【What to do if you like a teacher】——Student He & Teacher Hai

赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415
He Hai's short essay ✨ About 6,000 words~ A teacher-student relationship in a university is not considered a teacher-student, after all, He Zai is about to graduate ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ I like the sweet feeling, if possible, I really hope that every essay will have Fanwai (I'm so greedy QQ

Li Donghai is an associate professor of the French Department of K University. He has only taught for three years. He is very young, but his strength is sufficient. He has a boyfriend student who has only recently been together. The student is from the German department, and his name is Li Hezai.

Talking about the process of being together is really romantic.

Lee Hyuk Jae started taking his French class in the second year of his sophomore year. He was very serious. He was never late for class, and he was fully absorbed in class. When Lee Donghae asked him questions, he would answer them in detail. He also wrote his homework very well and had a very high accuracy rate. In a whole class of 45 students, Li Hezai made the fastest progress, and Li Donghai was also surprised that a person who had only studied language for more than two years could speak at the level of his native language.

If Lee Donghae ignored the intentional or unintentional temptation in his homework, he would say that Lee Hyukjae is a model student.

The text tells that the protagonist of the story has a boyfriend, and Li Hezai wrote next to the question and answer: "I'm single, does the teacher have a boyfriend?" Pink, Li Donghai couldn't help but complain that he was childish, he was a student of several years old.

The text talks about being "busy", and Lee Hyukjae wrote in his homework: "Even if I'm very tired, I will set aside time to see the teacher." Draw a serious face next to it, with a serious look, if it's not a stickman, it's fine artistic. Lee Donghae laughed, ignoring Lee Hyukjae's crooked fine print and illustrations again and again.

Once again, when the text mentioned the feeling of coming to a foreign country to study at university, Li Hezai wrote next to it: "It's the right thing to come to this school, because I met you." For the first time, Li Hezai didn't call him "teacher" and never fell in love. Li Donghai's ears turned red quietly, and he scolded himself bitterly in his heart for being useless, but he couldn't restrain his trembling. But it's just the students' boring scribbles, how can I get serious.

Not only did he show his careful thoughts in his homework, but Lee Hyukjae was also good at using the time after class.

Their classes were from 7:00 to 8:00 pm, and the campus was dark after class, and Li Hezai always delayed leaving until the end, in order to leave with Li Donghai. After all, a walk in the moonlight is very romantic.

Li Donghai also let Li Hezai do this, keeping the distance between teachers and students. On the way back to the dormitory, he talked to Li Hezai in French, which was regarded as an after-school practice. After all, Li Hezai was a serious and good student. Li Donghae really only thought so at the beginning, until it became more and more obvious that Li Hyukjae liked him more than teachers and students.

Once it rained, Li Donghai didn't bring an umbrella. When Li Donghai packed up his belongings and turned around, there was not a single student in the class. Li Hezai, who had always been waiting for him, left early for the first time. Looking out the window, it was raining a lot, Li Donghai sighed, he didn't drive today, and it took half an hour to walk back to the teachers' dormitory. He wrapped his coat tightly, opened the door after leaving the classroom, and planned to go back in the rain.

When he was about to leave, he saw a black figure running from a distance with a schoolbag on his back, holding a big umbrella, and the white tag was dangling in the rain and had not yet been cut.

"Teacher! Wait!" Li Hezai ran to Li Donghae panting, his hair half wet and his clothes wet.

"How did you do it? Why is the umbrella still wet?" Li Donghai patted the water droplets off Li Hezai's shoulders, but he didn't notice that his tone was harsh because he saw Li Hezai's appearance.

"I just ran to buy an umbrella in the rain, didn't you bring it with you?" Li Hezai smiled and pulled Li Donghai under the umbrella. It's a nice smell that makes people settle down quickly.

Li Donghai looked at the elementary school student. In fact, he is not too young. Li Hezai is already 22 years old, and he has just become an associate professor soon after his 30th birthday. "No, why am I thinking about this?" Li Donghai shook his head, thinking of Li Hezai a lot lately, even when people were around him, he kept thinking, this is not right.

"Let's go then?" Li Hezai held the umbrella handle with one hand and hooked Li Donghai's arm with the other. Their shoulders are attached to each other, Lee Hyuk Jae is a little taller than Lee Dong Hae, and his shoulders are wider. Certainly not elementary school students. Li Donghai thought so and shook his head again. "Well, let's go."

After walking on this rainy road for a long time, Li Donghai suddenly couldn't find anything to say. They listened to the sound of the rain in silence and stepped in the same pace. Li Hezai laughed softly from time to time. Li Donghai didn't ask him what he was laughing, but the corners of his mouth couldn't bear it. Live up.

Since that rainy day, some things seem to be different.

Lee Donghae began to reply to Lee Hyuk Jae's small print, and when he was in a good mood, he would draw an illustration to respond to Lee Hyuk Jae. Lee Hyuk Jae was pleasantly surprised to find that Lee Donghae had great artistic talent, and the small pictures he drew were extremely cute. At first glance, they were just a few random strokes, but each stroke was the finishing touch, which just happened to constitute a meticulous little creation.

There was an assignment about "making desserts", and Lee Hyuk Jae wrote, "I'm learning to make avocado cake now." Lee Donghae was shocked when he saw it, I like avocado the most! This is the first time I see someone use avocado for dessert, I really want to eat it. That was the first time that Li Donghai replied to him: "Avocado is super delicious, I like it very much." He also drew avocado next to it, and he waved a light green colored pencil a few times, very cute.

Lee Donghae's reply made Lee Hyukjae so happy that he hugged the homework book in his arms and kissed him, which made his roommate Kim Heechul think he was really crazy. "Lee Hyukjae, do you like that French teacher so much?"

"I like it, I've liked it for two years." Lee Hyuk Jae's eyes lit up, and he happily wrote next to Lee Donghae's reply, "I'll take it to my teacher after I learn it." Of course I know what you like to eat. Lee Hyuk Jae wrinkled his nose, Avocado is so disgusting, how could you like it. But he still bought a lot of avocados, in order to learn how to make avocado cakes, in order to be closer to Li Donghai.

Another time, when the homework mentioned "going out to play", Lee Hyuk Jae wrote on the side, "I want to go to Hawaii with my teacher, the sea there is beautiful." Lee Donghae was shocked again, he also wanted to go to Hawaii, there are so many countries in the world , why did Lee Hyuk Jae say Hawaii? Lee Donghae replied, "I like Hawaii too, what a coincidence."

Although Li Donghai's response was lukewarm, but Li Hezai knew that Li Donghai didn't hate him in this exchange, and that was enough, he was very happy.

But Li Hezai forgot that people are greedy. After a little warmth, they will want more. The appetite for desire will always increase, and the desire to love someone is the strongest among them. The closer you get, the more you want to occupy. For own.

So in a homework, Li Hezai did not add small print next to any sentence, but on the last page, he directly asked Li Donghai if he wanted to eat alone with him, or on Saturday.

Li Donghai was stunned when he saw it, until his colleague Cao Guixian came over and patted his head, "Li Donghai, are you in a daze again?" Li Donghai recovered, looked at Cao Guixian, swallowed, and asked, "Kyu Kyu, have you ever gone out to dinner alone with your students on weekends?”

Cao Guixian was a math teacher and brought a group of dull science students. Even if the students asked him out, he didn't want to eat alone with them. "No, I also asked everyone to eat together, how could it be a student asking a professor." Chu Kyuhyun took a closer look, and there was something wrong with Li Donghai's erratic eyes and red ears.

Li Donghai is good-looking, and he caused a sensation when he first entered the school. There was a handsome young professor in the French department. Many students approached him secretly and secretly, and even took the initiative to send love letters and ask him to watch a movie, but Li Donghai warmly refused. Now, the handsome professor of the French department is very cold, and this reputation soon spread throughout the campus.

No way, Li Donghai, who doesn't shake even a little bit in thunder, is now debating whether to go to the appointment or not? Are you in love with people?

Jo Kyuhyun's gossip mentality was high, but he knew Lee Donghae's personality and would definitely not be able to break him, so Cao Kyuhyun added, seemingly casually, "But it's okay to go out on an appointment. Students and teachers can't be friends."

Looking at Li Donghae's blushing face, Cho Kyuhyun was so happy that some horses Siwon ran wildly, Li Donghae was enlightened! Are you finally leaving the parent list?

On the Saturday morning before the appointment, Li Donghai woke up at five o'clock, tossing and turning and couldn't fall back asleep. He crawled out of bed, convincing himself that he just got up to do things because he couldn't sleep, blushing and choosing clothes to wear when going out.

Do you have to dress like a teacher for your first date outside with a student? It seems too formal. Just dress casually? Will it look casual? So it took two hours to try on the clothes, and Li Donghai was so nervous that he was sweating.

"I'm sorry!" Lee Donghae ran into the cafe and walked quickly to Lee Hyukjae, "I'm late."

Li Hezai looked at Li Donghai and was speechless for a while.

Li Donghai usually teaches the same shirt, suit pants, and square glasses, which has never changed in the past two years. Today, Li Donghai is wearing a pure white hat, jeans, a pair of white Nike shoes, no glasses, and his hair is soft on his forehead. He looks like a college student.

Li Hezai was shocked by Li Donghae, who had a strong sense of youth. He was so good-looking. No matter what kind of Li Donghae was, he was his favorite.

Li Donghai was stared at, he bowed his head in embarrassment, and did not dare to move when he sat in the seat.

After taking a shower, he found that he didn't have enough time, so he quickly put on his clothes after blowing his hair. It was too casual. Li Donghai thought about the messy clothes on the bed, and why didn't he find the best looking one. He bit his lip in frustration, Li Hezai couldn't help swallowing when he saw it, Mom, Li Donghai is too sultry. Usually formal dress is abstinence style, today is pure and cute student style, completely irresistible, heart pounding wildly.

"You're not late." Li Hezai grabbed the drifting consciousness back, looked at Li Donghae with a smile, and added, "You look good today."

Li Donghae smiled shyly, extended his hand to the table, and approached Li Hezai's side. It is said that when he likes a person, he will involuntarily approach him and his body will lean towards him. Li Hezai understands a little psychology, and the teacher must have a good impression of him.

The process of eating was very ordinary. They had known each other for more than two years, and Li Hezai knew a lot of little things. Li Donghai chatted with him and forgot the time until the clerk came to remind them that they had eaten for two hours.

"Yes, this store has limited holidays." Li Hezai slapped his palm on his forehead and looked at Li Donghai. It's hard to make an appointment with the teacher, how can it end now?

Li Donghae went to the toilet before leaving, and when he came back, he found that Li Hezai had already settled the bill.

"Why did you settle the bill? Come out with the students. Of course, the teacher wants to treat you." Li Donghai looked at Li Hezai helplessly, and when he was carrying the bag on his shoulders, Li Hezai grabbed his hand.

"I have a movie that I want to watch, can the teacher invite me to watch a movie?" There was a firm light in Lee Hyuk Jae's eyes, and Lee Donghae didn't know how to describe it, but that light was like the gravitational pull of the earth given to the universe, and Lee Donghae would naturally feel it. Being taken away by Li Hezai, maybe Li Hezai is the gravitational force of his planet. By the time Li Donghai recovered, he was already in the theater with Li Hezai.

Li Hezai handed the caramel-flavored popcorn to his mouth, and Li Donghae was stunned, then opened his mouth to eat it.

What's going on, why is it so natural? After leaving the theater, Lee Donghae still couldn't figure out why he suddenly watched a movie, why he just ate the popcorn fed by Lee Hyuk Jae one by one, and now, why is Lee Hyuk Jae holding his hand?

"Li Hezai." Li Donghai stopped, holding Li Hezai's hand without letting go, and Li Hezai also stopped.

Li Donghai looked at Li Hezai, and the clamor of people and cars around him suddenly became completely silent, as if they were a world of their own, and nothing on the side could break into this barrier.

In the silence, Li Donghai couldn't say anything like the night it rained. He could only stare blankly at Li Hezai, wondering if this was a relationship, and if so, what was it?

Li Hezai's brows and eyes were gentle, with a faint smile, he took Li Donghai's other hand and approached Li Donghai. His forehead was placed on Li Donghai's forehead, and Li Hezai lowered his eyes to look at Li Donghai. Li Donghai's eyes were filled with stars, and he had the most soul-stirring yet pure and sincere eyes he had ever seen. Lee Donghae doesn't know where his charisma is, and that's his most charismatic place.

"Donghae, I like you, what should I do?" Li Hezai didn't call his teacher, but said his name.

Li Donghai was shocked, his eyes trembled, he looked at Li Hezai in disbelief, and shyly climbed up on his cheeks, he suddenly became dizzy and didn't know how to react.

"Hezai, you are a student." Li Donghai took a few steps back, trying to shake off the shudder in his heart, his stomach was rolling, Li Donghai felt like he was going to vomit, and his whole body was not right.

"I know, but do you like me?" Li Hezai stepped forward, grabbed Li Donghai's hand back into his own, and held it firmly.

He knew that what Li Donghai cared about the most was the teacher-student relationship. Even in the day-to-day interaction, he gradually realized that Li Donghai also had a good impression of him, but that did not mean that Li Donghai was willing to cross the taboo. So he chose to confess in his senior year. On the one hand, he could get rid of his college student status when he was about to graduate. On the other hand, he hoped that time would pass and Li Donghai would like him more.

He doesn't know how much Li Donghai likes him, he can only hope that the accumulation of love over time is enough.

Lee Donghae looked at Lee Hyukjae's sincere eyes, his heartbeat was so loud that his eardrums burst, his feet began to tremble, and his organs were about to get out of control.

Li Donghai took a deep breath, endured the dizziness and trembling, and said with a trembling voice, "Yeah."

Li Hezai's eyes widened, and he looked at Li Donghai in disbelief, his mouth opened, but he didn't utter a word.

So the two of them stared wide-eyed, held each other's hands, and stood still in the endless stream of traffic, with only each other in their eyes, and all the external noise had nothing to do with their little universe.

Li Donghai was the first to regain his senses. He remembered the day he first met Lee Hyuk Jae. It was Li Donghai's first year teaching at K University, and he was not familiar with many things, not even the weather. It was still cold in the morning, but it started to snow heavily in the afternoon. Li Donghai didn't have snow boots at all, wearing leather shoes literally walked on thin ice, and he still fell gorgeously on the snow.

When he was still clutching his butt in pain, he saw a man running over from a distance, with a smile in his eyes, without the slightest hint of ridicule, looking at him tenderly.

"Teacher, you need to wear boots in this weather." When he helped him up, the man's smell slipped into Li Donghai's nose, like the smell of fir trees, the smell of winter, but his smile was tinged with sunshine and warm , make people feel at ease.

He later met the man in class. A sophomore in German, Li Hezai.

Lee Donghae remembered that rainy night again, and Lee Hyukjae ran towards him. Li Hezai always approached him desperately. Although he was desperate, he was cautious and extremely gentle, for fear of hurting him or scaring him.

Li Donghai smiled, looked at Li Hezai, and said firmly, "Well, I like you, Hezai."

Since you approached me so bravely, I am also willing to approach you. If you become greedy, I will give you more.

Lee Hyuk Jae swore it was the best Saturday of his life and couldn't get any better.

"Stinky boy, stop showing off." Kim Heechul threw his stinky socks at Lee Hyukjae and played the game angrily. He had to listen to Lee Hyukjae tell dating stories ten times a day and listen to him talk about how cute his boyfriend is a hundred times , the ear bleeds directly. Is it wrong to be single? Stop sprinkling dog food!

Lee Hyuk Jae ignored Kim Heechul at all, grabbed the phone and jumped up suddenly, "My boyfriend is looking for me!"

Come again, the campus love is amazing, I go to the dormitory all day long to find someone. Seeing Lee Hyuk Jae jumping on his shoes and jumping out the door happily, Kim Heechul was envious and jealous. The little couple is tired and sick of it.

"Donghae!" After confirming the relationship, Li Hezai sipped Donghae one at a time and stopped calling him a teacher at all. Li Donghae was not used to it, not to mention that they were still in school.

So Li Donghae pushed away Li Hejae, who was running towards him, and took two steps back. "Hey, I've said it before. Call me a teacher in school, and physical contact is forbidden." Li Donghae lowered his voice and looked at the passing person in embarrassment. student.

Li Hezai lowered his head reluctantly. If it was a dog, he would be pitiful with his ears drooping down, his eyes moist and watery, and standing there with his hands down, it was hard not to feel distressed.

Li Donghae was heartbroken and helpless when he saw it. He smiled and said softly as he walked past Li Hejae, "But you can call me Donghae at home, and you can hug me and kiss me, fool."

Li Hezai raised his head, so happy that he followed Donghae, thinking that he was finally with the teacher. He liked the teacher so much, what should I do?

"Extraordinary - Why do German students take French classes"

It's not because I like Donghae. The first time I saw him, it was snowing, and he was walking on the snow with only leather shoes, and I thought this man would fall. The result really fell.

When you help him up, take a closer look, isn't this the handsome French professor everyone says? He's really handsome, the tip of his nose is frozen and red is very cute, and the smell of nectarine flowers on his body is very fragrant, and he can't forget it.

After reading the class schedule, it was alright. It was full in the morning and afternoon. In the evening, I could fill in the French class, so I went to the class.

"Li Hezai, you're just looking at it, I thought you really liked me." Li Donghai bit Li Hezai's wrist and glared at him angrily.

"Of course I like you, but if I don't like you, why do you still take your classes until graduation? It's hard to study German, okay!" Lee Hyuk Jae shouted innocently, because he thought he was cute and wanted to get close, because Lee Donghae's temperament was too attractive , to him, it is force majeure just like gravity is to the earth.

What's more, the more he got to know him, the more he liked this professor who was calm on the surface but actually cute. He was very serious and gentle with his students. How could people not like him.

"You can't think I'm looking at your face, I really like you, Haihai." Li Hezai tried to explain in a hurry, Li Donghai laughed happily, he just wanted to make trouble with him, how could he be serious.

"Then what should I do, I'm just looking at you." Li Donghae held up Li Hezai's face and kissed him on the mouth.

"Reasonable, I'm so handsome." Li Hezai pulled Li Donghae into his arms, slapped Donghae from the left and the right, and kissed Donghae so hard that they laughed and hugged each other.

Cao Kyuhyun looked at Lee Donghae, who is sweet with her boyfriend every day, and suddenly had the idea of falling in love.

Well, it's time for me to make a boyfriend. While thinking about this, a sophomore burst into his office: "Hello, Professor Cao! I'm confident that I won't be accepted this semester!" High-decibel, high-pitched, this The boy's face is angular, his black hair is like a mushroom on his head, and he is small and cute.

Cao Guixian smiled. Well, it's him. When he graduates, I am confident that I can catch up.


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赫海寫手 Moon&Sun 0415Instagram: eunhae_stories 專寫赫海文✨ 能有一個人這樣陪伴你,不論以何種身份,親密又溫暖,多好啊。
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