Afternoon photo

There was a slight sound of thunder in the distance, as if it was going to pour down rain in the next second, and I felt a little nervous. After all, there are only one person and two cats at home. When they are afraid, they have to protect me. How can they protect me? Thinking about it makes me feel weak.


The sky outside the window has changed, and there is an aura about the mountains and rain. In the dark sky, it seems that all the buildings and objects are set out in front of the sky. many. Maybe eyesight is not so good, clear objects always make people feel a little reassured, that's why I like it.

There was a slight sound of thunder in the distance, as if it was going to pour down rain in the next second, and I felt a little nervous. After all, there are only one person and two cats at home. When they are afraid, they have to protect me. How can they protect me? Thinking about it makes me feel weak.

But at least it's a blessing to have them as company.

Hana in the box

I have the book "The Unbearable Lightness of Life" by Milan Kundera in my hand. I have never read this classic literature, but I have heard about it from others, which prompted me to bring it back and want to read it. There is something about this literary work that many people will appreciate. It's just that my knowledge is superficial and I'm not sure whether I can read it, but I can't help but read it from the perspective of appreciation.

Picture taken from blog

And I was attracted by his meticulous words, which seemed to be about love, but more about human nature. He portrayed human nature very clearly, and every detail in his heart was presented in words. It touches people's hearts and reminds me of my relationship with my grandfather.

Sometimes the mutual needs of two people who love each other will bring pressure to each other, and sometimes they are even breathless. They seem to want to leave but still want to stay together. The contradictory emotions are also seen in the book. There seems to be something complicated between Thomas and Tereza. In fact, they just love each other too much, but they are bound by each other unconsciously. Can't escape and can't do without, isn't it a contradiction?

In fact, I am afraid that I can't read the ideas that the book is trying to express. I only know what " heavy" means, but not what the meaning of " lightness" is. Maybe I have to think about it before I really understand it. After all, philosophical things are inherently a bit mysterious, but they can be thought-provoking. This may also be the focus of the book, and if I can understand it, I should have already graduated.

rainy afternoon

It started to rain outside, and my mind was immersed in the words of Milan Kundera . He analyzed human nature very thoroughly, so he was able to write such meaningful works. The book not only talks about human nature, but also about the influence of the family of origin on the protagonists, which is what caught my attention the most in the book. After all, the formation of a person's personality, the family of origin occupies a great weight, and it is also something that cannot be ignored in education. In the description of human nature, taking this item as an analysis of character is also the author's strength. It turns out that this book will be so famous, it is really not covered. The point is that reading this book is not boring at all, I just hope I can really understand what it means.

The rain outside the window was majestic, and the heartbeat also became violent. The smell of the damp outside entered the nostrils. It seemed that the rain was going to last for a while, and I had to cook for my family in a while. Pedestrians bring trouble and embarrassment.

My two cats are also waiting for me to feed them. The attentive eyes often make me unable to refuse, but they also make me nervous. When it's not time to feed, and I always give in, no wonder they eat me.

This afternoon's random thoughts and writing have come to an end. I will continue to read Milan Kundera's article, and then I will go into the kitchen. See you next time.


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