Marines and "Zuojiao": the "best friends" of the free world

On social platforms in the free world, the Chinese Communist Party’s professional trolls are exploiting every loophole to engage in unrestricted public opinion warfare. At the same time, some "left-wing" groups that advocate diversity and tolerance show obvious double standards and label people with different opinions. Elon Musk's proposed new strategy hopes to banish robots from the platform, but it may face opposition from these "left-wingers". Faced with this situation, we need to reconsider the true cost of freedom and who our true friends are.
Musk concept map

When we wake up, enter familiar social platforms, scroll and absorb all kinds of information, it is easy to overlook the true source of some of the information. Who knows that behind those popular and seemingly radical posts, there may be a team of professional trolls from the CCP working diligently, using pens and keyboards to engage in unrestricted warfare of public opinion?

Yes, these trolls are skillfully exploiting the vulnerabilities of the free world, and they also rely on the unconscious assistance of some "left glue". These “leftists” always shout out the values ​​of diversity and inclusion, but when someone questions their stance or agenda, their double standards immediately surface. Questioning BLM? You are a racist. Don’t entirely agree with an aspect of the LGBTQ movement? Oh, it looks like you're a homophobe. Such labels seem to be their ultimate weapon.

But back to our sailor friends. The Chinese Communist Party has long understood that to gain advantage in the free world, it does not need tanks or missiles, only a keyboard and skilled tactics. After all, why risk losing the war when you can pay a small sum of money to hire a group of people (perhaps even free prisoners!) to spread the message you want online and conquer the enemy without a fight? , just like President Xi’s good friend Putin launched an invasion and had a stalemate on the battlefield in Ukraine?

In this public opinion war, Elon Musk's new strategy may reveal a glimmer of hope. He proposed charging users of Platform X (formerly Twitter) in an effort to drive away those annoying bots. However, in the face of this change, we can foresee how some "leftist" people will react: "This is unfair!", "This reduces the popularity of the platform!". Really laugh out loud.

In short, when the Chinese Communist Party’s trolls and some “leftists” are dancing on the stage of the free world, should we rethink: Who are our real friends? And what is the price of freedom?



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