hamster voice

This article describes the sounds produced by hamsters and how their owners feel.

Most people will want to have pets to heal themselves, furry and cute,

Hamsters are cute, do you think hamsters are quiet?

not at all.

Because I have raised cats with my colleagues before, I know that hamsters are really quiet compared to other dogs and cats.



Hamsters can make sounds, mainly by the vibration of the abdomen.

"Fuck, bang, bang!"

Before I raised hamsters, I had never heard the mouse make a sound. I was really shocked when I heard it. It is hard to describe this sound. It feels different from squeaking.

Because the mouse has no expression, she will use a scary voice to tell me that she is scared or angry.

Every time I heard her make this sound, she faced me with a blank face again. This contrast made me think she was so cute.

When Rat Mouse was young, her voice could be heard throughout the living room, but now that she is an older Rat, her voice is not so loud.

Playing with sand in the sand house, there will be a "rustling" sound,

It is said that the hamster evolved from the gerbil, so the mouse likes to play with sand. Every time I add new sand in the sand house, she will kick, kick, dig and dig in the sand house, which seems to be very interesting.

But...that rust was in the purple hut to be used as a rat toilet (sort of like cat sand).

But she was having a good time.

When a small nest is arranged in the hut, there will be the sound of "Paz, Paz, dong dong, zizizi" ,

Every time this voice appears, I am very curious about how she arranged it, and it feels very intense.

When excavating the bedding material, the sound of "Shadz, Shadz" will appear.

Sometimes when a hamster digs, it is not necessarily to make a nest, it may be hiding food, or digging up the food that she had hidden before, and sometimes I don't understand what she is digging.

When picking the paper roll, there will be a "swipe" sound.

One of the characteristics of my hamster is that when it comes into contact with paper-related products, whether it is a roll or a carton, it will definitely open a hole, which is full of magic paper products.

Hamster grooming basically makes no sound most of the time, unless her short legs touch the acrylic wall of the organizer, there will be a "da da da da da" sound, which is very rhythmic sense.

When a hamster bites sunflower seeds, there will be a sound of "ke rub, ke rub, ke rub" to remove the shell. This should be the most common sound. Every time I hear this sound, it makes me want her to eat more.

When hamsters chew vegetables that are more watery and crunchy, they will make a "ZizZZZZ" sound.

Especially when it comes to cucumbers, the sound of "fuck it" is particularly obvious!

The first time I heard it, I was startled, but after thinking about it carefully, when people eat it, there will also be a sound of "fuck it" , which is not surprising for hamsters.

When I hear the sound of mice eating, I always feel very healed.

When Squirrel drinks water, there will be a sound of rolling balls "da da da da" .

This voice is also very loud. When this voice occurs, I will go over to find her, because hamsters rarely get up during my work and rest time, do they want to eat vegetables? Or eat sunflower seeds? Then take a sneak peek.

Occasionally, it still makes me think that she made these sounds deliberately, and it has the meaning of calling people a bell.

"I've come out, slave, give me some vegetables to eat!"

Although I purchased the silent roller, the hamster running roller still has a "rumble" sound.

Usually, in order not to disturb her, I don't keep moving the items inside. I only test the smoothness of the rotation of the rollers when I clean her acrylic organizer . The sound must be used to confirm that there is a problem with the roller. Most of the time, the roller and the bracket are not tightened tightly.

Some trivial sounds of hamsters sometimes feel a little disturbing, but she is so small, if she does not make a little sound, it will make me think she is a little angel in the sky~ Hearing these sounds will make me feel sense of security.

*The photo was first published in Cheongte .


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