Emergence of the Workplace|Peach Storm (ep.02)

Seeing that J woman was hesitant, Zhi Wei immediately got up and called the waiter, took out a stack of banknotes from his wallet and pressed it under the plate, saying, "Pay the bill." He took J woman's hand and walked out.

"Hey, yes, okay, Director You, I'm in a meeting, I'll call back later."

Female J hung up the phone and continued to preside over the meeting, listening to colleagues' briefings. The projection screen was introducing the latest medical aids. Access is the biggest problem. As long as this is overcome, the market size of 120 billion will have the opportunity to eat. "Success," the briefer said, but in J's eyes, she was thinking about one thing, how to make You Dong, who has the entire channel of medical aids in Taiwan, willing to sign a contract to cooperate with the company.

After the meeting, J girl deliberately chose an empty space, went to the downstairs convenience store to buy coffee, found a seat in the corner, sat down neatly, put away the coffee, took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone skillfully.

"Zhiwei, I'm sorry, I was in a meeting just now... Are you angry? Don't be like this, I'll invite you to dinner after get off work that night, that's all right! Come on, tell me a place, and I'll make an appointment for you!"

You Zhiwei is You Dong. He is 55 years old this year. Although he is slightly bald on the top, he rides a 10-kilometer bicycle every day, so he is in good health. And why Zhiwei called so close, it turned out to be J's classmate who studied EMBA many years ago, but no one in the company knew who Zhiwei was, not even J's husband.

"How? This restaurant is good! What do you want to eat? Let me order it for you!"

"Well, I didn't expect you to be able to book this restaurant. Usually, you have to wait for two hours to get a seat. Why are you selling your face like this today? Let's have a set of three wagyu beef!"

"Sure enough, it's a gourmet! By the way, this meal is my request, don't rob me!"

After finishing speaking, J girl waved her hand to invite the waiter to order, opened a bottle of red wine by the way, and continued to chat happily.

Zhiwei is an amateur cyclist who has formed a team and has been riding all over Taiwan's major scenic spots for several years. Speaking of the feat of challenging Yiwu Ling last week, the corner of her mouth couldn't hide the smile. She took out her mobile phone and showed the top attacking photos taken last week. J girl was very impressed, but her eyes kept on. Zhi Wei's tight-fitting car suit, her firm thighs, and her flat abdominal muscles could vaguely see the horizontal lines, as well as the majestic symbol like David, and J woman couldn't help blushing.

(cell phone rings)

Female J was startled by the sudden sound of the phone call, she quickly returned to her senses, concealed the look she had just lost, and answered the phone:

"J Ni, it's me! I'm my husband, where are you? Are you off work? I just saw the introduction of a restaurant and thought it was very good. Would you like to eat together next time?"

Lady J said a little impatiently:

"Okay, I'm discussing a cooperation case with a client, and it's almost over. When you get home later, you can take the kids to dinner first, so you don't have to wait for me. Bye!"

Female J suddenly closed the line, just wanting to end the conversation as soon as possible and continue the two-way time with Zhiwei. However, the sharp-eyed Zhiwei also found it, and he asked, "Husband? It's okay, if you have something to say, we can end the meal at any time, and we can make an appointment. I can wait for you no matter what. Oh yes, last time. I invested in a gym in the 10th phase of the month. It was just renovated. It was put into trial operation last week. I specially added a spa, are you interested in visiting after dinner?

I feel that Zhiwei is also very intentional, and there is absolutely no need to practice when he puts it back and forth. It just so happens that J girls like to soak in the spa, and the SPA is quite attractive. It would be good if you can take advantage of the trial operation. It's just that JJ is waiting for her at home, but Zhiwei's invitation immediately puts her in a dilemma. Apart from the relationship between the two, Zhiwei is also very masculine. He is rich, single, and has a gentleman's demeanor. Even though he is slightly bald on the top, his facial features are straight and his outline is deep, just like the face of Chinese actor Jisha ! With a tall and sturdy figure, the heart of a J woman who is over 40 years old can be seen thumping.

Seeing J's indecision, Zhi Wei immediately got up and called the waiter, took out a stack of banknotes from his wallet and pressed it under the plate, saying, "Pay the bill." He took J's hand and walked out.

Girl J didn't come back to her senses, so she could only walk out of the restaurant with her eyes wide open in disbelief, and when she came back to her senses, she had already entered Zhiwei's Big Seven, and went to the gym.


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四季🎻音樂推廣職人|自由寫作者✍️ 🎧音樂不是聲音的藝術,而是時間的藝術🎧
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