What is the use of fat other than angering me?

When it comes to fat, it can be said to be the public enemy of women. Why does this nasty fat exist?

fat ,

I believe that everyone who sees these two words will put on an expression of disgust! The fat we think of is nothing more than a flat stomach that instantly turns into a staircase when we sit down, or the uncontrollable swaying bye-bye meat when we greet someone? Why does such unpleasant fat exist? Is it specially used by God to piss us off?

What is the use of fat other than gas?

Alas, God is so busy, how can there be time to make fat to piss you off! This is all so that you can continue to survive~

Fat comes from our food. What we eat is for energy, giving us the strength and strength to carry out our daily activities. Try not eating for a day, maybe you don't even have the strength to move around. However, the food of this era is so tempting that one cannot help but take a few more bites. Slowly, the energy you eat is not proportional to the energy you use. Where should the excess energy go? Of course, it is left (stored) in the body. This is the role of white fat . It stores this excess energy in the body. If we don't eat enough in the future, we can use the stored energy to "resist it".

However, more and more people are unable to resist the temptation of delicious food, which leads to excessive white fat and induces other chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver, etc., which has the opposite effect.

Good news is coming! ! ! The body has an opponent that can resist white fat, which is our brown fat .

Brown fat is used to maintain body temperature. When our body is exposed to cold weather and the body feels cold, it will send a signal to the brown fat to tell the brown fat, "Brown, it's cold! Come out and help." At this time, the loyal Ah Zong will stick a knife in both sides, burning sugar and white fat to release heat (this is also how bears spend their hibernation). Yes, you read that right~ It burns sugar and white fat ~ It is used for a thousand days, and it is at this time that white fat will clear up its injustice and prove its value in the body.

There is no difference between white and brown fat. Their relationship is like our relationship with a bank. We save our hard-earned money in the bank for a rainy day. In the event of an emergency, there is an emergency withdrawal of a reserve fund from the bank. The purpose is to keep us alive when we are hungry or cold. This is the way to survive! The only thing to watch out for is our mouth. Eating indiscriminately and not exercising is one of the biggest reasons why white fat has the opposite effect~


Brown fat is more abundant in babies. Babies have few muscles and can't shiver as much as adults when they're cold to heat up their bodies. They need to rely on brown fat to release heat and maintain their body temperature.


Ellis, R. (2020, April 23). Brown Fat: What You Need to Know . WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/diet/brown-fat-what-you-need-to-know#1

Wu. (2020, July 7). Three types of fat have different functions. Brown fat makes people not fat! . Heho Health. https://heho.com.tw/archives/78860


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会吃但不会煮的Joan药剂师喜歡喝Cola的社區藥劑師 除了配藥, 也會為客戶提供飲食方面的咨訊, 所以在飲食方面有小小心得。 不過,如果你問我要怎麼煮的話, 我就回答不了你了哦~ 但是, 你可以跟我分享你的烹飪秘方, 好讓我偷偷師~
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