After leaving Medium to start your own blog, is your next step to leave Matters?


I was in a car accident not too long ago and broke my foot and won't be able to work and will be home for a few weeks

But it also accidentally gave me time to try to build my own blog with WordPress

Why start your own blog instead of continuing to use a writing platform?

There are so many reasons, I even wrote a few articles to share, but if you ask me this question again today

I would say: "After accumulating a certain amount of articles, I have successfully submitted them to major digital media and received good responses, which proves my own strength and my youthful arrogance.

In the next step, I hope to have my own personal brand, to make myself more visible, and to give my articles an exclusive attribution in the online world, instead of just wandering on major writing platforms. "

The world is moving fast, but faster is my idea

2020. 2.7 I wrote an article on matters: Why did I unsubscribe from Medium and opt-in to Appreciate Citizenship?

At the beginning, I couldn’t stand Medium’s unfriendliness and unfairness to Chinese authors, and the change of the profit sharing mechanism would deprive Chinese creators of their income. I began to want to shift the focus to matters

2020.2.11 I went to interview a WordPress expert. I was curious about how he managed to earn more than most office workers during his student period by operating self-media. Media creates passive income better than most 9-to-5 office workers )

What I want to ask him more is the idea of using a writing platform and a self-built platform. I was persuaded by him without thinking of a reason: Don’t have your own website? Then stop talking to me about personal branding, or even brand trust

Due to the theme of my writing, I often invite others to share their unique workplace stories. I think there is nothing wrong with publishing on the writing platform, but I never thought that when inviting others, they also expect you to have your own blog. In addition to having A little more authority, another indicator of how serious you are about writing

Regarding the comparison of various writing platforms and Medium Vs WordPress, I basically wrote it directly in this article: The latest [WordPress Vs. Medium blog comparison] in 2020 Why do everyone choose WordPress in the end? 3 reasons why novices from the media choose not to upload Confused , if you are interested, you can watch it directly

Finally, go directly to the conclusion of this article: after leaving Medium to start your own blog, will you leave Matters next?

Not yet, this is my current thinking. Starting my own blog can replace almost every reason to write on Medium, but it doesn't replace my motivation to write on Matters.

Writing on Matters currently has 3 big meanings for me:

  1. Matters is growing rapidly: just writing here for just one month, I can feel the charm of the community connection here. When you post an article, you can often get comments and shares from different users. This is something that you can’t feel on other platforms at present.
  2. Matters is constantly changing: when I started writing articles, I felt that there were mostly current affairs and political issues here, but I saw some new articles popping up every day, and found that the articles here began to become more and more diverse and interesting
  3. Matters let me write freely: Some people say that Medium has the pressure to only post long articles, while blogs have a brand tone and want to operate. They cannot post 100-word short articles today, 10,000-word novels tomorrow, or write on various topics as they come up. , so that others will not remember your brand, but on Matters, I feel that everything is possible. There are articles of various styles, topics, and lengths. I suddenly want to express my feelings and thoughts. This is my best stage. , and most people would be willing to give you claps and applause

After leaving Medium to start my own blog, I will not leave Matters, I want to continue writing here, what about you?

Finally, if you happen to have any confusion about your career, welcome to my blog: Michael Story Trading Company

There, I will share all the stories of different careers around the world, so that you who have no courage for the future of your career can discover new possibilities


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

麥可走跳歐洲19國政大國貿畢。雖未走上貿易這條路,但卻開了一家麥可故事貿易公司,用文字寫下隱藏在我們身邊的每個精彩故事,你拍手的掌聲,就是跟我交換故事的籌碼。#職場故事 #歐洲旅遊 #好書分享 #新鮮人的職場闖蕩
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麥可故事貿易公司的寫作空間- 我與靈感在此相遇
