Appreciating Tongtong: May Snow on the Fortune Trail

The epidemic continues, it is really not suitable for places with many people, so I have to plan to try the hiking trails of Taozhumiao (or even the North District) this year!
Image source: Shot by Brother Stone

Appreciating Tongtong: May Snow on the Fortune Trail

The epidemic continues, and it is really not suitable for places with many people. I have to plan to try the hiking trails in Taozhumiao District (or even the North District) this year!

✅How to get to Furen Mountain Trail?
Get off the National Highway No. 1 "Yangmei Interchange" → go straight towards Yangmei City (not far) → turn left and enter Huandong Road and go straight → arrive at the Sancha intersection, then go to the left Xiaoqian Road → Cross the bridge of National Highway No. 1 and turn left again Enter Fortune Road.

✅Is it convenient to park?
You can park along the road near the mountain intersection; I personally don't think parking is a problem.

✅Is it convenient to go to the toilet?
Facing the mountain entrance, there are two portable toilets about 70 meters on the right hand side that can be used.

Image source: Shot by Brother Stone

✅Why choose this trail?
1. Goal: Brother Shitou wants to give peach and bamboo seedlings a good walk on any hiking trail that is close to 6 kilometers back and forth and can be completed in 2.5 hours.
2. Action Plan:
2-1. So I decided to buy a map of peach and bamboo seedlings;
2-2. Then mark the entire six-kilometer back-and-forth hiking trail with yellow peas.
2-3. Walk it one by one through the holidays, and then stick it with a green beanie sticker. It should be quite a sense of accomplishment after the whole sticker!

"Furen Mountaineering Trail" is located in a long and narrow hilly area between Laozhuang Road and Yangsheng Golf Course. It was originally a military control area and later opened up as a hiking trail. The entrance is located on Furen Road, hence the name. It is called "Furen Mountain Trail". Compared with the "Fengqi Sunset Trail" I walked before, this is a fairly primitive dirt path, there are not many artificial facilities, only old tires and ㄇ-shaped steel bars are fixed on the steep slopes, which is convenient for climbing, so I went down. After the rain, it is really not recommended for you to go there.

"Furen Mountaineering Trail" has a total length of about six kilometers, which is equivalent to "Fengqi Sunset Trail", which takes about two hours. Shuttle and enjoy the comfort of the cool breeze. Since there are three or four horizontal paths, it looks good from the map, but after actually walking in, you may walk to a country path inexplicably like Brother Shishi, so I recommend walking like I am weak for the first time. For you, just go right and go right back, don't just walk through the outermost circle well.

Image source: Shot by Brother Stone

Mountain friends said that in February and March, you can go all the way to Dabeikeng to enjoy the lupin flowers all over the mountains and plains. As for the beautiful tea garden in Dabeikeng, Longquan Trail, Fengcha Pavilion Trail, Ecological Yexi Park, and Jiangshen Trail, how long is the total length? It's a pity that Brother Shishi only wore one long sleeve this time. It was so cold that his ears couldn't stand it, so he had to travel through the mountain trails where the snow was flying in May (Tung tung flower) along the road. After completing the entire outer circle, he returned to the original mountain entrance. As for the other The mountain friend said that there is an abandoned military bunker on the way. I was busy on the road and didn't seem to see it. I think next time I come, I will give it a good look.

🎯 Review improvements:
Judging from the four hiking trails, I felt that I walked a little too hastily. I was too busy to meet the standard in about two hours. First, I didn't get enough rest. Second, the comfort of enjoying the scenery along the way was greatly reduced. It is recommended to take dry food and walk the trails as a concept of hiking outings. It would be better to take two or three breaks in the middle. Maybe this is the real enjoyment of life.

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🔥Follow up, everyone secretly learned workplace skills, how many did you miss?

1. Are you at a loss? After graduation, what job will I be looking for?

2. Modularization major | Secretly tell you, the skills of enterprise elites to gradually transition!

3.99% of the losers realize that it is useless to work hard, but to stand out and talk about strategies!

4. To develop a professional engineer, what kind of hard knowledge should I have?

5. Thank you for being late | Stop and find the motivation to keep going

Image source: Shot by Brother Stone


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