Talk about China's "national fortune"


Regarding the issue of the national movement, the “mainstream” argument (the mainstream here refers to the mainstream of public opinion under the control of official speech) is that on the road to rise, China faces the suppression of the Western world led by US imperialism to maintain its dominant position If the "peaceful evolution" plot colluding with domestic and foreign opposition forces cannot be resisted, China will repeat the mistakes of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, China will be fully privatized, the socialist system will perish, and the Chinese people will suffer.

In fact, the so-called peaceful evolution of the so-called "suffering" people in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, the so-called "suffering" that officials love most, has long been completed in China. After the reform and opening up, after the people’s power was stolen by the bureaucracy, after the public property owned by the whole people was “reformed” into state-owned monopoly capital and a small number of private large capital controlled by a few bureaucratic capitalists, the Communist Party is no longer a Communist Party, and China is no longer a society. country. Although the Chinese Communist Party is still flying a tattered red flag, its purpose is only to oppose both Western democratic capitalism and real socialism, in order to maintain the so-called socialism with Chinese "characteristics" that they rule. The so-called "opposition to the liberalization of the bourgeoisie" or the so-called "state advances and the people retreat" or "the people advance and the state retreats" are raging debates, in the final analysis, are nothing more than a struggle between bureaucratic capital and private capital for position and leadership, and the Most people don't care. Whether the person sitting in Beijing is Zhu Yuanzhang or Nurhaci makes no difference to the people, but for the leftists, the new monopoly brought about by full privatization and the opening of foreign capital (this new monopoly will definitely disappear after the old monopoly is eliminated). generated), which is worse than the status quo.

There will be no revolution in China, at least in the short term. Therefore, what determines China's future will be the struggle between bureaucratic capital and private capital, and the winner of this struggle can only be bureaucratic capital. Because bureaucratic capital is tightly organized, especially with the support of the military and the state apparatus. Private capital is still unable to mobilize the people at present, and may still be unable to mobilize the people in the future, because empty slogans such as democracy and freedom have little to do with the vital interests of the people, and it is difficult to attract supporters. Coupled with the sweeping of public opinion organs in recent years, the beating of Wang Jianlin, the leader of large private capital, the retirement of Jack Ma and Liu Qiangdong, and the strengthening of the party organization's control over private capital, private capital will probably fall into an increasingly unfavorable situation (the other one is Under the impact of the epidemic, bureaucratic capital has state support, and although private capital can also receive state support, their dependence on the state will inevitably strengthen accordingly. Of course, some petty bourgeoisie and private individuals who have little to do with the country's economic destiny Capital is in danger of going bankrupt without the help of the state).

Therefore, in the future, China will not become more and more progressive, but will inevitably become more and more conservative. There is a certain inevitability to this process of becoming conservative, just as there is also a certain inevitability to the continued conservatization of China in the future. Reality shows us the bankruptcy of the reform line, and its significance lies in proclaiming that, if the people do not have the ability to fight for their rights, they may at any time lose the rights they have won.

At the same time, as indicated by some media and public opinion guided by it, China is "rising", especially rising to the point where it will challenge the old world order built after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

This challenge has a political dimension, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (in 2017 it even brought in India and Pakistan); more importantly, an economic dimension, such as the AIIB and the "Belt and Road", as well as the rules of the WTO and other international organizations. change. In the recent period of time, China seems to have completely abandoned the principle of "hide its strengths and bide its time" left by the second-generation leaders. It seems that it does not care about the world's vision at all. Undoubtedly, the Chinese bureaucrats must try their best to prevent this challenge from turning into a war (including the trade war that has already suffered), but on the other hand, they also know that military power is an important bargaining chip with the United States, so they must be in this In the "peace" era, build a strong army and disembark aircraft carriers. In fact, this is the same as nuclear weapons. It is not necessary to use it, but it must be there, and the more the better.

In the future, the "economic miracle" after the reform and opening up will not happen again. Of course, China will not lose its status as a "manufacturing power", but the transfer of industrialization to countries such as Southeast Asia and Africa is already in progress. If these countries can seize this opportunity (such as Vietnam is a promising target), they can also create a new "economic miracle" by following the old path that China has taken after reversing. At the same time, Trump's policy of "reindustrialization" of the United States is presumably doomed. In the short term this may make American workers who have lost their jobs due to deindustrialization happy, but in the long run this apparent attempt to reverse the car will neither last long nor fundamentally solve the problems of American workers.

For those who are keen to pursue the "China Dream", they do not realize that the fundamental problem is not a problem of China's international status, but a problem of China's domestic distribution system. The hegemony between the Soviet Union and the United States brought little benefits to the Soviets, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union did not make Americans happier. Covering up the uneven development of regions, the uneven development of urban and rural areas, and the serious uneven development of capital and people's property with the peaceful spring and autumn dreams of the years is just to cover up the turbulent undercurrents with a calm lake. While a large number of patriotic young people are talking about entering the school, the Chinese dream and great achievements on Weibo, Zhihu and Station B, more people are brushing Douyin and Kuaishou, which these patriots do not want to take seriously . For them, the question of who will be in office and who will step down is meaningless. They just want to study while they are busy (it needs to be reminded that the level of education in our country is not as high as some people think, especially high school and University education) and take N 15 seconds outside of work to relax. Although they occasionally cater to patriotic cheers, most of the time they don't say anything, because they have nothing to say at all (perhaps, only when defending rights can they rarely appear in the public eye , but it is impossible for the recent rights protection incident to get the same attention as a dozen years ago. The recent rights protection incident of a worker in Leishenshan is an example. Another example is the documentary "Miners, Grooms, Pneumoconiosis" launched last year focusing on workers' rights and interests. "Sickness" has been reduced to the point where the author has to wait on Douban to link the online disks one by one for interested friends. But it is interesting that official announcements such as "Salute to the working people" appear more and more frequently. The red youths who lived in the beautiful era paid tribute to these great laborers for the motherland over and over again, and were moved to tears, but they never thought about understanding their living conditions, let alone improving their lives. The answer to such a question must be the old-fashioned "development is the last word"). They are the group with the least "freedom of speech" in China.

But these are invisible to nationalists. Although nationalists talk about the relationship between butt and head, when they talk about China (or other countries), they put the ass of all Chinese people on the same bench (of course, they also put the ass of those anti-communists on the same bench). On the other bench, stepping on a thousand feet by the way). "There are no classes, only nations" is an old National Socialist rhetoric, isn't it obvious where the people who advocate it put their butts and heads?


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