Autumn is the season to miss

Maybe one day I will take the train again and recall the sight of watching the lights outside the car, like going back to my grandmother's house again.

First of all, I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival. People with a full moon are reunited, and their bodies should not be round.

The moon girl hangs high, the night in the pond

Autumn gradually approached, and the weather became much cooler. It was only in the evening, and the sky had already darkened. On the day of the morning shift, on the way home from get off work, when passing a level crossing, I happened to see a train passing by. It was dark at that time, and the lights along the road slowly turned on. Looking at the fast-passing train, the lights inside and the lights of nearby shops and homes are all on. This scene reminds me of the experience of riding a train when I was a child.

Image from Liberty Times Internet News

I have always liked to take the train at night, not for other reasons, just because I can look at the scenery passing by the window on the train, and my favorite is seeing the lights of thousands of homes. The lights of every house are on, which means that there are people in the family and that it is warm. The whole row of street lights came on, like a plane descending in the path of the lights, like a well-defined road. The lights of high-rise buildings light up like landmarks, guiding travelers on their way home. That kind of feeling is so special and exciting, just like a child. Light always represents a positive direction, leading my heart to the right direction, and the lights at night are more revelation of a sense of security to me.

Buddy shot (non-train, moonless night)

When I was a child, I would take the night train, mostly when I went to my grandmother's house. Whenever I saw the lights outside and the street lights on the road, a whole line of lights arranged neatly, like a row of light and shadow roads, made me feel that the scenery was so charming. , so gorgeous, the spread of light is like the overflow of watercolors being penetrated by water, which is both romantic and beautiful.

And going back to my grandmother's house was one of the happiest things when I was a child, so when I saw these lights, my heart was filled with the kind of happiness that I had when I went back to my grandmother's house when I was a child, and my whole heart was filled with warm coffee. It is also like eating a plum, the sweet and sour taste is all spread out in the heart. That warmth and happiness are the best memories of my childhood.

The bigger you are, the less chance you have to take the train. When you have a car at home, you almost always drive when you go out.

After my grandmother passed away, it seems that I have no reason to go back to my grandmother's house. In fact, my heart is full of emptiness. It seems that the only reason to take the train is gone. The open space is like a balloon, with a hole in the middle, worried that it will burst at any time.


Maybe one day I will take the train again and recall the sight of watching the lights outside the car, like going back to my grandmother's house again.


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