Disney's top ten green leaves of bitterness

The harder the life, the higher the score? Not really. XD

It's the Disney series again, don't worry, there's no singing in this episode! XD
If you are too lazy to read the text, you are welcome to listen to my podcast: Youtube (Voice Only) Disney's Top Ten Green Leaves of Misery
Thank you so much for this episode @Carol.W for your enthusiastic sponsorship of the cover photo~ (Blowing kiss~~

In Disney’s animated feature films, there will be at least one or more important supporting characters who help the protagonist on the road to success. . If these characters are missing from the animation, it will also make the whole plot pale. Today we will select the ten most hard-working characters from many candidates. Of course, this ranking is based on our own preferences. If the ranking is different from what you think, or if you have any regrets, please leave a message and let me know. !

  • Let's start with the tenth place winner: Bigeye from Monster Power!
 In the hearts of most fans, the Big Eyed Monster should have at least the status of the second or third protagonist! However, if the entire plot of the Big Eyed Monster is deleted, the plot of the story can actually continue, but the brilliance will be greatly reduced like a 30% discount! If you still have an impression of this animation, you should still remember that although the big-eyed monster is the assistant and friend of the hairy monster, it often succeeds and fails, but it rescues everyone inadvertently, and can stand up for cover at critical moments. Hair Monster and Abu, but they are not very hardworking, so they are listed as tenth!
  • The ninth place is: Philos, the half-human sheep in Hercules!
 Philos is very pitiful, after all, he will accept Hercules as his apprentice because his father is Zeus, and Zeus himself brought it. Although he was the teacher of the protagonist Hercules, he worked hard to train Hercules to become a hero, but he suffered misunderstandings by Hercules in the middle, and even caused a break between master and apprentice. After reconciliation, Hercules sacrificed for Mier. With his own life, Philos almost lost his lifelong dream: to teach a hero who can be included in the constellation. Fortunately, the story ends with Happy Ending! Although Philos can be regarded as hard-working, but after all, he is a teacher, so he is ranked ninth!
  • Eighth place is: Dolly in Finding Nemo
 Dolly is a thorn-tailed sea bream with short-term amnesia. Because of this congenital disorder and her optimism, Dolly always looks crazy, cute and very nonsensical. Everyone should remember that the clownfish baby is called Nemo, but what is the name of the clownfish father who is the main character? In fact, I couldn't name it before I checked the information. The name of the clownfish's father is Marin. Dolly accompanied Marin all the way to pass the level, and even many levels could not be passed without Dolly. The company of the two of them is also a good story, so it is listed as the eighth place!
  • The seventh place is: Mushu in Mulan
 This character is so lovable, and the voice actor is also a temporary choice, whether in English or Chinese! Speaking of being a guardian dragon of the family, he can still reduce himself to accompany Mulan to join the army on adventures, which is really not embarrassing. To tell the truth, I think Mulan can still return triumphantly without Mushu, but Mushu can be considered to follow the dragon's life, so the ancestors should also want to return him the position of guarding the dragon because he has no credit and hard work, right? Therefore, it is awarded to Mushu for the seventh place!
  • The sixth place is: Shazu in The Lion King
 Shazu is a consultant in the animal kingdom, a serious and serious hornbill. Because of this serious and lovely personality, the original Lion King Mufasa and the protagonist Simba of the film like to tease him very much. Shazu is very loyal to the kingdom and has won the trust of the Lion Kings of all ages. Shazu's most difficult time should be when Scar took him into power and imprisoned him and asked him to continue his advisory duties. Shazu upheld his loyalty to the kingdom and did his best despite being imprisoned until Simba came back to rescue him. The miserable Shazu therefore sits on our sixth throne!
  • 5th place is: Maxmas of Tangled
 When it comes to this name, many people may find it unfamiliar, but if you talk about that white horse, which is almost human, isn't it very impressive? Frankly speaking, I really think that Maxmas is pretending to be a working student. Which horse can bite a sword and fight a thief and win it XD. Maximus was originally the captain of the guard who was chasing the hero Eugene. As a result, when Maximus had caught Eugene, Rao Yong was good at fighting and his wit was amazing, but the only weakness was the woman's Maximus, because the princess Le Pei's request released Eugene, and finally rescued Eugene from the villain so that he could rescue Le Pei. Although Maismas has no dialogue except hissing, he has performed well in the play and has made great contributions several times, so he is offered the fifth place!
  • Fourth place is: Gushua of Beauty and the Beast
 Another name that sounds a little strange, doesn't it? He's the fireplace clock with the belly ticking all the time, remember? Before Ge Shihua became the fireplace clock, he was originally the housekeeper of the palace. Although he became the clock, he still accompanies the prince faithfully. Hmm~ Of course the prince was still a beast at that time~ Do you still remember that the prince was an arrogant guy? It was also because of this that the entire kingdom was almost buried with him. After he turned into a beast, his temper became even more explosive. One could imagine how difficult Ge Shihua's life was. In addition to the life of accompanying the king like a tiger, he also often pulls his friend Candlestick Lumia who dances tones. He is really born to work hard and can definitely be ranked fourth!
  • The third place is: Aladdin's magic lamp
 Well, his name is Elf XD. I really love the voice of this character. Whether it is the animated version of Robin Williams, or the live-action version of Will Smith, they are very charming actors. And the character of the elf itself is also a complex of contradictions. He has the most powerful force in the world, and therefore loses his freedom, unless someone is willing to give up his wish and give him back his freedom. Originally, the elves did not have any hope for this. Although the elves also exchanged conditions with the hero Aladdin, Aladdin promised to give him one of the wishes, but the elves who have long been disappointed by human nature did not take it seriously. He still trusts Aladdin, and hopes that he and Princess Jasmine will eventually be married, so when Aladdin finally fulfills his promise, the elf's ecstatic appearance is really touching. It is worth mentioning that the animated version of the elves still retain their original magical powers after they regain their freedom, but the live-action version of the elves will really be human after they have recovered their freedom, and they can even marry Jasmine’s palace maid and have children! Such a lovable character, of course, must be placed in the top three!
  • Second place is: Snow Treasure Olaf from Frozen
 Frozen itself is red, and Olaf is an amazing mascot. The peripheral products are not lost to Elsa and Anna, who are princesses, and may be even better~ Olaf is a magical snowman created by magic. With laughter, tears and soul, he accompanied Anna all the way when he set out to find Elsa. In the process, he was not afraid of the risk of melting, helping Anna to pass through difficulties. At the last critical moment, he brought Anna to Elsa's side, and finally made the two sisters reconcile. Existence Feeling even more than the male protagonist! All right! In fact, I have to admit that Olaf was given the second place, mostly because Olaf is really cute XD
  • Finally got to the all-important number one, and those who know my preferences may have guessed it, yes! That's Sebastian from The Little Mermaid!
 Although Sebastian is a big fat crab, the workload really exceeds his size. The main job is the minister of the underwater kingdom, but there are many side jobs! For example: Aquaman's air bag...ㄜ...Is this the main business? XD also has the first conductor of the court, you must not ignore Sebastian's extraordinary musical literacy and singing ability, and then there is the little mermaid Ariel's nanny. There is no way, Ariel is too good at running around, Sea King can't find Ariel and anger Sebastian, Ariel is a disobedient adolescent girl, Sebastian has to keep track of Ariel's whereabouts. How could he not be given the first place by a big crab who was so hard working and was almost caught and cooked by the human kingdom! ^O^

Although the protagonists mentioned today are not the protagonists, it is definitely not an exaggeration to say that they are important supporting roles. No matter which animation they are, they cannot be lost. If there is any regret in this episode, or the number one in your mind and me Not the same, please leave a message to me ^O^


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