"Modern Khrushchev" Belarusian Lukashenko's Chaos Warning: Beware of Revisionist Restoration. Mao Zedong Comments on Khrushchev: I don't know much about Marxism-Leninism


Belarusian President Lukashenko has been president since 1994. Since 1996, the approval rate has not been very high. In 2006, his own poll showed only 30% of the supporters.

After the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, he said that exercise and going to the countryside can cure diseases, which are more effective than any medicine, and that vodka can poison the virus.

Speaking at the official meeting on April 13, 2020, "Nobody in Belarus has so far died from COVID-19 itself, they died of chronic diseases, and the coronavirus is not even a trigger", another visit to a patient in a hospital He said "there is no reason to worry that no one in our country will die from the coronavirus, which I state publicly". And it says children can't wear masks, just need to open windows to let in fresh air.

He said business practices and celebrations would not be canceled, and on April 11 the Belarusian Premier League was also held, the only country in Europe that still held a football league at the time.

In July, Lukashenko said that the epidemic was under control. At that time, 62,000 people were diagnosed and 398 people died. On August 13, 2020, that is, yesterday, the number of confirmed cases increased to 69,000 people and 599 people died. The total population of Belarus in 2018 was 9.48 million. His neighboring country Ukraine had a total population of 41.98 million, and the number of confirmed cases was only 87,000. Poland had a population of 37.97 million and the number of confirmed cases was only 54,000.

In 1995, the per capita GDP of Poland, the western neighbor of Belarus, was US$1,731, and that of Belarus was US$1,370. In 2018, the per capita GDP of Poland was US$15,420, and that of Belarus was US$6,289. Of all the countries around him, he is only better than Ukraine, which has been politically turbulent for many years, and far behind all countries that have also been politically stable for as long as he has.

He has been in power for a long time, playing with the national system, lacking talent and self-confidence, and giving random guidance. In the past few years, he persecuted Polish expatriates to offend Poland, and criticized that no politicians in Ukraine were men.

In this election, there was a lot of indignation in the country, and the opposition protested. Lukashenko arrested 6,000 people. The existence of Lukashenko and the subsequent suppression measures not only aroused the turbulent public sentiment among the ordinary bourgeois people, but also aroused the hostility of Russia and other countries. Lukashenko flew to Moscow urgently to meet Putin, and the Kremlin said Putin had not arranged to meet him.

Such a two-faced capitalist extreme right leader is very similar to a right-leaning leader who led to the decline of the Soviet Union. That person was the pro-American revisionist leader Khrushchev who caused great harm to the international communist movement. Without the decline of the Soviet Union, there would be no Soviet Union. The demise of the Soviet Union, without the demise of the Soviet Union, there would be no secession and chaos in the former Soviet Union today, so this person's sin and responsibility are enormous.

Mao Zedong Comments on Khrushchev: I don't know much about Marxism-Leninism

After Khrushchev left China, he has been brooding about the tough attitude of the CCP leaders, and has repeatedly insinuated and attacked the CCP leaders in public speeches. Khrushchev In May 1960, after Mao Zedong made a semi-revisionist evaluation of Khrushchev, the ideological differences between the Chinese and Soviet parties grew wider.

From 1958, a series of events between China and the Soviet Union led to the deterioration of relations. In July 1958, Khrushchev proposed to Mao Zedong the establishment of a "common fleet" through the Soviet ambassador to China Eugene, which caused Mao Zedong, the Communist Party of China In October 1959, Khrushchev participated in the 10th anniversary of the new China. In the meantime, he was in talks between the leaders of the Chinese and Soviet parties. Mao Zedong pointed out that Khrushchev "relapsed" and wanted to control China again. Yes, Khrushchev ended his visit to China ahead of schedule and returned to China. Brutally attacking China's internal policies, the two sides clashed violently. As a result, Khrushchev ended his visit to China ahead of schedule and returned to China.

On October 4, 1959, after sending off Khrushchev, Mao Zedong presided over a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the Ying Nian Tang, mainly discussing the talks with Khrushchev. After Zhou Enlai reported on his talks with Khrushchev, the participants agreed that Khrushchev had illusions about Eisenhower, saying that Eisenhower was as "peace-loving" as we are. Khrushchev said that, at least on this issue, there is a revisionist tendency. The policy of focusing on unity, not engaging in revolution, and calmly observing, should be aware of the revisionist trend of thought emerging in the international arena.

After Khrushchev left China, he has been brooding about the tough attitude of the CCP leaders, and has repeatedly insinuated and attacked the CCP leaders in public speeches.

In the face of Khrushchev's provocation again, from December 4th to 6th, Mao Zedong presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in Hangzhou to discuss international issues and the CCP's countermeasures. Mao Zedong delivered a speech at the meeting. Not a good Marxist, but not exactly a revisionist either. Historically, we have had many divisions with the Soviet Union. Khrushchev is not entirely wrong either. Internationally, he still wants the socialist camp, and he still supports China's construction to this day. On the issue of peaceful transition, Sino-Indian relations, and views on the United States, the split between him and us is still a finger-pointing difference. Judging from the many contacts with Khrushchev, this person does not understand Marxism-Leninism very little, he is relatively superficial, and he does not understand much about the methods of class analysis. He is a bit like a journalist and can easily change. Therefore, when we treat him, we can not take it seriously, but we can not take it too seriously.

On February 4, 1960, with the participation of Khrushchev, the Warsaw Pact Conference of the Parties was held in Moscow at the Presidential Political Consultative Conference. The purpose of Khrushchev's meeting was to get all socialist countries to support his proposal for "general and complete disarmament" at the UN General Assembly. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China sent Kang Sheng and others to participate in the Warsaw Pact Political Consultative Conference as Chinese observers. Kang Sheng read out the Chinese government's statement at the meeting, saying: "China has always been consistent in general disarmament, but because U.S. imperialism has always been at the banquet of the Soviet government's antiques, Khrushchev attacked the CCP unnamed. It is generally recognized in international relations. China, any disarmament agreement without China's participation and formal signature cannot be binding on China.

On February 22, Mao Zedong chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the Yi Nian Tang to discuss Khrushchev's attack on the CCP during the Warsaw Pact conference. The meeting decided to prepare necessary counterattacks against Khrushchev's anti-China campaign, and decided to publish three articles commemorating Lenin on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Lenin's birth, aiming at Lenin's point of view from the front and criticizing the distortion of Lenin's point of view by the leaders of the CPSU. and corrections.

On May 22, Mao Zedong convened a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee in Hangzhou. At the meeting, Mao Zedong pointed out that, judging from the situation in the past two years, Khrushchev's importance on major issues was revisionist, but he also It cannot be said that he is outright revisionist. In general, he is semi-revisionist. Mao Zedong said that Khrushchev was an unsophisticated, bourgeois-style politician, and it was difficult to get along with this person. Leah, Molotov, Malenkov, and now Voroshilov has been eliminated. Even a scholar like Bosbelov can't be accommodated. If they want to be excluded, how can they work with others? As for the Sino-Soviet people, there are good times and bad times, capricious. This person cannot be trusted. Mao Zedong showed that if Khrushchev did the right thing, China would still support it; if he did the wrong thing, we should oppose it. Now it's an internal criticism, I don't publicly name and scold him, and I use the method of making a positive statement today to justify it. In the future, there may be public criticism, but it will never be the first in the world.

In May 1960, after Mao Zedong's semi-revisionist assessment of Khrushchev, the ideological differences between the Chinese and Soviet parties grew wider. In international organizations, in international conferences, there are often reflections, and the quarrels continue to intensify.

October 11, 1960, the 81-nation Communist Party, the Workers' Party Congress in Moscow Antiques. Mao Zedong proposed that Khrushchev now represents the line of bourgeois revisionism and is attacking the line of proletarian Marxism-Leninism. This is a two-line struggle. The Sino-Soviet split is in principle, but it is still partial in terms of the entire Sino-Soviet relationship and the world struggle, and there are positive factors for overcoming the split. According to these instructions of Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping led the CCP to transfer to Moscow. In the discussion meeting statement and other documents, the two sides were also at each other's throats. Fortunately, the two parties finally reached a revision opinion, and the meeting ended successfully after the declaration and the top-level book were passed.

In October 1961, the 22nd Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was held in Moscow, and the CCP sent a delegation headed by Zhou Enlai to attend the meeting. The Congress adopted a new "Programme of the Congress of the Soviet Union". On October 23, Zhou Enlai returned to China early on the grounds that he was preparing for the National People's Congress.

Before and after the 22nd National Congress of the CPSU, Mao Zedong and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China once again dealt with their views on Khrushchev when discussing the "Draft Program for the Congress of the Soviet Union". He said that, in general, our struggle in the past two years has not been able to be completed, and he stubbornly insisted on his position. Khrushchev's thought is one of idealism, pragmatism, or subjective idealism.

On January 30, 1962, Mao Zedong pointed out the development of Khrushchev revisionism in his speech at the Seven Thousand People's Congress, saying that Khrushchev revisionism has a relatively complete program, line and theoretical system. The "Programme of the Congress of the Soviet Union" adopted by the Second Congress and the report put forward by Khrushchev. This was his peak, and it has gone downhill ever since.

This personality of Mao Zedong heralded a further deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations, which could never be reversed.


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