Convert LikeCoin to Taiwan Dollar on BitAsset Exchange

(Image above borrowed from LikeCoin Foundation)

This article was originally published on Shiori's Soul Corner@WordPress.

It has been recommended that you use LikeCoin as a reward (please refer to this article ). Today, LikeCoin can be traded on BitAsset. The previous exchanges were all English-language exchanges, and the accumulated LikeCoin was not enough. I just recently saw that the LikeCoin I accumulated was about to accumulate an amount equivalent to one hundred US dollars, so I decided to come today. Try BitAsset, which can be directly converted into Taiwan dollars, but I don’t know anything about various currencies, so I don’t understand it at all. I also suffered for a while when I applied for an electronic wallet. Fortunately, with the help of kind netizens, I decided to record the practice. .

First of all, you must apply for an electronic wallet. I use MetaMask, and many people have written about it, so I won't mention it.

To apply for an e-wallet, you can refer to this: Make your appreciation a substantial sponsorship: LikeCoin

Also remember to apply for the BitAsset exchange first. The application method is very simple, so I won't mention it. In addition, you can also fill in my application code: L8EH.

The first step is to prepare ETH as a transaction fee (Gas Fee) and recharge it into your MetaMask e-wallet. Because mine was kindly given to me by someone else, there is no relevant operation process. You can refer to the following article first. , he is using other exchanges to buy recharge.

How to turn your LikeCoin into Taiwan Dollars (middle): full graphic tutorial on transferring LIKE to LIQUID

or refer to this

#LikeCoin is super easy! Convert LikeCoin to Taiwan Dollar (BitAsset Exchange)

The steps of BitAsset are deposit and withdrawal of fiat currency → buy ETH with TWD → withdraw the currency to MetaMask.

The next step is to log in to your own e-wallet MetaMask, then you will see that it shows ETH, but we are going to change LikeCoin, so remember to change it!

Select Menu in the upper left corner and choose your LikeCoin instead.

At this time, you will see that the one to be converted has become the LikeCoin you own!

After selecting Send, you must fill in the address of the exchange you want to transfer, and each transaction transfer requires a little ETH, you can recharge first, buy a little from other exchanges and transfer it to your own e-wallet. (as in the first step mentioned above)

Go to BitAsset Exchange to see your LikeCoin wallet address. After logging in, select My Wallet→Recharge , select LikeCoin as the currency, copy the recharge address of LikeCoin, and fill in the To in the picture above.

After pressing Send, you can see the confirmation screen. If the Gas Fee (the transaction fee mentioned above) is not enough, it may fail, so do not enter an amount less than the recommended amount!

After the recharge is successful, you can see the record in the wallet.

Next, I will convert the LikeCoin in my wallet into spot, and select the funds to transfer. (Asset Center→My Wallet→Fund Transfer)

I chose to transfer all, but later found that the amount after the decimal point could not be sold, in fact, I could put it away.

The receiver goes to the spot transaction and sells the LikeCoin. It can be sold directly at the market price, or it can be sold at a high price such as limit trading.

The sold Likes can be directly converted into Taiwan dollars, and you can choose LIKE / TWD to sell. Or you can exchange it into BTC, and then sell the BTC and exchange it for Taiwan dollars. (I used to convert to high prices such as BTC before, and I also converted to BTC first in the picture, but the method is the same.)

After the sale, it will be New Taiwan Dollars! But at this time, we have to change it from the spot to the wallet before we can get it out.

The same choice of funds transfer ! Transfer from the spot account to my wallet , select TWD as the currency, and enter the transferable amount just after the sale.

After conversion, choose to withdraw (My Wallet → Withdraw), because there are too many currencies, you can choose to hide small assets, you can hide other currencies without any amount, and it is easier to find the currency you want to convert.

Finally, enter the bank account in Taiwan, and you can receive the cash in about three days, but remember to review the bank account first, otherwise you may have to wait an extra day or two.

After the bank has passed the review, it can be realized, and the bank information can be entered immediately.

After completing the steps, there will be pending data below!

Then just wait for it to be registered! In addition, BitAsset also has a mobile APP that can be used. I tried it and it is much easier to use than a computer. If you want to deal with it later, you can also use a mobile phone!

Because this article was originally written around March, I have recorded several earnings reports one after another, so please refer to it.
Get income from blog creation, LikeCoin usage impression and income report

LikeCoin one-month earnings report (20190601 ~ 20190630)

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