Come and enjoy the duck! Share Duck!

This Father's Day dinner, let's eat it first~

It's been about half a year for a family "outside" dinner that has been missed for a long time! Mainly because of the epidemic, my parents are the more worried type, and because of my work relationship, we said before that the rule that cannot be used internally, our boss finally relaxed the standard and changed it to "try not to" internal use, plus My brother and sister will go home, so~~ Happy to go out to eat!

Originally~~, I read a lot of articles about barbecue, Japanese food, hot pot, etc. on the potato before, and I was poisoned, but my brother mentioned a "duck enjoyment", to be honest with me, who seldom eats together. Speaking of which, I haven't even heard of it, but the restaurant under Wang Pin feels very good~~ Let's go!

Although there is a store in Taoyuan, we specially chose the Hsinchu store. I want to say that after eating, we can arrange other itineraries, and remember to make a reservation, everyone! We booked a seat at 13:30 a few days ago, and we almost couldn't make it, and the Internet can choose how many roast ducks are available, so let's have a duck! When I came to the scene to see so many people, I felt lucky to have a reservation first!

Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone
Taken with cell phone

When I saw the store, I felt very cute. The delicious duck dishes showed the whole duck from beginning to end. Except for the delicious duck meat itself, the duck skin that melted when dipped in sugar and was fried until it was very crispy. The delicious duck frame, the completely thornless and flavorful pickled fish, and the surprising combination of banana burritos are all dishes that impress me. Of course, the service part is also very good. Although I am not often served, it is quite comfortable.

I always feel that their slogan "Come and enjoy the duck"! Share Duck! 'It's very smooth and cute, you'll know it after you read it yourself hahahaha

I wish my father a happy life =]

And you, you, you want it =]

If there is anything you want to know or need to add, please leave a message to let me know =] Of course, you can also come to raise the bar~~

This article was published on PotatoMedia on the same day

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CHAO YI我是一名物理治療師,會不定期跟大家分享,自己的想法跟一些治療上的經驗,還有些衛教!=]
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