With Notes!!!!!



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First of all, because it's a little bit faster now.... my messy head can't organize anymore

I have to put all my thoughts on it first~ or I will forget it later :(

First, at work

The first transaction, the first negotiation, the first time of many, many

Makes me really think business is a fun job

Went to listen to the speech after get off work today

There are also many feelings~

Among them, the speaker has a sentence

"The splendor there, you have to experience it yourself"

hit me

Of course, there are many more in the middle, I will add my thoughts to another day★ :P

Suddenly let me understand, suspicious! !

The original 20/30/40/50/60-year-old life landscape and the definition of success

I gave it to myself............(Shocked

How would you like to define who you are?

From the previous self to the present self, there are a lot of thoughts that can be shared :D

Another day~


the second

In fact, sometimes there is a flash of inspiration in my head that I want to start a business or do something.

For example, when FoodPanda/Uber has not become popular in Taiwan in recent years

(There may be abroad, but the problem is that I have not fallen abroad)

I just thought, how nice it would be if someone could ride a motorcycle around and take orders and solve their problems.

Each person sends a request form, and then quickly throws it on the Internet


Help, I'm stuck in a public toilet out of toilet paper...

Help, I'm half-cooked and I'm short of soy sauce at home!

Help, I suddenly found that XXXXXX was missing when I was halfway through XXXX -------------- forced~~~

Then the mobile phone of the person nearby will receive the display, quick reply can take the order, and help to complete the task,

There is a channel APP/chat room for quick communication

Then take a single order, maybe 20-30 yuan and the like...

Then I thought about it.... After a few years, Panda and Wu Baiyi appeared!!!!

Although there are still quite a few restrictions, I believe that the use and popularity of this kind of thing will become more and more widespread

Because, technology & social progress always comes from human nature~ right~

This got me thinking

One day my fitness trainer asked me a question: Do you know how to make money?

I was stunned

I answer: work?

The coach smiled: "Too shallow, guess again."

I will answer again: Do you mean a lot of money? Entrepreneurship?

The coach smiled at me ignorant: "No~"

★ "Help others and you can make money. 』 ★

Me: Digsai, your words are so profound! !

Coach: "Nonsense, I'm reading a book!! If you have time, you should invest more in your brain, do you understand~"

- _______________ -

Let's all encourage each other, read more books, or observe people more and learn a lot~

--------------------- I'm thinking throbbing divider ---------------------- -----

I still have the latest idea, which is called Screaming House~ (The specific idea is kept secret, hehe)

And another, black hole game~

I believe they are all good ideas. I don’t know if someone will actually make them to play in the future.

There may be some foreign countries, but it would be great if they could be imported from Taiwan.

Guarantee a lot of people want to try @@

When someone really asks me what I'm talking about ♥

But this....a.....Start a business needs money.....I don't have any money QQ QQ uuuuuu.....

When can I win the lottery and let me splurge

I will remember to benefit the common people~~~

This also reminds me of the chicken breast that I saw recently on the shrimp skin, which is a savage vegetable.

I also admire the entrepreneurial process of the three college students.

--------------------- I'm thinking throbbing divider ---------------------- -----

I talked about self-discipline before............. It's really explosive and not self-discipline.

It's hard.....Congratulations to myself for being the 87654321st human being who failed in self-discipline :(

But don't be discouraged

Come back today, give yourself a little hope, tomorrow will be better, ha

So today I was struggling whether to go to the gym or not....... I finally went in. Woohoo

I just got home and wondered if I should eat something....... I gritted my teeth and held back woo woo

Then when I put things in the refrigerator, I wonder if I want to sneak a bite of my favorite vegetarian chicken............... ....

嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚Q口Q 我今天都忍住了

No.... I need to water quickly + go to bed after blogging ˊ ˋ

No late night snacks, starting today ................................

(Actually, it's because the gym's transformation competition expires at the end of the month...)

(If you don't control it for the remaining nine days, is it going to be killed by the coach?......) (eyes die)

That's why I posted an article on healthy weight loss at the beginning ˊ ˋ

Be wary of yourself, sorry~

By the way, when I left the gym today, I saw the girl in front of me walking on the stairs

Those slender legs really make me look envious (pure appreciation)

I feel that between the girls' thighs

Thin enough to have separate seams (please don't think crooked)

The way she walks is sexy

Look at your fat feet and fleshy legs again (sigh)

What year, what month, when?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (crying)

--------------------- I'm thinking throbbing divider ---------------------- -----

In fact, I really want to use video or drawing or animation

to express your inner world and what you want to express

But I don't seem to have any artistic talent...and beauty...

(Lack of training since childhood)

Drawing... Yes.... But it's just pencil drawing~ I can't get to a professional level or drawing software

Animation.... I have never touched it

(But I really want to express the feeling of the little universe or the feeling of collapse or the feeling of happiness that often erupts inside me)

As for the movie... Lulu.... For now, let's forget it

Although it is said that there are secret photos in private, but I dare not upload these things + public--

Some things>> When I tell you to show your true colors, you won't dare!!!!!!

(A lot of follow-up criticism may follow)

Because everyone doesn't necessarily agree with their own ideas.

Just like the singers in Hong Kong may also be liked + approved by some people, and hated + spurned by some people

I don't think I have the heart to adjust to the sour words around me...

If you don’t want to be famous, it’s better to be an ordinary person @@

It's safer to hide yourself* (I'm sure a lot of people probably feel that way, ha)

Even if there is another idea, it sounds more like the truth,

something in front of the public,

Feeling~ May be more or less a bit packaged and deliberately shaped

Ordinary people don't have such background + strength as they do evil.

So I have to....everyone keep a low profile and keep a low profile.......

Then I might as well write something + record here incognito,

I can speak more candidly

It's good to leave a place for yourself to confess + express.

--------------------- I'm thinking throbbing divider ---------------------- -----

am01:21 Time to wash and sleep

Finally, I want to thank myself

made a choice to switch runways

Maybe after doing it for a long time, there will be a new period of burnout

But at least for now :D I'm happy in the new environment

Although I'm not good enough, I'm not very good, and I don't have much confidence in myself

But I want to work hard to get better :D and make the people around me happy

Also try to make yourself as happy as possible every day, less regret

For now, at least it should be enough?

Temporarily be a small real estate agent, work hard to accumulate professional knowledge + contacts

Even if you want to transfer to another industry or company in the future

I think I should still choose the business type of work

Because it's really funny XD

The speaker said something today

Well done business thinks business is a fun job

Badly done business thinks business is a bad job

You want to see who you are asking today?

I think this sentence should also be applied to various industries~

Get back to your heart, how do you look at things

Your mentality, vision, and ideas will lead you to where you need to go~~~

01:37 Good night :D keep working hard tomorrow

Ah Ah Ah !!!! I haven't washed my hair and take a bath. Q !!!!!!!!!!

I'm so hungry ................................. I endure....... ......................................


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