About Local Chronicles and Community Action—Remember the Youth Action Plan of Keelung Broadcasting Station (Part 1)

When I was in college, I stepped into places by fate. Many concepts came from confusion, and many questions remained unresolved. Even if I had committed myself to action, the process was the generation of questions rather than answers. I was still unable to solve the problem in a farming (fishing) village. cool and bright.

This time, I came to Badouzi, a small fishing village on the coast of Keelung, to explore the stories of the "Northeast Wind" publication and the community, and listen to Mr. Xu Kunshan talk about his feelings for his hometown and his experience growing up in the fishing village as a child. In that era of abundant fishing, He spent the happiest time in his life in Badouzi during the summer vacation of the sixth year of high school. It was also during that period that he returned to his hometown decades later and began to collect the history and cultural relics of the fishing village. He rented a house in the local area and established Badouzi Fishing Village. The cultural relics hall displays fishing gear, models, publications and other items over the years. The second floor is used as a bookstore for eight buckets, which is a space for discussing articles and writing with friends.

The founder of Northeast Wind, Mr. Xu Kunshan, is the speaker

"Northeast Wind" was published in August 2012, and 17 issues have been published so far at a half-yearly pace. The content is more solid than most of the local publications I have come into contact with. I can deeply understand how "writing on the ground" is reflected. , In this era of gorgeous visual effects, the text of the northeast wind is still the soul of the publication, writing the story of Badouzi firmly and steadily. Mr. Xu is happy to see the publication boom that has risen in recent years, including Keelung/Charming Keelung/Keelung Way, which are published by local public entities in Keelung, and Seeking Keelung/Jilongwuyu (discontinued), which are published by private organizations, and Hai Want to Know/Northeast Wind. The publications presented Keelung to the public in different forms.

Northeast wind core purpose

The interesting point of local chronicles is not only the publications, but the ripples that may be caused in the process. Mr. Xu runs the cultural relics museum independently, and there are many topics he wants to do, such as connecting the fishing villages in Taiwan. Over the years, he has visited several places and wrote Read local stories, such as the fishing method of successful dart swordfish in Taitung, the sea girl in the northeast corner; or diving every summer to record the tropical fish under the water through video, curious about the changes of the bottom of the water in the past few decades; even write down the Taiwanese language of the fishing village When the language is no longer used, the proverbs or expressions will gradually disappear into daily life. Teacher Xu seizes the opportunity of every interview and continues to shuttle in the small fishing village that has changed its appearance.

After sharing the whole session, I was deeply impressed by Mr. Xu's enthusiasm and energy. His feelings for his hometown and what he did were all out of love, so that he, who was just a layman at the beginning, could move forward all the way. He followed up with him again at the end. The crowd said, "As long as you are willing to know Badouzi, even if there are only one or two people, he will lead the tour from Taipei to Keelung."

Interact with students present
Publications are available at a few independent bookstores and the Badouzi Fishing Village Heritage Museum


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