I am a "killer", an air-conditioning worker, and a security guard on the night shift at a five-star hotel | Wu Nan's Column

Cheng Li didn't think about the future for too long. He felt that the identity of "killer" was probably what supported him to live day after day.
 In April 2022, I bought an air conditioner for my parents' house. Unexpectedly, there was a mistake when dispatching the task order in the background of the online mall. At the same time, two groups of workers contacted me. I thought later that I might have met a liar, right? So leave a message to the mall customer service. Unexpectedly, the first worker who contacted me soon called and added me on WeChat. He said on WeChat that this matter was left to him to handle. After about an hour, the worker told me that he had already coordinated and that he would come to my house to install the air conditioner at noon tomorrow. I asked him what his name was, and he said his surname was Cheng.

That's how I met Cheng Li, a 34-year-old man who installs air conditioners during the day and works as a security guard in a five-star hotel at night. Cheng Li's name looks very special. According to him, it's just a spelling of his parents' surnames, which is very casual. Cheng Li told me that he really has something unique, "I am a 'killer'." He winked after speaking. It turns out that Cheng Li likes to watch movies about killers. He often fantasizes that he is performing tasks, which will make life less rigid and boring. After listening to it, I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't.

Text | Wu Nan

Air-conditioning installers, like those killers, are paid only once they complete an order. If they are not completed, they will not be paid even if they arrive at the location. "Killer", Cheng Li secretly called himself this title in his heart, but he dared not say it out loud. He imagined every time he received a dispatch as a plot in a movie, and he himself was a well-trained person who carried out the task. When Cheng Li talked about this idea with his wife, his wife looked at him, and then said, "I'm sick." After a while, she said, "How old are you!"

Cheng Li is from Anhui, as is his wife. The two came out of their hometown, and did not go north, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen like the fellow villagers.

Anhui people do a lot of decoration. If you go to a big city, you will suffer more and earn more. After graduating from vocational high school, Cheng Li worked as a worker in Shenzhen for two years. He spent ten hours standing next to a lathe, and two of those hours were required by the factory to work overtime every day. Lie directly on the workshop floor during the lunch break.

After Cheng Li got married, he discussed with his wife and came to the Northeast. The pace of life in Anhui is not fast, nor is the Northeast. And there is heating in winter, which is much more comfortable than in Anhui. But in the Northeast, Cheng Li wants to do more free work, and also hopes to learn some skills quickly. Compared with decoration, air conditioner installers are obviously easier to get started in a short period of time and do it independently.

Cheng Li’s idea seems right at first glance, but I don’t quite understand it. “You can learn to decorate while doing air-conditioning installation!” Many Anhui people do decoration, which is very common in Northeast China. For example, the oil workers, I often heard that the oil workers in Anhui are very good. Cheng Li looked at me like he was looking at a fool. "It takes at least one year for a decoration oil worker to do a small job. If you want to install an air conditioner, one month is enough. And how can you do a small job during the day and install an air conditioner at night? It's not safe if you don't learn well."

Cheng Li's wife does housekeeping and can guarantee the time to pick up and drop off the two children, while Cheng Li earns money to support the family. He needs a qualification certificate to work as an air-conditioning installer. Cheng Li attaches great importance to this point, and was a little nervous before the research. It's not that I'm afraid that I won't pass the exam, but I'm afraid that without this certificate, if something goes wrong, it will cause trouble.

What could go wrong? Air conditioning installation belongs to work at heights. The key to ensure the firmness of the air conditioner is the expansion bolt. There is basically no problem with the expansion bolts, and the problem is most likely to occur during the installation of the expansion bolts. In addition to the first floor, there is a risk of falling objects above the second floor. The falling objects in Cheng Li's mouth also include falling people. Therefore, most air conditioner installers work in teams of two. We can help each other. For example, when installing air conditioners in multi-storey old houses, it is often necessary to remove the glass of the windows. Most of the windows are large glass one meter square, which cannot be done by one person alone. In addition, the external air conditioner is relatively heavy. One person goes out to install it, and the other person needs to use straps to hold the machine and workers.

Cheng Li should have a good face, and he has been emphasizing to me that he does not want to form a team with others. It also explained that the wages need to be divided in half. After knowing each other for almost nine months, he said that it was not because of money.

It was still in 2015. When installing an air conditioner in an old house on the second floor, the air conditioner was not tied up. When it was hung from the room to the outside, coupled with strong winds, I don’t know whether it was Cheng Li or a colleague who did not support the air conditioner. The casing of the outdoor unit hit the outer wall, the casing was cracked, and a tile on the wall fell off.

Cheng Li is usually responsible for the installation of the plug-in machine, because he is smaller and lighter. That day was no exception. This is a house that is nearly twenty years old. The windows are not too small. It was a bit difficult to remove the glass, for fear of cracking the more than twenty-year-old plastic-steel window frames. Cheng Li never thought that it wasn't the window frame that was cracked. The straps on the external phone were scratched by the guardrail outside the window. Cheng Li was afraid of squeezing his hands, so he dodged to one side, and the external phone was cracked like this. If it is pursued so strictly, the colleague responsible for placing the straps in the room is also responsible.

If it is resolved through normal channels, Cheng Li and his companions will indeed need to compensate. But there is actually another way. As long as the customer contacts the customer service and says that the plug-in machine was broken when it was unpacked, it can be replaced with a new one for free. Everyone is happy and relaxed. Such cases are rare, but not uncommon. Many times, workers who transport home appliances deal with damage to home appliances during transportation in this way.

But that day's client was very awkward and refused to cooperate with Cheng Li. Therefore, Cheng Li and his companions were required to compensate the client out of their own pockets. When it was time to pay, Cheng Li's partner didn't want to bear the liability for the 1,000 yuan compensation, thinking that Cheng Li hadn't helped the machine outside the window. Cheng Li's Mandarin is very poor. He can speak in tongues when he is in a hurry. The companion is a northerner. After quarreling with him for a few words, he said that he couldn't understand what he said. Cheng Li yelled a few words, but his colleague stared at him helplessly with a half-smile. Cheng Li suddenly shut up.

Cheng Li understood at that moment that no matter what he said, the other party would not agree to lose money with him. It was Cheng Li who paid the money that day. There was originally another work order that afternoon, but Cheng Li insisted on calling the manager in charge of dispatching the order, saying that he would not go with the rest of the order. The manager is a woman who has been working for more than ten years. She is very understanding of the world, and she probably saw a lot of conflicts between the air-conditioning installers. Other workers pass by.

That night, Cheng Li went home and watched Matt Damon's "The Bourne" series hard. From this moment on, he decided to become a loner "killer".

In August 2022, the evening heat was overwhelming. Cheng Li, who was less than 20 minutes away from completing the last order, turned the steering wheel to the right with sweaty palms, allowing the second-hand Wuling miniature to slide into the driveway of the five-star hotel. The curved lane is twice as wide as Wuling, so Cheng Li's movements look extraordinarily smooth, as if he is in a movie.

Cheng Li couldn't park the Wuling in the garage on the second floor, but had to go down one floor to the third floor and find a parking space as close to the side as possible. The parking space he chose today is in the corner, next to the garbage sweeper. The price of this sweeper is probably a little more expensive than his Wuling.

Cheng Li looked calm, but he was actually sweating from anxiety. Already late. Although before rushing over, he didn't even have time to eat dinner. This is his second job as a night shift security guard in this big hotel. Cheng Li looked around, and there was no vehicle coming in at this time. So, he slid open the rear door of Wuling, took off the T-shirt commonly known as the "old man's shirt" on his body, rolled it up, wiped his neck, armpits, and back, and threw it on his back. Cheng Li bowed his waist, pulled out a white short-sleeved shirt, and put it on. The shirt was also wetly attached to the skin, like snakeskin, which made Cheng Li feel a little awkward. He looked down at his pants, hesitated for a few seconds, and took them off. Quickly put on the black trousers. What came to Cheng Li's mind was a scene from a movie:

In an underground garage, a seemingly ordinary killer changed into a shirt and trousers. His role today is a waiter in a western restaurant. At this moment, the underground garage is very empty, and the killer's footsteps are firm and rhythmic...

The sound of vehicles approaching broke Cheng Li's fantasy. In fact, the white shirt and black trousers on the body are all issued by this five-star hotel. The deposit is 200 yuan. They are airtight, but they dry quickly after washing. Apparently Cheng Li was not as calm as the killer in his fantasy, put the car key into the keyhole, locked Wuling, and ran to the elevator.

When Cheng Li ran to the basement floor, the captain was already standing by the driveway. Cheng Li knew that the captain had seen him, but the captain ignored him and saluted the approaching vehicles instead. Cheng Li trotted and stood beside the captain, shook his body, and said in a low voice while saluting, "I'm still alive." The captain snorted. Cheng Li was a little worried. He was afraid that he would be fined twenty yuan for being late. Cheng Li looked at the captain's expressionless face and comforted himself in his heart. If he was a well-trained killer, he would definitely endure such a situation. After all, "executing the mission" is the most important thing.

Of course the security captain didn't know about the inner drama of Cheng Li who imagined himself as a killer at the moment. Cheng Li's attitude changed, he was not in a hurry. How could the killer be in a hurry! Cheng Li felt in his trousers pocket, took out a small red box, and stuffed it into the captain's trousers pocket. "What are you doing!" The captain was anxious, speaking with an accent. "I don't smoke, you smoke if you smoke." Cheng Li smiled and gave the captain the box of "Nanjing" that the client gave him during the day.

Being a security guard is only Cheng Li's second job. During the day, he works as an air conditioner installer. Cheng Li is not the only air-conditioning installer with a second career. Having a second job is like standard equipment for air-conditioning installers.

The technical difficulty of air-conditioning installers is not as great as operating machine tools or vehicle maintenance. In addition, work tasks are linked to income. In the off-season, air-conditioning installers will find some "second jobs" within their capabilities, such as doing geothermal cleaning and making goods. For delivery, there are courier brothers. Cheng Li chose to be a security guard. He felt the job was more "stable".

In addition to a second job, an air-conditioning installer comes standard with a car. Of course, each air-conditioning installer drives a different car, representing their personality and life. Cheng Li likes to judge his colleagues by the car.

Most of those who drive cars have families. He knows two or three cars that drive Nissan, Toyota, and Hyundai. They are all white, fuel-efficient and versatile. They can pick up and drop off children, and they can also attend parties. Even for a compact sedan, the trunk is large enough to hold tools for installing the air conditioner.

Those who drive SUVs are mostly unmarried young men. Pay attention to some face-to-face. But it is usually not a joint venture brand, and domestically produced Haval is the most. Blue is the most common color, followed by red and white. It's bright, has personality, holds tools, and hangs out. The price is only 20,000 to 30,000 more expensive than a car.

Occasionally, I will meet people who drive a business seven-seater car. Cheng Li didn't understand, why would there be an air conditioner installer driving this kind of car? Maybe it's the usual ride?

It seems like no air conditioner installer doesn't drive a car. Otherwise, wandering around the whole city, carrying a large bag of tools, is heavy, and there is no time. When the construction period is busy, less than 20 minutes may be scheduled between the previous job and the next job. If you ride an electric bike, it’s a trivial matter not to reach the customer’s home. If the customer complains impatiently, it will be troublesome.

As for Cheng Li himself, the main reason for driving a second-hand Wuling is that he is from Anhui. Although I am working in the Northeast now, I may leave at any time. Buying a car worth more than 50,000 to 60,000 yuan will depreciate the value of the car in the future. On the contrary, this second-hand car is only more than 10,000 yuan. It is resistant to manufacturing, and it will not feel bad if it is sold in the future.

Cheng Li likes to analyze cars, probably because he is a security guard. Of course, he would also fantasize from time to time, if the owners of these cars were also "killers", what type would they be? He usually likes to watch movies, and what he watches are action genres. Cheng Li found that this put him at odds with other colleagues. "Others use Douyin, who has the patience to watch movies!" Cheng Li prefers Matt Damon's movies, but he doesn't have Matt Damon's figure and skill.

Speaking of figure, the head of the security guard didn't think much of him at the interview. Said that his image is not good enough, he can't be the security guard commanding the vehicles on the ground, and can only command the vehicles on the negative floor. Cheng Li wondered, what's wrong with his image? Cheng Li looks a bit aggressive, with squinted eyes, a broad face, and pockmarked face. The security captain said, "Anyone who sees you wants to stay away."

So in the movie of being a security guard, the "star" Cheng Li only has one line, "Hello! This floor is full!"

Cheng Li got into trouble within a week of being a security guard. It was a Ferrari. It was past eleven o'clock at night, and it was driving to the negative floor, and it happened that Cheng Li was on duty. Cheng Li saw that there was a vacant space in one of the main parking spaces, so he stopped the Ferrari.

The so-called "main parking space" is a secret name. Such parking spaces are relatively close to the elevator entrance, or relatively close to the hotel entrance. Compared with other parking spaces, it is wider and more convenient for parking. In addition, the lights above the parking spaces are also brighter.

At that time, Cheng Li didn't know the meaning of the main parking spaces. He didn't know why there were always cars parked in these parking spaces until he worked as a security guard for a month. The cars are likely to belong to frequent hotel guests. But that night when another Ferrari drove by, the driver saw a Ferrari parked in the main parking space, waved his hand and called Cheng Li over, "Let him move the car in that parking space."

Cheng Li was stunned, isn't this random parking? Why let others move it? Besides, aren't both cars Ferraris? There is no difference between which car is good and which car is not good. But the captain ran over, nodded and bowed, "He is new here, he doesn't know the rules, so he gave your parking space to someone else. He can't tell you a luxury car like you. I will find you a parking space. You will use it tomorrow Find me when you are in the car, I will drive over for you, do you think it will work?"

The driver wanted to say something, but a man in the back row said in a low voice, "That's it! Be careful next time." The captain hurriedly bowed and thanked. The man who got on and off the Ferrari seemed to be wearing ordinary clothes, and he didn't even carry a bag. Cheng Li didn't know why the captain was so polite to him. It was later learned that some main parking spaces are exclusive. After the car drives away, the security will block the parking space and prevent other cars from using it.

Cheng Li looked down on the captain's face in his heart, but why didn't he himself? It is not so much a kind of respect as a kind of self-preservation. He remembers telling him a truth in Angelina Jolie's "Wanted Order": If you are not good at learning, you will be bullied. This "fine" should also include "smart".

It was not Cheng Li who was on duty that time, but at the morning meeting before being laid off the next day, the captain emphasized this matter. During the day shift the day before, the right rear door of a Mercedes scraped the front bumper of another car. The two car owners had a bad attitude and refused to admit their responsibility. After arguing for more than ten minutes, there was a stalemate. In the end, the security guard was blamed, saying that the security guard did not pay attention to the lookout when commanding. The security guard argued that he had no command, but the car owner did not listen. The security guard said in an almost pleading voice that he couldn't afford to pay for the car. In the mouth of the security captain, he was like a hero who fell from the sky and told the two drivers that he could retrieve the surveillance and provide it to the two car owners.

"The following is the important point." The captain emphasized, "I told the two car owners that they are all distinguished guests of our hotel, so I will burn the garage video during this period into two CDs and provide them with it. If they need it, the security guard will You can help call the police." Then the captain asked, "Do you understand?" The captain said that what the guests need is respect. And respect is in the attitude of the security guards. "Even if you are acting, you have to perform for me!" The morning meeting was a little long that day, but the captain was very satisfied.

Since then, Cheng Li has acquired a secret habit. During the day, when he works as an air-conditioning installer, he sticks a Bluetooth video camera to his tool bag. He bought it online for more than 100 yuan, and the 32G memory can store three or four days of video. Cheng Li didn't have this habit before he became a security guard.

He also went back to teach his wife. Due to the control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Cheng Li's wife almost lost her housekeeping work, and found a job as a building cleaner. The work of building brush workers is divided into high-level and multi-layer. There are not many glass buildings. Generally, the residents of a building jointly paint the outside of the glass windows. Cheng Li's wife is timid and unskilled at the beginning, she hangs in the air and often does not brush cleanly. Cheng Li told her that if the brush is not clean, the attitude will be better. As long as the customer does not deduct money, they can say whatever they like.

Cheng Li sometimes thinks, what do those killers in the movie do when they have no mission? Should live like a rich man. But how do rich people live? Cheng Li didn't know. When he was looking for a job as a night shift security guard in a five-star hotel, he was looking for a salary of 4,500 a month, and the arrangement of one day off and one day off. He thought that on the day of rest, he could completely "metabolize" his fatigue, and he could also use this opportunity to learn about the lives of rich people.

Cheng Li got a new white shirt and pants on his first day at work. This is something Cheng Li would never buy with his own money, nor is it something he usually wears. But it looks a bit like a killer in clothes, this freshness made Cheng Li happy and convinced himself a little.

At that time, Cheng Li used to use the working rhythm of the night shift janitor to speculate on this job. I don't blame him either, Cheng Li was born in 1990, although I guessed from his appearance that he was the same age as me, a middle-aged man in his early forties. But although there are many luxury cars in the garage, life cannot be seen. Everyone hurried upstairs after parking their cars.

I want to experience Cheng Li's night shift. It will be a very interesting adventure if I meet an arrogant and unreasonable rich man. So I told him to send him some supper at night. Cheng Li immediately panicked, "How can this work! If the captain finds out about this, he will fire me." His tone seemed to suggest that I had too much to do.

Later, Cheng Li seemed a little embarrassed, and told me that they also had three meals for the night shift there, and the food was pretty good, so there was no need for a supper. When Cheng Li worked as a security guard for almost three months, the security guards on the same shift saw that Cheng Li was very active as soon as it was time to eat, and secretly told him that these meals were extra ingredients when customers ordered meals, plus A late-night snack made of unusable ingredients.

There are nearly 30 people in each shift of a five-star hotel, which is different from the chain express hotels where the front desk adds up to only five people. The team of 30 people is divided into five or six departments. Although the salary is not particularly high, it takes care of three meals Coupled with the working environment that does not require wind and sun, Cheng Li is quite satisfied.

"You can't understand why I like this job so much. Because it's a job to go to work. Do you understand? You can go to work." When Cheng Li told me this, I was sitting in his car. This car only has warm air, no air conditioning. There was also a sweaty smell mixed with rust, which made me uncomfortable.

"This is a job of 'going to work'." It took me a long time to understand what Cheng Li meant. At that time, Cheng Li couldn't hold back me, so he took me to see the place where he worked.

In the corner of the three-storey underground garage, there was a long and narrow room, so narrow that only a bed could be placed, and there was no aisle. "Go to bed as soon as you open the door." Cheng Li joked. There were at least four security guards on duty at the same time. In other words, only one person can rest in this room, and the other three people must be on duty in the garage. Although few customers came to the garage in the middle of the night, and the garage was warm in winter and cool in summer, it was exhausting to stand all night.

During the day, Cheng Li does not have such a fixed place of work. I can only rely on my mobile phone to pick up the work, then contact the customer, and rush over to the location sent by the customer. Security at night is a job with shifts and a fixed work location. This is different from the air conditioner installers who run around every day. Cheng Li cherishes it very much.

But Cheng Li also found flaws in those killer movies, "Why don't they fail every time?" Even Cheng Li often encounters unexpected situations when installing air conditioners for customers, let alone the "killer" in the movie.

Before Cheng Li came to install the air conditioner in my parents' house, he called twice to confirm. The first time was the evening of the previous day, and the second time was before departure. He was worried about running empty. Cheng Li said that from time to time there will be changes in customers, and he will not be notified to let him rush. "Mission failed." Cheng Li smiled.

When he called for the second time, Cheng Li said that he would arrive in about half an hour. I looked at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, and I rushed over in a hurry, and it was time for lunch. I asked him to eat lunch first, and then call me, our family is not so anxious. Cheng Li sounded a little happy on the other end of the phone. In fact, I hope that he will fill his stomach so that he will not be fooled in a hurry because of hunger when he is working.

Sometimes tasks also have variables. When the air conditioner was installed, it was July and the weather was hot. Cheng Li guessed that the customer didn't want him to use the water cup at home, and there was no disposable paper cup, so the customer went downstairs to buy water. How did I know that the key was broken in the keyhole when I got home.

"Maybe it was because I bought water that the key was broken. And the key was broken in the lock, and the chain head was also scrapped." Cheng Li felt that the customer was very unlucky. He didn't dare to take the water handed over by the customer. But obviously the client didn't want to let this matter spread to him, so he lost his temper with Cheng Li. Tell him that he will be uneasy today, and he will find someone to change the lock.

Cheng Li put the unpacked air conditioner back into the cardboard box with some depression. Cheng Li, who walked into the elevator, had another image in his mind: the killer walked up to the roof with an unremarkable luggage bag. The pouches always contained state-of-the-art weapons, which the killer would deftly assemble on the roof.

Cheng Li was also carrying the same bag, but it was filled with various tools for installing the air conditioner, such as drilling machines, extension pipes, expansion bolts, air conditioner racks... and even a wire tray. When Cheng Li was alone in the elevator, he couldn't help but say to himself, "Today's mission failed."

But when Cheng Li saw the mobile phone number of the female manager displayed on the mobile phone, the first thing he thought of was that he had been complained by a customer. Except for complaints, the manager will not take the initiative to contact himself. Now even the payment of salary is done online, and there is no need to meet face-to-face. Cheng Li has more opportunities to meet clients than managers.

But the manager asked him straight to the point, can he go to Taiyuan for a business trip? The brand side needs to install air conditioners, about 300 units, and it will take two weeks. Cheng Li can earn a small 10,000 this week. Faced with this reward, Cheng Li was immediately moved. "However," the manager said again, "you need to drive there by yourself, and you also need to bring a master. The two of you can work together, or you won't be able to finish the job." Cheng Li looked at his second-hand Wuling, thinking about how to drive the car to Taiyuan. Come back, it is estimated that it will be scrapped, right? But the manager's sentence of "reimbursement of fuel expenses" was exchanged for Cheng Li's answer of "go".

After Cheng Li and his wife explained, they asked for leave with the security captain, and of course they needed a pack of cigarettes. He drove to Taiyuan according to the navigation, only to find that it was not in the city. There are hundreds of rooms in buildings awaiting completion in this remote area, most of which require air conditioning. The auxiliary materials that Cheng Li will use need to be pulled from the brand site in Taiyuan City.

When they arrived at the site, the person in charge of the brand was quite surprised, "Did you send a work order? You can't be a white wolf with empty hands, just come up and ask me for things." Cheng Li explained by using the "killer" plot in the movie, "When performing tasks Another site is required to cooperate, so provide your own identification documents."

After Cheng Li contacted the female manager, the female manager said that she was in charge of communication. But for the next two days, the manager did not contact Cheng Li. Cheng Li didn't receive the ingredients either. He and his companion stayed in a nearby hotel. I slept until ten o'clock in the morning and went out to eat. Stay at the hotel in the afternoon. On the second day, Cheng Li and his companions went out to eat, and each person still got a bowl of noodles and a bottle of beer.

The noodle shop is just downstairs from the hotel. When Cheng Li went to the front desk to pay the bill and came back, his companion handed him a card. A phone number is printed on it. "What is this?" Cheng Li didn't understand. "The woman who ate at the next table just handed it to me." The companion said. Cheng Li understood immediately, but he returned the card to his companion, "If you like it, just get in touch!" The companion smiled.

Cheng Li didn't know if his companion had gone to find this woman. Cheng Li went to bed early that day on purpose. Early the next morning, Cheng Li received a call from the manager, asking him and his companions to install an air conditioner in a hotel. "What about here?" Cheng Li didn't understand. "Don't worry about it." The manager seemed a little impatient on the phone. Cheng Li thought later that maybe this task was more sought-after and was taken away by others. Cheng Ligang hung up the phone, and his companion came in with a pancake. Things like finger cakes have become street food that can be seen all over the country. "He used to not be able to afford to buy breakfast early." Cheng Li thought to himself, but didn't ask anything.

In the next half month, Cheng Li and his companions will go to a hotel to dismantle the air conditioners, clean and inspect them, and then send them to another hotel for installation. This job is considered dirty. Compared with the previous installation of a new air conditioner, it is equivalent to doing it twice. Usually dismantling the air conditioner does not need to be so meticulous, but such dismantling and reinstallation requires more care. The efficiency will naturally be low, although each air conditioner costs an extra 20 yuan for disassembly.

The hotel's air conditioners and beds are often circulated between hotels. Even if it is a newly opened hotel, most of them are second-hand, third-hand, fourth-hand, and air-conditioning. When Cheng Li entered the air-conditioned hotel, he found many beautiful rooms inside. Although the "beautiful" in Cheng Li's mouth is just to use wall paintings to make starry sky, seaside or Miffy rabbit, but I was very happy when I walked in. Before even opening the door, he would ask himself in his heart, what is this house like? Which one will your wife and children like?

Cheng Li has never traveled with his wife and children for so many years. Their longest trip was to return to Anhui from Shenyang by train. But Cheng Li thought that in the future, he might be able to drive back to Anhui from Shenyang with his wife and children, and he could choose a hotel to stay along the way. This is the inspiration for Cheng Li from this "business trip". And during this business trip, he was a little surprised that he rarely thought of the "killer". Could it be that the identity of a "killer" was silently and forcefully given to him by the big city?

Cheng Li didn't think about the future for too long. He felt that the identity of "killer" was probably what supported him to live day after day. After all, Cheng Li is a "killer" who has installed air conditioners in hotels and worked as a night shift security guard in five-star hotels.

This article comes from Sandwich Author's Column Wu Nan's Column

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24-year-old tower crane driver with a daily salary of 260 yuan

Yang Labor, the owner of the car wash shop

He works as customer service at the 24-hour gym

In Shenyang, a noodle shop is a paradise for common people

The 70-year-old woman who got her haircut in the morning market

When an AIDS patient is diagnosed with the new crown

On the assembly line, no ice cream will be wasted

In order to get an extra credit card, he took me in overnight

A female security guard with a monthly salary of 1985 yuan, and her "security studies"

A female auxiliary policeman escorting murderers earns 2,700 yuan a month



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