How to Market Yourself (Services) in Email

You might think that writing an introductory email is easy. But how many emails do you actually get answered?

You might think that writing an introductory email is easy. But how many emails do you actually get answered?

A recent study by Radicati estimated that the average office worker (foreign) receives around 90 emails and then sends 40 per day. Regardless of your speed or efficiency, this is a lot of work.

The simple fact is that very few, if any of us, are able to reply to every email in our inbox.

So how do you write a persuasive, effective email introduction that will get your recipients to respond? Consider the following tips and use the following email template examples:

eye-catching subject line

You can write the best email in the world, but if it's not read, you're wasting your time. Instead, start with a subject line that recipients can't resist clicking through .

If you send a cold email introduction, chances are the recipient won't know who you are. This makes your subject line even more important. Try to pique their interest by asking questions,

Or check out Robert Cialdini's Principles of Persuasion to learn more about the psychology of getting people to take the action you want.

Tailored Greetings

It's simpler than it sounds.

Start by using the recipient's name -- in the subject, greeting, or both. It might seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people ignore this essential part of email.

Not sure if you should use [first name] or [first name][last name]? The standard in most industries now is to use only first names in email greetings - [first name] [last name] gives the impression of being old-fashioned and insincere. Only use first names unless you have reason to believe that you should adopt a more formal tone in your email.

Another thing to remember is to always check that you spelled the recipient's name correctly (and that you didn't accidentally switch first and last names). It happens more often than you might think.

The second part of your custom greeting is a single word that you place before the recipient's name.

Should it be hi? should be dear? Hello?

While there's no real consensus on this, it's important to consider who you're emailing to and what industry they work in. If they work in an industry like law, they may prefer a more traditional greeting. If you're emailing someone in the music or fashion industry, you might want to take a lighter approach.

The formal stuff might be:

  • I hope everything is well for you
  • good afternoon
  • dear [name]

A more casual one might be:

  • Hello
  • hello
  • hello [name]

Introduction: About them

Remember, at this point, you're still trying to pique the recipient's interest. You can improve your odds of success by introducing them in the first line of the email body. Most emails start the introduction with "My name is [name] and I'm contacting...".

That's not about them. That's about you.

And it's boring.

Prove that you know who they are and what they do. You can refer to a recent blog post they wrote or talk about their past achievements.

Stay away from boilerplate lines that make you blatantly refer to something you've never seen or read. Most people will see right through it.

Why are you contacting them?

So your subject line, greeting, and opening have caught the recipient's attention, and they're still reading it.

Now, tell them why you contacted them.

Do your best to convey that this recipient is not just one in a huge contact list. Try to connect the dots between you and them and find common ground.

provide value

Robert Cialdini mentions the principle of reciprocity in his book The Principles of Persuasion:

"Simply put, people have an obligation to give back to others in the form of acts, gifts or services that they received in the first place.

If a friend invites you to their party, you are obligated to invite them to your future party. If a coworker does you a favor, then you owe that coworker a favor. In the context of social obligations, people are more likely to say yes to people they owe. "

Providing value in your introductory email is key, but you have to make sure it's genuine, unexpected, and personal.

what would you like?

Don't beat around the bush. Tell people directly what you want. They will appreciate honesty.

Simplicity and brevity are key. Don't use flashy language or long and complicated sentences. Keep things simple.

Tell them your request. and xxx

Include a call to action

Minimize friction and you're more likely to get the results you want. What you want to happen next may seem obvious to you, but that doesn't mean it's obvious to your recipient.

Great calls to action tell people exactly what you want them to do. Take a look at the techniques the best email marketers use - they can be just as effective in one-on-one emails. Even if you have different goals, the concept doesn't change.

Spell it out for them.

Tell them what you want them to do and make it as simple as possible.

How to say thank you

End your email with a sincere thank you. A study by Boomerang states that these eight thank you signatures are the best way to increase response rates.

  • Thanks in advance
  • thanks
  • thanks
  • cheers
  • kind regards
  • greeting
  • best wishes
  • the best

Of course, matching your signature to your recipient's industry is critical. Think again about whether you should make it formal, or keep it casual. The Gmail Signature Tool allows you to switch between different signatures depending on the context of your email.

Introduce your template in an email

How to Introduce Yourself in a Work Email

Your first impression is very important, especially when applying for jobs.

There are a few things you have to do right. First, emails should be polite, to the point, and confident.

Also, consider the tone of the email. It's an overlooked thing, but if it rhymes with the company's culture, it can give you a higher chance of success.

Some companies are too open and free. One example is Shutterstock, which offers employees a game room and open mic nights. In this case, keep your email tone upbeat and friendly. On the other hand, if it's a serious and professional company, keep it formal.

When done, please read the text several times to correct any errors. Most companies will doubt your competence when they encounter a grammatical error in your email. Use syntax extensions for brushes.

Here is an example of an introductory email for a job application:

Subject: Content Manager Job Application

Dear Mark John,

My name is Martin. A. I am applying for the Content Marketing Manager position at your company (name).

I am very excited about this role and believe that my skills and experience make me the best fit.

I have attached my resume, cover letter and a link to my website to support my application. If you have any questions about my application, please leave me a message.

I look forward to hearing from you.



New employee self-introduction email

You will write this email after successfully completing the interview process and being hired.

This is an introductory email to your new colleagues, primarily to your board or department. If you are hired for a senior position, this may apply to employees in all branches.

This type of email is uncommon, as most companies don't make announcements on an office-wide email on day one.

But in case that's the case, you want to be different about being the "cool" new coworker that everyone wants to hang out with.

There are a few things to keep in mind.

Keep it short and humble. You don't need a full novel for your achievement. Make it focus more on the company than you.

After sending the email, you will most likely be greeted by a new employee. Filling up your desk with anyone's snacks is a plus. It's a simple but powerful gesture that shows you how a team player you are.

Here is a sample employee introductory email template you can use on your first day on the job:

Dear colleagues,

My name is Martin. A and I recently joined (the company) as new content marketing managers.

I want to introduce myself to everyone and take this opportunity to express how excited I am to be joining the company at this time.

If you want to get in touch, please feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to getting to know you all and start working together.



Self-introduction email to team

The type of introductory email is somewhat similar to the email above. The only difference is that it narrows down from the entire organization to the teams you will work directly with or report to.

This means you need to provide them with more information. The length of the email depends on what you want to convey. However, you don't want to drop all your new plans, structures, strategies in one email.

Instead, treat them to coffee or lunch so you can get to know them better and then say what you want to say.

Keep your tone warm as this is the team you will be working closely with. You want to make positive connections early, before you meet.

Here is an example of a good email template:

Subject: I'm Your New Content Marketing Manager

Dear Content Marketing Team,

I know we were briefly introduced. I just wanted to send you a short message to let you know that I am ready and happy to work with you.

We won't change anything you've done before. We will only add a few things to improve our efficiency and achieve our goals as a team.

I'd be happy if we could have time for lunch and get to know ourselves better. Does Thursday 1:00 PM work for you? let me know.



Self-introduction emails to clients

Companies that have just hired may have clients they have been working with for a while. You want to maintain this relationship. That's the essence of this email.

The purpose is to let customers know that you will be their new contact, depending on your new role.

Make sure you follow the established rules when sending emails. Also, show enthusiasm and be optimistic about the future.

Here is an example of this email:

Subject: (Company's) New Content Marketing Manager.

Dear John,

My name is Martin. New Content Marketing Manager for A and (Company). I recently joined the company and will be taking over as the new contact for content marketing projects.

So if you have any need, please feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to help.

Once I'm done settling in (probably mid-next week), we can have a virtual meeting on Zoom to discuss how we're going to work together.

Let me know when you schedule a meeting. I look forward to talking with you.



Professional self-introduction email sample

After adjusting to a new company after a few days or weeks on the job, it's time to get down and write a professional introduction email.

In email, you want to be formal and follow the agreed rules. This tone is preferred because the recipient is more likely to be a professional you've never met before.

Here's an example of a pretty standard approach:

Subject: Martin. A. (Company) Content Marketing Manager.

Hi James Kingston

My name is Martin. A I am the new content marketing manager for (company). I would love to introduce myself to you and see how we have built a strong relationship between our two businesses.

Are you ready to take a Zoom call anytime next week? Please feel free to contact me to schedule a brief meeting.




Keep your introductory email short and to the point. Brevity is essential. Nobody wants a novel to land in their inbox.

Always check your spelling and grammar. Mistakes can make you look unprofessional, or worse, seem like you don't care about the recipient's time or attention.

If you frequently send emails from your phone, make sure you have "Send from iPhone" (or similar) messages turned off.

Don't hedge with phrases like "I think we should." These phrases will destroy you. Be confident. Use this tool to help display common hedge words.

Format your email for better readability. Use gist. Use bold and italics in the right places. Write as you would for the web.

Transform your most effective introductory emails in templates that you can insert and optimize with one click. Gmail intro templates will save you time while keeping your email communications consistent.

Ultimately, if you want to increase your response rate when sending cold emails or outreach emails introducing yourself, you need to stand out. That doesn't mean you have to be completely unique. A well-crafted introductory email that shows value and respects the recipient can grab their attention and get a response—even if it follows a template they may have seen before.


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