The history of a chat software


In 1999, an instant messaging software "QQ" was launched, and it welcomed tens of thousands of users in just a few months. This was not easy in an era when the Internet was not so popular.

In the fifth year, Tencent launched "QQ Games". At this time, the number of QQ registered users has increased to 200 million. You must know that the number of Internet users in the country at that time was 60 to 70 million. Tencent in those two years can be said to be Wind and water.

I remember I was around 2008-10. At that time, there was already a mobile QQ, but it seemed to have only one function: chat, but at that time, I thought QQ was too good, because we needed instant messaging too much.

QQ has also launched various functional services such as QQ Zone, QQ Show, and Yellow Diamond, Red Diamond, and Blue Diamond. In 2010, QQ can be said to have ushered in its peak. Basically, no software can match it. The number of user registrations, simultaneous online Data like the number of users is pretty nifty.

From my personal point of view, I stopped using QQ around 2015, and started to use WeChat a lot, and WeChat has ushered in its own era. The two were still in constant competition at first.

These two instant messaging software give me the feeling that WeChat is simple and simple, and QQ is bells and whistles. As far as the mobile version of the software is concerned, the fluency of WeChat should be much better than that of QQ, probably because QQ contains too many functions and the loading speed is too slow. Feel the difference between the two.

Those QQ shows and diamond-filled services have indeed made the company a lot of money, but it is still not a long-term solution for user needs. After all, almost no one will continue to spend money for some virtual products.


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