Pastel | Coral Peekaboo


After I finished painting the seagulls, I immediately went on to practice the next one. After all, I got new materials. The excitement of wanting to draw one after another was irresistible. It urged me to open the Pixar album and choose another copy. .

This time, like the seagull, I chose the picture from Fing Nemo, but the difficulty is slightly higher (but I have confirmed with the teacher, it is the range that I can handle).

The difficulty of this piece is to make the coral look transparent and fluorescent.

When I draw, I keep thinking about the past. For a while, the illustrator asked us to practice drawing animals. Once we drew a sea angel in the water. The teacher reminded us that "the trick to drawing transparency is to have a dark background." Dare to start, but after the background was painted, the body was too shallow, and it took a long time to make up and finally failed.

Let me show you the black history XD

It's more like glowing than transparent, but he's a "sea angel" anyway, a bit of a sacred halo should be okay XD

In short, remembering the lesson from the last time, this time I kept telling myself that it would be just right to paint the color first, and then paint the background at the end, but it was actually a little scary.

Because it really looks dirty, I'm afraid of the fuzzy colors, so I have to keep mentally building myself: "It doesn't matter, just paint the background black enough, and if it really doesn't work, the pastels are easy to wipe off."

Fortunately, the final effect is not bad. After the background is painted black, the whole coral is lit up.

When I was painting, my classmate in the studio came over and told me that he had seen another classmate cut off the pastel paint with a utility knife and spread it directly on the paper (that classmate was considered the best pastel painting by the teacher, but he has been busy for a long time recently. I didn't come), this technique is too hard to imagine how to operate it in practice, but unfortunately I haven't touched pastel when she was there, otherwise I feel like I can learn some secretly XD

The raised white spots on the coral were added with white pastel after the base color was all painted, but they disappeared after spraying the glue.

The effect of white spots is much worse, only the heaviest white spots are left, and the others are gone.

It was a bit of a failed experiment, but fortunately, I took a picture of his most beautiful appearance when I just finished painting. It seems that it is safer to leave it blank in the future.

Finally, let everyone appreciate his most beautiful appearance. (The last picture must be put in this, and leave the best memory to everyone XD)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

洛洛插畫學徒、愛貓人,願望是不要成為無聊的大人。 🐿插畫粉專 Lomia Illustration 🍄插畫Instagram
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