From one-way to two-way media revolution──Xiong Taixian, founder of W3 Exhibition, talks about "Yueshi Project" and Web3 media

The W3 Exhibition has launched the "Read2Plant" reading development mechanism, through the "development game" design model to cultivate readers' reading habits, and combined with NFT technology to allow readers to actually participate in the blockchain industry on the one hand , On the one hand, cultivate readers' reading habits, visualize and realize their reading process. In addition, the project also encourages readers to participate in the discussion of articles, further expanding the depth of the community between readers and creators, so that readers can not only "read" articles, but also discuss articles and communicate with authors. Articles, opening up more diverse interactive modes.

This article was originally published inChain Flash

Ruthless business PART1:

Do you want to discuss more international news and books with me in the construction of Bar's co-learning community? Welcome to join my co-learning community. We will hold reading clubs every week (the new issue will start on March 20, the book is "Feminist Theory and Evolution" edited by Gu Yanling), and we will hold learning sharing sessions from time to time! (last mess next week)

All in all, if you like reading, thinking, and learning, then you are welcome to join us!

Ruthless business PART2:

Want to know more blockchain news? Welcome to lock chain flash

"W3 Exhibition" is a "Web3" media project that emphasizes art design and article readability. The main report content is mainly NFT projects, and it hopes to become a supervisor of NFT projects. The W3 Exhibition has gathered a group of professional media professionals and writers to build a bridge of information sources for readers and lower the threshold for the public to enter the blockchain industry by extensively collecting different NFT projects and organizing and reporting them.

Recently, the W3 Exhibition has launched the "Read2Plant" reading development mechanism, through the "development game" design model to cultivate readers' reading habits, and combined with NFT technology to allow readers to actually participate in the block The chain industry, on the other hand, cultivates readers' reading habits, and visualizes and realizes their reading process. In addition, the project also encourages readers to participate in the discussion of articles, further expanding the depth of the community between readers and creators, so that readers can not only "read" articles, but also discuss articles and communicate with authors. Articles, opening up more diverse interactive modes.

This time, Lianshan invited the founder of W3 Exhibition, "Xiong Taixiansen", to discuss with us the purpose and ideas behind the launch of the "Yueshi Project", and even extended to being a creator who has participated in the traditional media industry in the past. How do readers view the impact of blockchain technology on media, and some thoughts on Web3 media.

Before starting the article, readers are also recommended to take a look at what the "Yueshi Project" is, and maybe they will have a better understanding of the motivation and value behind Mr. Xiong's launch of this project.

▍Cross-border into Web3, how do traditional media people view "Web3" media?

I vaguely remember the first time I knew that "Xiong Taixian" seemed to be in a certain creator community, maybe it was Matt City or Fanggezi, but all in all, my first impression was that he was a very active and active person. creator. The first topic I started with him was to "complain" about various problems in the traditional publishing industry, but there was nothing I could do about it.

In the follow-up conversation, I learned that Mr. Xiong also graduated from a department related to printing and publishing. His family members and friends also worked in traditional media companies. He also worked in large bookstores and printing companies. cognition. Having said that, he prefers to call himself "self-media" or "creator" rather than titles like "senior". In addition to having experience in managing his own works in the past, he has also submitted articles to publishing houses. Few publishers have communicated with editors on creation and publishing topics.

But in the end, Xiong Taixian found that after so many years of submitting manuscripts, the results were not as good as those published by himself. This discovery also made him reflect: Is the modern publishing industry really worthy of his pursuit? Is the current style and unspoken rules of the publishing industry really suitable for me?

While hesitating, the blockchain industry entered Xiong Taixian’s world. He found that compared with the past creators looking for funds through fund-raising platforms and subscription platforms, NFT seems to make the whole process of seeking funds more attractive, and even more exciting. It has the potential to allow creators to have better interactions with readers and collectors.

"When everyone in the world steps into web3, how much room for speculation is left?"

As a creator, Xiong Taisen intuitively felt that the NFT tool was born for creators, not a speculative tool for hype. Under such a strong intuition, the W3 Exhibition Project was established, hoping to give more powerful traditional Chinese creators more opportunities to be exposed, and believed that these "creations" should be taken seriously rather than Measured by wealth and fame.

The speculative atmosphere of Web3 has also affected Xiong Taixian's views on Web3 media. In the past, when he was recruiting members of the editorial department, he asked such a question: "When everyone in the world has stepped into web3, how much speculation will there be?" Can the space be left?" Such a question is raised because Mr. Xiong is dissatisfied with the current media's over-focus on financial topics. In other words, when the focus of most media is still investment and money, finance will be equated with Web3, but in fact Web3 is not only finance, "There are more people behind finance using Web3 technology to build more real, Something more meaningful." Xiong Taixian said.

In addition, Xiong Taixiansen also mentioned that in the world of Web3, the importance of large-scale media is gradually declining, and the arguments of self-media and general users will be more influential. Even with the development of AI, the writing ability of individuals will be greatly liberated. Compared with the dissemination of more "pure official news", perhaps future creators will be more inclined to report and analyze human viewpoints. For this reason, Xiong Taixian also hopes that more Web3 media will output more reports related to technology application methods and analysis, rather than single and flat investment information.

Web3 is a golden mountain and should be the foundation of all kinds of meaningful things / Midjourney

▍What exactly is the "Yueshi Project" going to do? The media revolution from one-way to two-way

One-way output and the dilemma of media management

Xiong Taixian said that the purpose of launching this project is to break the dilemma of one-way output of "media".

What is "one-way output"? In the past, we often saw a similar dilemma in the traditional media and publishing industry. Through a large number of rapid "headline killing" to stifle the thinking space of readers, readers will always be trapped in the stereotype of "only standing but not thinking" . While readers' appetites are gradually being fed, the media can only continue to output, trying their best to fill readers' appetites.

In the process of continuous output, "the media also cannot obtain more things from the public than "book prices", "boutique prices", and "subscription fees". industry content, subscription revenue, and profit from sales of physical goods, etc.” Xiong Taixian said.

Afterwards, Mr. Xiong discussed advertisements, industry content, subscription income and physical goods. In his view, advertisements and professional articles can easily lead the public to fall into the trap of fraud or "rug pull"; the subscription system will face operational difficulties, and unless there are any major events in the society, ordinary readers will already be trapped. Cultivating a bad appetite for reading doesn’t pay for articles; what about physical goods? He believes that physical products at this stage are relatively unrealistic for the media. In addition to being charged fees and commissions for listing, the cost of the process is also high. To sum up, it is basically difficult for the media at this stage to survive in the circle only by "reporting".

The Creator's Dilemma / Midjourney

A media ecology integrating creation, community and NFT

In order to solve the above media dilemma, Xiong Taixian referred to the entrepreneurial models of successful creators in the past, and summarized three core concepts: creation, community and NFT.

  • Creation: In the past, after observing a large number of NFT communities for a long time, Mr. Xiong Taixian found that most "NFT holders" would "actively" share the information of the NFT projects they hold, and such initiative is quite conducive to the development of the media For this reason, Xiong Taisen also used reporting on NFT projects as the starting point of his creation.

  • Community: In his opinion, community is the core concept of Web3. Compared with general news media, Web3 is closer to the individual and more inclined to the individual. The initiative of individuals in Web3 will be very important to the achievement of a community part. For this reason, the various reward mechanisms and game mechanisms in the Reading Project also encourage participants to share more and discuss more, and the community will also emerge accordingly.

  • NFT: NFT is the reason why the reading plan was formed, and it also marks the core value shown by Xiong Taisen in the W3 exhibition report. By casting an NFT of an article, readers can prove to the bottom line that they have "contacted" this type of report. In other words, if such a reading habit is developed, we may be able to envision an interesting future: when a reader has his "reading traces", creators can deliver articles more accurately, and establish a stronger relationship with like-minded readers. Interactive community. It is even possible to open specific activities, articles, and even airdrops to readers with specific articles to build a more powerful interactive model.

The reading project is more likely to become a transcript of all readers' life and reading in Web3. By interacting with and giving feedback to different communities, the entire reading process and interactive relationship can be visualized, and a Web3 business card linked to individuals can be established. In addition to recording reading In addition to the history, the reader's personality can also be recorded. For example, if a plant is planted under a sunny day in someone's reading project NFT, then you can be sure that this person is a person who is willing to spend time in the community and will actively chat, because the "sunny element" ” will only be distributed to those members who are happy to chat in the community.

"In general, I hope that the reading project can promote the development of the community in a more practical way, so that the community can develop a game around the reports of the W3 exhibition and NFT, and this game will depend on each Individual actions have different results, which will bring out a more dynamic two-way interaction than ordinary news media, and make "media" more interesting." Xiong Taixian said, "I hope to develop in the long run, The reading plan will have an authority, just like I hope that the W3 exhibition will become a watchdog in the NFT circle. Obviously, this is not something that can be established in a short time, just like reading habits, but I firmly believe that When the W3 Exhibition and the Reading Project develop together, it will usher in a prosperous moment.”

Interview: Xiong Taixiansen ( @冬太先生|NFT Community Research )


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