenger again, trying to find someone to solve the loneliness of waiting. Swiping through this new arrangement, I seem to have translated what they are hiding: strange, strange, strange, strange, maybe familiar, strange, strange... I suddenly started to panic, all strangers? So did they see me online who should be buried in the book? What was missing in that row of messages? What the hell am I doing?
A little creative attempt, in fact, I don't know where to classify him

At 10:00, I fled home from the cram school full of strangers, clicked on the circle with blue background, clicked on a's avatar, and said hi first.

10:10, click on messenger again, and swipe the screen with inertia. I have been with a for half a year. He is probably the most familiar resident in my phone, but he doesn't have much time for me. We seem to have discussed, is it Monday and Wednesday...or Tuesday and Thursday? Forget it, I've been waiting anyway.

10:11, the network update time is too long, no matter one second or two... After half a year, the finger reaction nerves were fed too much by anxiety, and the page was scrolled down several times uncontrollably. The self-deprecating action of sliding back and forth, like the trajectory of the pouring rain outside the window, is meaningless.

10:14, click on another circle on the pink background, slip ig is a routine for others. The track of the heavy rain knocked down the screen again, and the page was finally updated after continuous urging. Time-limited news...I secretly slander it should be called window shopping or something more than using this name, people through a layer of glass are always smiling happily, like a model in a net or root coat in a department store window, but I Can't understand what's funny, after all, that's the life of those girls in my school three rows apart, and I can't even touch it.

10:20, my brother was arguing beside the desk, and just turned to his post, oh, it turns out that the boss was finally blown up by him. I only saw him playing this level in the game three days ago. It seems that I should congratulate him and tell him to shut up by the way.

At 10:30, it is natural to jump from IG to Facebook again. As the ubiquitous advertisements have been declining, three people have birthdays in the circle of friends (I have these three friends? When did I know each other!), two people travel (I have allergies at the same table, how come I don’t know?), A person retweeted a heart-piercing sentence (although I don't know what happened to him, but I would like to express it politely with a compliment first.)

10:40, Playing games is a more important routine than skating social software. There are many reasons, such as: working hard for half an hour every day to change money, grades, new clothes, the company of boyfriends. After logging in, a dozen handsome guys hugged me with sweet words for a while. They will always love me like a day. They don't have to guess, don't wait, don't ask if it's true or not.

11:23, decided to go back to messenger to try my luck. My brother is still calling his pig teammates a dead rookie. My mother yelled downstairs and asked me if I was reading. Yes, I said (I'm reading and unread, I'm secretly saying).

At 11:25, the user area finally hung up the next line of new photo stickers. The content was nothing but ingenious, such as glue like lacquer, Yushu Linfeng, closed moon and shameful flowers, stupid and ugly, childish innocence, young and mature. I think this arrangement seems to be missing something and hiding something.

11:30, is it missing a? I don't know, but a is finally live. As usual, I took a few deep breaths of the quiet air in the chat room, trying to ease the strange feeling of being empty. Isn't he here?

11:45, I have to go to bed, good night. He says.

11:50, okay good night. Hey, can you go online earlier in the future, I'm so bored waiting, I said. Perhaps because he went offline too early, the heavy doubts in my chest became heavier and heavier.

11:55, good, but I'm actually more free on Friday, he said, good night. Good night, I said, and I actually hate this kind of politeness that seems to be announcing to myself, "I have to go back to myself." Maybe he was going to take a shower instead of going offline, I decided to wait a little longer.

At 12:00, I saw the dictionary of idioms that I had to take the test tomorrow but I left aside, and turned to the same page. I don't want to read this frustrating term because I know what gray hair is, but I can't understand what it means from Facebook until I'm in high school.

12:05, update messenger again, trying to find someone to solve the loneliness of waiting. Swiping through this new arrangement, I seem to have translated what they are hiding: strange, strange, strange, strange, maybe familiar, strange, strange... I suddenly started to panic, all strangers? So did they see me online who should be buried in the book? What was missing in that row of messages? What the hell am I doing?


At 6:05, in the noise of the alarm clock, I remembered that I was waiting for someone.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

蘇祁馬特市新手。ig帳號同名,沒盜文嘿。 雖然下雨天很煩,但還是很喜歡下雨天的北漂台大生。 讀小五的時候因為喜歡的男孩不喜歡自己所以開始創作,寫到現在,打算寫一輩子。 在某本言情上看過一句話,「這世界上所有人都註定蠅營狗苟的活一輩子,可是每個苟且的偏旁,都應該是讓自己來寫的。」 深以為此話說的對極了。
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當浪漫被現實淋濕之後--電影<A Rainy Day in New York>

