9 Instagram Marketing Methods to Grow Your Brand Fast! !

Instagram has more than 400 million users worldwide in 2015, and continues to grow rapidly, far ahead of other social platforms. How can you more effectively accumulate popularity for your brand on this platform with a large number of users to drive sales? What about the amount? Here are 9 tips for running a branded Instagram for you.

1) More hashtags (#hashtag)

You probably know what a hashtag (#hashtag) is, but do you know how to use it flexibly? Do you know how to get the most out of your labels?

Although Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram all have a tag function, unlike other communities, tags are the common language of Instagram users all over the world. Through the tag function, all users can search for your posts. Your posts may also gain exposure because competitors use the same hashtag as you. According to TrackMaven's research, the more hashtags, the more "likes" it will bring, and more than 11 hashtags in a post can generate more opportunities for interaction with users.

source: max woolf
source: TrackMaven

Since hashtags in Instagram are similar to general keyword searches, more relevant hashtags will undoubtedly bring more exposure to your posts, but remember not to use hashtags that are not related to your brand or product , because although it will bring a higher interaction rate in the short term, but in the long term, there is no way to add new followers for you in the long run. The following are the 20 most popular tags used by global users according to Webstagram statistics. You may wish to use these tags in your posts and try to increase the exposure rate!

source: Webstagram

2) Run an Instagram photo contest to extend the brand to other potential followers

Have you heard of UGC? UGC is the activity of user-generated content to promote your brand, doesn't that sound interesting?

For Instagram, you can hold a UGC photo contest, choose a theme and presentation rules and measurement methods, and then design an ingenious and branded label for the contest, so that you can easily achieve the purpose of increasing exposure. For example, Franworks restaurant once held a competition, asking its customers to take a photo with a mustache paper card, then tagging #statestache, #joesmos, #castlestache, and providing restaurant discount coupons to the winners, thus achieving a win-win situation As a result, consumers can not only have fun but also try to get discount coupons, it is a low-cost but effective strategy for restaurants.

source: Franworks

Of course, you can also achieve more direct word-of-mouth marketing by asking participants to tag their relatives and friends, but don't forget to announce the winner on social media, blogs or official websites after the results of the competition are out!

3) Make effective use of emoji

Wouldn't it be childish and informal to use emoji? Why use emoji? You may not believe it, but according to the survey, a considerable number of users use emoji every day, and nearly 50% of palindromes use at least one emoji, so proper use of watch symbols can create great value for your brand .

source: Emoji Consumer Science Team

According to Simply Measured, among 2,500 posts, the heart emoji

Get the most interactions, followed by glow

with palette. It's worth noting, though, that different colored emojis carry different meanings, such as blue hearts for melancholy, green hearts for loyalty, and so on.

However, the function of emoji is not only to express the mood of the next palindrome, you can also use emoji to do more extension.

  • Use emoji to emphasize certain keywords, so that consumers can quickly grasp the point
  • Emoticons can be used near certain keywords to attract consumers' attention and make users grasp the key points of the text more quickly.
  • Use emojis to urge users to call to action
  • Using emoji before and after links or other action buttons can increase users' chances of clicking. You can even add forms to links to get more detailed information such as user emails, so that marketing is no longer just a one-sided push, but It can be more customized to interact with users.
  • Use emojis to differentiate your responses
  • In addition to using funny emojis such as adorJble or awJsome in the text to give a refreshing feeling, in addition to this, since the end of April 2015, Instagram has allowed users to tag emoji, and positive emoji It is more powerful than negative and more likely to resonate with the public.

4) Use filters correctly and render high-quality image posts

Are you a master photographer? Worried that the image is not beautiful enough to catch the user's eye? Using Instagram as the main community can reduce this concern. It is precisely because Instagram has a very powerful filter function that he quickly became a popular social platform in recent years, accumulating a large number of users. According to a survey by Georgia Tech and Chemore Labs, posts that use filters to optimize images have a 21% higher chance of being viewed and a 45% higher chance of palindrome than those without. Statistical charts of different filters and effects.

source: TrackMaven

5) Cross-promotion, triggering partner brands to bring greater benefits to themselves

Instagram is a social media, and on this platform is to share the things you love. At the same time, through the tag function, you can also receive similar messages from others. Therefore, you can trigger the products of the partner brands, and even the Serve. For example, a beer company and a restaurant have a mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship. The two will introduce their partners to their followers by tagging each other, and at the same time expand the popularity of both parties to achieve a win-win situation.

6) Effective use of advertising

In the past, only follower posts would appear when you swipe on Instagram, so when your brand is not well known and your followers are too few, even if you have a very large number of posts, it is difficult to break through; however, now When using Instagram, you inevitably swipe to ads, and that opens up a lot of opportunities for you. It’s important to note that you have to clearly plan the content of your posts and the potential followers you want to reach, rather than trying to shoot birds at a glance and simply think that buying ads will increase your chances of interacting with users.

7) Build relationships with reviewers

There are more than 40,000 commenters on Instagram, who write comments for brands or products in various fields, including fashion wear, healthy food, household appliances, food and drink, and their posts. The content, the image quality is very high, which is why they are the subject of many people tracking. So, find the right reviewers for your brand, so that the reviewer’s followers can get more exposure to the brand. There are many ways to find reviewers, one of the easiest is to give away your product for free and ask them to write a review for it on Instagram.

8) Make the purchase action easier

Although Instagram does not allow direct clicks on its pictures or text to lead to other URLs, it can make it easier for consumers to find additional information and make purchases through links such as about putting in the official website in the account information. Behavior. Conversely, you can also direct consumers back to Instagram through the official website or other relevant third-party services, enabling them to track the brand community and increase the potential consumer base.

9) Develop good customer service standards and strategies

For consumers, social media is the most direct contact with brands, so consumers often ask questions in the community, such as product instructions, prices, order inquiries, etc. are the most common questions. Brands do not immediately answer these questions and provide consumers with a satisfactory answer. This affects not only sales, but consumers' impression of the brand, and even the overall perception. Here is how sales giant Nordstrom responded to consumers. One of the reasons why he can continue to maintain a competitive advantage.

With basic photography skills and the 9 tips mentioned above, I believe you can also run a powerful Instagram brand account, get feedback from users, and win a lot of sales, especially business and fashion, travel , food and other industry-related brands should pay more attention to these tips, because compared with other industries, they have a higher chance to interact with potential consumers through Instagram and create extremely high value for the brand!

Article transfer: transbiz

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