Matters Virtual Review Collection: Commentary on "Jesus Is Man, Not God"


First of all, I would like to make a "declaration of interests" to all of you. I used to be a Christian, and then I left the church to study Buddhism on my own. Later, I converted to a certain sect of Tantra, but in the end I still relied on my free faith and did not want to be bound by any sect. A theist, but will not insist that only a certain religion is the only orthodox belief of mankind.

Since the publication of the book "Jesus is a Man, Not God", it has caused controversy among various religious factions, especially Christians and Catholics, who have refuted the author's nonsense and slandered the holy Jesus Christ, while Buddhism and Islam have not responded. Is it possible, for their reactions, the author will not comment here, only to make a book review of the works of the author Kconhmert, for the sake of readers.

Conmand first constructed an image of Jesus from the perspective of the Old Testament and the New Testament. This argument has an advantage, because the Bible is Christianity (including Catholicism) and is regarded as God's message to mankind. Words, the author intends to use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son to consolidate his point of view, so I admire his courage, especially the New Testament as an example, he said that many parts of it were written by the disciples of Jesus Yes, if Jesus was really the Son of God, why didn’t Jesus write the writing himself, so that God’s words could be more directly exposed to the eyes of mankind, and why should the disciples memorize and record? Even after thousands of revisions, there is no guarantee that it can be completely converted to God’s will, so Jesus was at most a wise man rather than God.

In order to prove his point, the author then focused on two aspects to explain why Jesus was not God. The first one was to examine the mystery of Jesus’ life experience from a biological point of view. A person born of a virgin no longer conforms to the logic of human biology and has not been through How did the sperm-egg fusion process lead to the formation of an embryo, so Jesus was not born from conception, but was entirely shaped by human beings. He believed that this was due to the "holy sanctification" of human beings on the image of Jesus. People did not want Jesus to be affected by human beings. Genetic contamination, but to be molded into a pure flesh, not the son of a "human", so God used Mary to give birth to Jesus as a "surrogate mother". The author's statement is still reluctant at the current level of human technology. It makes sense, but if you look at someone with a cosmic mindset, you might laugh at him as a "frog in a well". The universe is so vast, and anything that humans think is impossible can happen, not to mention the Almighty God!

The author has conducted in-depth research on some historical researches, in which he used the authenticity of the shroud of Jesus and the fact that Jesus went to India to practise Buddhism to overthrow the theory that Jesus is the son of God. I think the author is trying to borrow scientific and Argumentation to refute the assertion that Jesus is the Son of God.

The shroud of Jesus is now in Turin, northwestern Italy. In 1988, three world-renowned university laboratories conducted scientific identification of the parts of the shroud, and it was found that the age of the shroud was only 1,000 years old. For many years, it is not from the age of Jesus. The author believes that no matter whether this cloth is from the age of Jesus more than 2,000 years ago, it is impossible to confirm whether this cloth once wrapped the body of Jesus. The characteristics of the torture match, so it is very far-fetched to conclude that this piece is the shroud of Jesus, and even if it is really the shroud of Jesus, it can only be said that the character Jesus has appeared in history, and whether Jesus is the son of God Totally irrelevant.

Finally, the author cites many historical records to prove that Jesus went to India to study Buddhism when he was 12 to 32 years old. The most surprising thing is that the New Testament has a detailed record of Jesus' life and deeds, but only Only the deeds of Jesus during his youth are blank and are not mentioned in any Christian classics, which has led to speculations of future generations.

The author borrows from the 1887 Russian writer and travel journalist Nicholas. Notowitz, 1922 British native of India, Swanmi. Swami Abhedananda, 1928 Russian Nicholas. Nicholas Roerich and Christian Lindtner, a German doctoral student in Asian studies, published the book Geheimnisse um Jesus Christus in 2007, citing that Jesus visited Leh, the capital of the state of Ladakh, India. ) a Buddhist monastery about 25 miles on the outskirts of the city, called Himis, or "Temple of Dharma Precepts".

I believe the author's strongest argument is that since Christianity is a monotheistic religion, why does Jesus Christ, the son of God, who is revered by Christians, go to India to study Buddhism, Buddhism is a polytheistic religion, and the monotheistic leader goes to Why study the teachings of polytheism? If Jesus was really God, why would he need to seek the Dharma? Could it be that the omnipotence of God could not be manifested in him, and he had to seek the help of other religions, so how could Jesus be worthy of being called the Son of God? Deified, isn't it a false image created by man, Jesus is not God at all, but only a man.


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