New Year's Memories (5)


The leisure activity in the countryside of Chiayi during the Chinese New Year is to explore around the hometown.

Mahjong 12 Xiaobian can play some but it's really weak. Every time I see what gambling gods and who will draw cards, I admire them~ Hahaha, but I really can't do this~

So I still prefer to run outside more, but there really isn't any store in our area. The nearest store has to walk for 20 minutes to find a tangerine shop (grocery store).
No other store

There is a fish pond just behind my hometown. There are many tilapia (Taiwan sea bream) in it. These fish do not need special care and grow well on their own.

I still remember that I wanted to play and asked my father for help to make a fishing rod. Dad helped me to use bamboo + fishing line and then use some fish liver as bait. Simple fishing tools were completed.

Then our group of children can fish all the way from the morning to the afternoon by the fish pond~
In the end, I harvested a large bucket of fish. The impression is that there are at most 30 fish, big and small, all of them are steamed and used as a dinner dish~~
It was really fun at the time! ! !
Super fun!

And go to the field to help dig potatoes (peanuts)
At the beginning, I was very serious about helping with digging. Later, I started to play. I knew that there were soil dragons (crickets) in the hole of the original soil.
A few of our children were very excited and started pouring water into it. We actually poured a few earth dragons and they were caught by us as soon as they came out.

It's really interesting to think about it now. When I was a child, I really liked to catch those insects that didn't exist. Thinking about it now, I feel a little sorry for them XD

New Year's Memories... To be continued

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