Pie brush. Handmade black cat ears

The black history is stored in the lower compartment of the single-door wardrobe, and the black cat ears used for cosplay are the second generation. The first generation was used by my sister in the same club to play with her concubine until it was incomplete, and even the rags were not returned to me (¬ ¬#), which once again deepened my disgust for borrowing things.

Ahem, I asked Xingxing about sewing problems earlier, and it finally evolved into (・□・;) Okay, I’ll show you the work.
@Star Lighting

The handmade black cat ears are of poor quality, since the hands of high school students, the thread ends are not put into the interior, and they can be worn on the head as if nothing happened to participate in the Fan Festival booth.
Looking back now, I feel ashamed and lost home.

Figure 1 Black cat ears, single hair clip.

Figure 2 Black cat ears, front. It's asymmetrical, it's ugly.

Figure 3 Black cat ears, with a set of hairpins sewn at the bottom.

This pair of black cat ears has been around for 14 years.
I took a picture of it wearing it on my head, and when I looked at it, I felt like don't be a girl and give up.


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