[2021.12.11]The Story of the Drift Bottle-Star of Giants

In the process he felt that he became very excited and did not question, he thought this should be the way to go.


This is a series about drawing cards to practice writing. Sometimes the interpretation and writing of card draws are very similar. When chatting with friends in the group, I was told that it was like a drifting bottle. Indeed, I don’t know who these messages will be given to. Seeing and generating meaning is like a drifting bottle. I think the name of this series is great (I was thinking about a card drawing story before), so I asked if it could be used, and@月su also agreed.

How many cards to draw or what to draw is not necessarily the case. In the past, the tarot teacher who took the tarot card class used the Great Arcana to play the solitaire in turn to tell the story. It was a version of writing by myself and a little more freedom similar to that. You don’t have to have tarot cards, but a punch storyteller can, even as long as you can write a positive sentence type, I think it’s fine. You can also draw three-question stories or story dice on the Internet. You can play freely, and the content you write doesn’t have to be No matter how long the story is, poetry can also be used.

Card used: Japanese oracle divination card

Feels like it will be a sequel to [2021.12.10] Drift Bottle Story - Giants and Cedars - RUA (@tomee7254) (matters.news) .

[2021.12.11]The Story of the Drift Bottle-Star of Giants

After the death of their parents, the children of the giants stayed under a huge cedar tree with humans for a period of time, but after a while he became confused, what was he doing alive and where should he be going? He also helped some humans transport towns and mountains to A suitable place to live, but at the same time he tilted his head and thought, is this really what he wants? The inner voice is beating on his heart, because his condition is too special, giants are too rare, culture and society It is also completely different from the little human beings, so there are many things that he tells himself and answers to himself.
Until one day, he decided to take a boat to the other side of the sea. The children of the giants spent a long time building a boat. During the process, he felt that he became very excited and had no doubts. He thought it should be It's the way he's going.
Humans were also curious about what he was doing. After asking, they knew that he was going to the end of the sea by boat. Some people were blessed, some were worried, and some were emotional.
The huge ship was built, and the giant set off to the end of the sea by boat. No one knows whether he successfully reached the end, but in order to commemorate him, people named a huge and dazzling star in the sky as the Giant Star.
The star shone like the giants happily narrating their upcoming adventures, and every time the star shone, it seemed to remind people to follow their own path.
Later, in this human society and culture, sailing will be used as a reference for orientation, and it is also regarded as a symbol of pursuing one's own path in astrology culture. At the time of birth, you can see where the position of the star is, and it can be regarded as possible in that In the field, it is a suitable path for itself, and the process and history of becoming this way are another story.


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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

