Electric Painting|Dumbledore Shao <Postcard>

Dumbledore is JS's favorite character. Many people call him in Matters: "Dumbledore Shao"👍
Dumbledore Shao <postcard>

Phew~~ I can finally deliver! 🎉

In order to thank @JohnShao for her blind support for my pictures and texts and [Picture Talk Relay], I had the courage to recommend myself during Chinese New Year and wanted to draw a postcard for him. JS also readily agrees!

JS has three simple needs: Dumbledore, cat, and green.

Then, this draft, I dragged on for several months. 😱 My tiger mom @星光光 comes to follow the manuscript almost every day, every time I throw a page to Xing, Xing will reply: "That's it, submit it quickly!".

But, I'm just... very confused.

Confused about what? I should have no confidence, I feel that the lighting and shadow processing is not good enough, the characters are not three-dimensional, and I can't find the characteristics... I keep going around in circles, and then I just leave it to draw other things.

Then, the stars have been resting all the time! I want to rest with her too! 🤣

In short, I think this piece has improved again, very happy! It's very touching to see the time-lapse of the drawing!

The above, the report is completed~~✌️

➡️ The time-lapse link of the drawing process is here~~ If you are interested, you can click to watch it!

🎯Business service hours: If you like my childlike style of painting , welcome to entrust~~Thank you all~~🥰

♭♬ Carol 😘 : sweet and cheerful song~ ❤️ ♫♮


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Carol.W這裡有個可愛的大人想用圖文來尋回久違的童心和童趣~🌈 ♭♬Carol: 悅耳.歡快的歌♫♮ 📧yujie.wu00@gmail.com
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