Finally walked into Liker Social to talk about my hindsight

Although it is a little late, I have finally stepped into the field of Liker Social, and then I need to spend more time and effort to observe and study it to make up for my hindsight!

Yesterday, I finally registered on Liker Social. Sure enough, I saw a lot of familiar accounts, but there was a lot of interaction between the accounts, which was very interesting. At present, I still don’t know how to use this platform properly, so I’ll just treat it like a FB check-in, and send a message and check-in sooner or later. Luckily, I’ve been posting on Matters for more than two months, or more or less. Few city friends know me as a little person, and they are not stingy to applaud me. They really feel warm inside. Because I don't know how to use it yet, so I will watch it silently first, but I will still try to interact with you, and please give me more advice.

In fact, I am really a person who realizes it with hindsight . I have seen " Xiangte City " in some articles before, and I wanted to say if it was a typo, otherwise why would it have such a strange name; but I never thought that since there is "" Why can't there be an "elephant" special city? In addition, I also saw that some city friends "private messages" to each other, do you still want to say that Matt City has a private message function? Why can't I find it? But I had questions but never looked for the answer, so I was so confused until yesterday, I searched for the word "Xiangte City" on a whim, and found the existence of Liker Social (although I don't quite understand why it is called Xiangte Special City), I also solved my doubts after registration, and there is indeed a function to privately message each other on the platform.

To be honest, my hindsight can be reflected in many aspects. When I used to invest in stocks, I used to read newspapers and news to buy stocks, but I didn’t know that it was already well-known news, so I was taken as such. I have been cutting leeks for several years. Later, I decided to subscribe to magazines and read recommendations from some famous masters. Although it feels better than reading newspaper news, there are so many magazine subscriptions. Everyone knows good stocks. Suddenly the stock price went up as if I wanted to buy it, so I often chased the highs, and I was cut off again for several years. Thinking about it, it was because I always realized it later and refused to be more active myself. Until later, I invested in "Baoya". This was based on my own vision, staring at revenue and financial reports, on-site inspections, and some imagination. During those few years of waiting, no friends, newspapers, magazines, or famous masters were willing to talk about it. Baoya, so, I finally enjoyed the results of "prophecy", although it ended with regret. (Please refer to the article on the harvest and miss of the hint in the dark )

Investing in the currency circle is even more. I have known the existence of cryptocurrencies for a long time, but I have never thought to understand the mysteries. Obviously, the Internet is developed today, and a lot of information is readily available, but I just don’t take it seriously; After the city of Matt, I saw a lot of articles about cryptocurrencies, only to realize that its market has already flourished to a point of failure. This year alone, many cryptocurrencies have risen more than several times, dozens of times, and so on. He was about to enter the arena with cash in hand, and sure enough, there was a big pullback, making me, a guy who knew it later, pay the price.

I don’t want to talk about other things after realizing it, and they often leave me with regrets, but fortunately, once I know it, it may be to make up for what I missed! Always double my efforts to catch up , although some things can't catch up, such as missed gains, Matt City when there are more fund allocations...etc, but at least I can double up on my amount of relevant information, or It is to try to make up for it with one article every day, at least to "make up for it, it's not too late", to make up for the cost of silence that I realized later.

In short, although it is a little late, I have finally stepped into the field of Liker Social, and then I need to spend more time and effort to observe and study it to make up for my hindsight!

Yay~~ I'm coming!!


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半調子人生人生中場,生活、婚姻、職場、投資都是半調子,但,這沒什麼不好。光譜般的方方面面,都不該只有好或壞、對或錯,我喜歡現在的生活,喜歡現在我的半調子人生。 邀請您一起來參與我的分享。內容主題也許很雜亂,但複雜是人生的本質,而簡單卻是我們的選擇,擇我所愛、愛我所擇。
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