The Cultural Revolution is on again! What is the purpose of the frequent CCP?


Recently, the CCP has launched a number of syllabuses, including policing artists, banning so-called "neutral" Internet celebrities, limiting the time when minors play video games, and implementing "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" in all syllabuses from elementary school to high school. It seems to be a policy to rectify various "deviation problems" in the country. But is the purpose of these policies really as simple as they appear? What kind of actions is the CCP planning?

In fact, the actions of the CCP in these policies are very simple, that is, to repeat the history of the Cultural Revolution in a modern way. The reason for the Cultural Revolution again is simple: to maintain stability. In the past, Mao Zedong carried out three red flags, which resulted in a great famine. In order to stabilize the hearts of the people and turn the hearts of the people toward the Party, he initiated the Cultural Revolution, cultivated Red Guards, "criticized" those who opposed the Communist Party, and destroyed the Buddha statues to make the Communist Party the only "god". Today, China is facing "internal and external troubles", internal public grievances caused by the epidemic and various natural disasters, Hong Kong's democratic struggle, and externally facing Sino-US wrestling, condemnation of the epidemic, the questioned Xinjiang and Hong Kong issues, and Taiwan The criticism of the issue, etc., has forced Xi Jinping to stabilize internal support for the Communist Party to prevent unrest. And it is these policies that Xi Jinping uses to intensify his support.

The purpose of these policies is not only to safeguard Xi Jinping's own rights and the ruling power of the Communist Party, but also to use this opportunity to achieve a deeper level of brainwashing, while cultivating the people's "sentiment to love the Party." From the recent incidents of "humiliating China", it can be found that it has become a normal thing for the little pink people to go out to help the Communist Party to clean up the land and speak for the Communist Party. Five years ago, "the incident of being insulted by China" occasionally appeared. Two or three years ago, the frequency increased slightly, to about once or twice a month, but this year, the frequency can be said to have increased significantly, and there are people almost every day. Being Ruhua can be described as a small humiliation for three days and a big humiliation for five days. The root cause of these incidents is the "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" that Xi Jinping has vigorously promoted since 2018. Since Xi Jinping vigorously promoted Xi's thinking, put his thoughts into the curriculum, and launched the learning "Xi" app, the effect of "education" can be said to be quite significant. The number of patriotic little pinks who love the Party has increased rapidly, and it has begun to spread on the so-called "external network".

The reason why the CCP's brainwashing is so successful is that they have already confused the three concepts of state, political party, and nation. In ordinary people's cognition, a "nation" is a group with the same culture and common ancestors; a "party" is a group that conducts political activities and implements political ideas; and a "nation" has four elements: territory, people, sovereignty and government. a ruling group. The same nation is not necessarily the same country, and political parties are governed by and under the state. However, the Communist Party ties the Party and the country together, and then ties the nation into it, instilling in the people that patriotism must love the Party, and that the same nation must belong to the same country. This sentence seems to be similar to that of Nazi Germany, which promoted national superiority and annexed the same nation-state during World War II. According to the concept of the Communist Party, should Germany, Austria and other countries that are both Germanic nations should achieve unity? A nation is just a heritage of blood and culture, and there should be mutual respect between nations, not to mention those under the nation?

Leaving aside the most obvious politically motivated revision of the syllabus, other policies are actually purposeful. To rectify the Internet and promote art ethics is to let the voice of the country and the party be left in the art industry, so that the people can only hear the voice of the country and the party, and increase their brainwashing efforts; the purpose of restricting the use of online games by minors is to reduce Minors are exposed to ideas from "external networks" on the Internet; banning neutral Internet celebrities is to make the Internet only "virtue" recognized by the CCP, and make China more like the ideal "China" of the CCP . The most obvious example is changing the curriculum. Now Chinese children must read the political ideology of the Communist Party and Xi Jinping from an early age, and be instilled with the idea of "Taiwan is China's" from an early age, so that the people can more identify and obey their policies and slogans, and show the way the CCP wants them to behave. .

It is not difficult to find that these series of policies are all aimed at "stabilizing the people's support for the party" and "increasing the people's enthusiasm for the party's ideology." To make Chinese culture all the way the CCP wants it to be, and suppress other cultures, how is it different from the Cultural Revolution? The times are moving, progress must be made, and modern technology is developed. Perhaps the Cultural Revolution has been freed from bloodshed and violence, but This "unclearly explained" Cultural Revolution has long been looming, spreading secretly and slowly eroding China, making voices other than the CCP disappear.


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