Only change is the best memorial to Dr. Li Wenliang - Letter to the National People's Congress, the State Council and compatriots across the country


Mr. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council, Mr. Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, and compatriots across the country:

As citizens, we now make serious political demands on a major event of common concern to the public:

Dr. Li Wenliang of Wuhan, based on his professional ethics and conscience, warned of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, but was illegally investigated and "reprimanded" by the Wuhan police. Later, he contracted the virus while treating pneumonia patients and unfortunately passed away. We are extremely sad and angry about this!

As we all know, the violent spread of the new coronavirus in Hubei and across the country is another "man-made disaster" caused by the stifling of freedom of speech. The deprivation of the people's right to know has directly caused at least tens of thousands of infections and thousands of deaths, and seriously threatens the safety of all compatriots. life safety. This national crisis has shown each of us that if we don’t let people speak, people will die! Suppression of free speech is the greatest disaster for society.

By blocking Li Wenliang's mouth and allowing the virus to spread, China and the world will pay for the Chinese people's loss of freedom of speech.

Li Wenliang is gone, and he will die with his eyes closed.

"I think a healthy society should not have only one voice." These are Li Wenliang's last words, which we should always remember.

"If grief and indignation are a profound social awakening and transformed into a huge force for social change, then Li Wenliang's death will be more important than Mount Tai!" This is the comment of the famous Taiwanese writer Long Yingtai.

It's true what you say. Only change can bring an end to man-made disasters; only change can be the best memorial to Dr. Li Wenliang. Otherwise, all the grief, anger, and tears will inevitably turn into bubbles. Man-made disasters will continue, and our children and grandchildren will not be able to escape fear.

We have had enough of this fear, this reincarnation. The mouths of eight people were sealed, the households in all nine states were closed, the six animals were uneasy, and the neighbors were restless. If this cannot alert us, if everyone dare not speak loudly even when the water reaches their necks, then what hope does our nation have? What qualifications do you have to stand alone among the nations of the world! What future does our descendants have?

Freedom of speech, human rights and dignity should be the foundation for every compatriot to live and work, and should also be the foundation for the country. Suppression of speech is a crime against public rights. This point should become common sense in the constitution and a social contract that every qualified citizen understands and abides by voluntarily.

We hereby solemnly appeal to you:

1. Li Wenliang was buried grandly and commemorated with a stone. Be kind to the bereaved family. The State Council also ordered officials from Hubei Province and Wuhan City to publicly apologize to eight doctors who were mishandled by the police.

2. February 6th of each year is designated as Free Speech Day. Draw inferences from one example and abolish all regulations and rules that violate Articles 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, and 41 of the Constitution; system, especially the abolition of many "pocket crimes" that can be used to suppress freedom of speech in the Criminal Law, the Public Security Management Punishment Law and other legal provisions as soon as possible, so as to prevent future troubles and effectively protect basic human rights.

3. Release all citizens who have been punished for their thoughts, beliefs, speeches, political opinions and beliefs and pay compensation to the state; abolish the personnel establishment of public security, national security and other departments responsible for controlling citizens' thoughts, speeches, political opinions and beliefs, and provide depoliticized resettlement.

4. Open up free media reporting and free speech on the Internet, and then open up newspaper bans to realize freedom of the press.

5. Open private independent rescue. No organization, such as the Red Cross, may have a monopoly on rescue. Those who obstruct independent private rescue operations will be severely punished.

6. Convene a national policy meeting with extensive participation of talents from all walks of life. Comprehensively reflect on domestic and foreign policies in recent years, comprehensively reflect on the relationship between the party and the government, the relationship between the government and the people, the relationship between government and business, the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and the three places, and the relationship between China and the United States, so as to establish the greatest consensus of the entire nation and establish a new direction for comprehensive reform and future development.

Citizens who want to sign the petition please email:


Ai Xiaoming (Wuhan, retired professor of Sun Yat-sen University)

Xiao Shu (Wuhan, independent scholar)

Guo Feixiong (Hubei, independent scholar)

Zhang Qianfan (Beijing, Professor of Peking University)

Zhang Yihe (Beijing, researcher at the China Academy of Art)

Guo Yuhua (Beijing, Professor of Tsinghua University)

Wang Debang (Guangxi, independent scholar)

Xiao Han (Beijing, associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law)

Cai Xia (Beijing, retired professor of the Central Party School)

Lin Qilei (Beijing, lawyer)

Wu Si (Beijing, former editor-in-chief of Yanhuang Chunqiu magazine)

Yedu (Guangzhou, independent scholar)

Xie Yanyi (Beijing, lawyer)

Wang Yu (Beijing, lawyer)

Wen Donghai (Changsha, lawyer)

Tang Jitian (Beijing, lawyer)

Chen Xiaoya (Beijing, historian)

Chen Tianyong (Zhejiang, entrepreneur)

Wu Qiang (Beijing, political commentator)

Wu Kuiming (Guangzhou, lawyer)

Wang Heying (Jiangsu, Human Rights Defender)

Chen Jinxue (Guangzhou, lawyer)

Hao Jian (Beijing, film professor, independent scholar)

Zhang Lun (France, professor)

Liu Zhengqing (Guangzhou, lawyer)

Zhong Jinhua (Shanghai, lawyer)

Li Nanyang Visiting Researcher at Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA

Fu Hualing, The University of Hong Kong


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