As an insider, how chaotic video series are in the entertainment industry?


Twelve years have passed since I entered the industry in 2009. If I take the publication of my first novel in 2008 as a starting point, or if I include the struggle to publish the book before, I can add two more years to my qualifications.

More than two years ago, I wrote an answer with almost the same title on Zhihu, which has nearly 90,000 likes.

I'm glad that this answer has no letter stars, no fishy revelations, just narrates the interesting things that have happened to me for many years in the industry and my own experience, which also resonated with many people.

In the past few years, I have experienced tax turmoil, capital ebb, epidemic outbreak and other difficulties, and my life has become very exciting. A future direction, but last year I could deeply feel that all the negative influences finally condensed into one point, burst out all at once, so that I can no longer see my future, I started to feel restless like everyone else, I have always been very calm, and I was like a headless fly for a while, groping aimlessly. I have been focusing on this industry for a long time and decided to start a side business. I started my own beauty brand and opened a Taobao store. I opened a small shop and made some money, but I was always in a low mood, because I was afraid that the better the business, the further away I would be from my business. Isn’t it ironic?

In the first two months, by chance, I finally made a bold decision. I decided to leave everything behind at the time of the midlife crisis, and went to New York to start from scratch while learning new shooting techniques.

Anyway, if you don't have a sense of security, then come more fiercely, you can't survive if you don't go crazy!

As an insider, how chaotic is the entertainment industry?

What you see is only one side, but what I want to say is the other side. Those who can fight in this field for many years are all warriors. I want to record the past and the near future of my fighting with video, whether it is a success or a failure. , it will be the best memory in my life. The series will start with this million-read answer, which I turned into a video

I just uploaded it, and what I told myself may be different from the feeling of the text.


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