The company's BCP drill is reported by SMS

To put it simply, the company will send a text message to ask colleagues about the status of natural disasters and major accidents.

BCP (Business Continuity Plan) was launched to enable the company to confirm the safety of colleagues in the shortest possible time and provide necessary assistance when natural disasters (such as typhoons, earthquakes) and man-made disasters (serious accidents) occur.

Today, the new director suddenly said that everyone should make earthquake reports. I was wondering when there was an earthquake and how to report it? ? ?

After listening to my colleagues, I found out that there was a letter from the general affairs office telling everyone that BCP drills will be held this week.

But... fringe people I didn't receive QQ

I had to ask my colleague what he was doing, and the colleague sent me a screenshot of the text message~

It feels cool! But I don't know what to do, will the company send someone to rescue me? XDDD

But it was the first time I saw such an investigation method, and I felt it was new. It was indeed an information company~ advanced!


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