The third semi-annual report of the old cat LikeCoin validator

Finally, I would like to thank all the principals who support the old cat validator, and also thank many comrades for working together to appreciate the development of the Citizens Republic, thank you!

Data reporting, promotion

The commissioned data report, which had been written for more than a year, was discontinued in late February of this year. The main reason for stopping the writing is that the citizens of Matt City have a deeper understanding of the nature of the LikeCoin Chain and the entrusted data, and they are more proficient in making proposals and voting. The practical value is not as good as before, and it can be regarded as the completion of the historical task. I didn’t write the commission report, I originally planned to do some data analysis to appreciate Citizens 3.0, and the program was also written. I saw that @Uncle Xin made a related tool , which is very useful. contributed in other ways.

In addition to the data report, Lao Mao has also written some understandings and thoughts on the governance of the admiration of the civil republic recently. In addition, Lao Mao has been more involved in different blockchains recently, and he will share some of the validator's experiences and feelings with you when he has the opportunity. As for appreciating the proposals or other projects and activities of the Citizens Republic, Lao Mao will continue to publish articles to share and discuss.

During this period, Lao Mao started to post on Twitter and Medium, but it is still in the learning stage. Apart from sending Lao Mao validator-related information, the message of LikeCoin is of course Lao Mao’s focus. Since Lao Mao's Twitter target also includes English users, although there are not many followers now, it is hoped that the continuous promotion can contribute to the expansion of English users for LikeCoin. Discord (Kcat | Oldcat #1539), Liker Social and Matt City of course continue to use it.

Validator Service

Providing verification services for the block network is the core work of the validator. During the old cat period, the service remained stable without major errors. I asked myself for LikeCoin and the client. As for the participation in the proposal, including paying the deposit and voting, Lao Mao will of course continue to actively support it.

Lao Mao also participated in the established testnet Testnet-5 for the upgrade of LikeCoin chain to version 2.0. When the testnet is successfully upgraded, it will be upgraded on the mainnet. It is expected that the entire upgrade will be completed within this month. smooth and smooth.

CDC committee work

In the past six months, I appreciate the participation of Citizens Republic Kaikuai to develop LikeCoin users. I hope to appreciate that Citizens Republic is an organization jointly governed by LikeCoin holders. Through the participation, discussion and voting of LikeCoin holders, the implementation method and direction are determined. One of the directions is to propose a list of committee members of some working groups for all LikeCoin holders to vote on. According to Proposal 20, Lao Mao also serves as a member of the CDC committee, and CDC is mainly responsible for processing applications entrusted by the validator community. There are different opinions on the establishment of the CDC, during which the discussion is fierce and the smell of gunpowder is very strong. Lao Mao also wrote an article to share his views and explain the previous source. Friends who are interested in knowing more can refer to the related article. Since the term of office is one year, if there is no accident, if it is replaced or removed, the old cat will continue to serve in the next six months.

New Year's Airdrop Red Packet Activity

For the friends who entrust and support the old cat, the old cat is always grateful. In order to thank everyone and join in the fun, Lao Mao airdropped LikeCoin to Lao Mao’s LikeCoin client during this year’s Lunar New Year. There is no task, and it was sent directly to the wallet. Happy New Year with everyone, and stir up the atmosphere for the admiring Citizen’s Republic .

Free validator node management service

In the last report, it was said that a validator online level record was planned. In fact, the program and data are there, but after much thought, it was decided that it would not be used publicly. A validator is temporarily offline or does not produce blocks for different reasons. The technical level of the validator and the investment of resources are certainly a factor, but node maintenance, software regeneration or server adjustment, and even blockchain software flaws can also cause temporary offline. Or do not produce blocks on the blockchain, and secondly, it is different from the previous server architecture. In a decentralized environment, the verifier is temporarily offline or does not produce blocks. The blockchain has little impact, which is also decentralized. The beauty of transformation will not affect the operation due to the situation of individual validators, and it is also convenient for server maintenance. In addition, various tools for delegation and validators have also developed well. The official browsers of the LikeCoin team , Bigdipper , Bitsong Wallet , Omniflex Insync and Ping Explorer , etc. have their own characteristics . Ping Explorer can even see the online status of all validators. , In fact, there is no need for the old cat to continue the mink.

In fact, this kind of online level data is more important to node managers than general users. Since Lao Mao uses Zabbix system to monitor operating nodes, it can effectively monitor various technical and operational data conditions, and it is very convenient to manage, so Lao Mao will open it for free. LikeCoin verifiers apply for use, hoping to make it easier for LikeCoin verifiers in need to manage their own nodes, and at the same time to improve the operating quality of LikeCoin. To apply, you can directly DM me on Discord.

Finally, I would like to thank all the principals who support the old cat validator, and also thank many comrades for working together to appreciate the development of the Citizens Republic, thank you!


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老貓驗證人,愛閱讀、懶寫作。歡迎交流!Cosmos Validator like reading, Nice to meet you! Twitter / Telegram : oldcatv・Web:・Discord:Kcat | Oldcat#1539・Desmos : @oldcat・Liker Social : oldcat
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