Review last year's investment performance


Recently, many companies have successively announced last year's revenue and this year's dividend distribution. This is also a good time for our investors to review the investment status of the whole year last year. No matter whether we make money or lose money, we should analyze the operating ideas behind it. , Maybe we are too impulsive at the moment, or we have a unique vision and see very far. In short, we should not let mistakes repeat again and again, and let successful operations be short-lived .

My Reflection - Buy on the Highs

Last year, I did not have many operations. Most of my transactions were concentrated around July, which was a high point relative to the current price. In addition, I only bought, rarely sold, and stopped loss, so some The stock is a loss on the book, and the funds are on the top without moving.

At first glance, some people would think that I should be serious about selling the stock and moving the money to something profitable, but if I revisited why I bought it at the moment, or asked me to make the same decision, I would still I will buy it, and I will hold it for a long time with confidence. After all, the target I choose itself, the profit continues to grow, the monthly revenue exceeds the previous year, and even exceeds the previous month, even if the book value is low, I will still continue to develop in the future. optimistic.

My reflections - sell at lows

Some stocks are bought according to the technical line indicators and can indeed rise successfully, but at this time it becomes a test of the skill of pinching the selling point. If the judgment is based solely on whether it is along the upward trend line, or the analysis of the 5-day line and the 10-day line is added, occasionally The break below will be confusing, whether it is a real break or a fake break created by the big players. If you wait for a few days to observe, it may become an irreversible drop. If you decide to sell immediately, you are worried about this. It's just a small pullback, and there's no way to keep up with the subsequent surge.

In the past, my practice was to observe for a few more days as a short-term capital pullback, and the results were always good or bad, so I changed my practice later, as soon as the operating price I set was reached, I would decisively clear the position, and then Re-buy if the price rebounds.

However, this seemingly disciplined operation complicates my investment operations, and I have to keep an eye on the performance of individual stocks from time to time, which is actually not suitable for me as an office worker, so my trading frequency will decrease now. A lot of them, I read the market once for a long time, and I don’t pay much attention to the market changes. At most, when I listen to other people’s stock reports, I will take advantage of the short-term operation.

My reflections - long term hold

After going around the investment field for a long time, the strategy that satisfies me the most is still long-term holding , which not only distributes dividends regularly every year, but also enjoys the growth of capital gains, and can be held with complete confidence without frequent attention. The trend of the stock market, you only need to occasionally check the company's profit news and increase the bargaining price. Unfortunately, most of the financial stocks I buy are financial stocks. The numbers are rarely increased. There may be room for improvement in this part, and the mentality and strategy can be adjusted, but I am satisfied at this stage.

Summarizing the investment performance of the whole year last year, although there was no explosive income, at least there was a steady accumulated number of shares, and there was no loss in the total on the book, and the dividend distribution this summer must be much higher than last year, which is really impressive. Look forward to the sum of the overall dividend distribution after all company announcements.


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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