The Space Web3 Museum - Curator's Notes 4

Link Connect Liquid Sea is a world without Absolute Terror Field (AT force field).
In this world, human consciousnesses are indistinguishable from each other, and all souls inhabit a vast ocean of Lilith's blood. This is the ultimate ideal form of human existence that SEELE believes is the ultimate goal of the Human Completion Program implemented by the organization. Original URL:

In a DAO, it is assumed that everyone in the real world has only one wallet, and there is only one DAO Token in the wallet.

Every time we vote, we subtract the discussion before the vote, avoid coercion, inducement, lobbying, alliance, and division in the real world, and only implement our own ideas and vote on each issue.

We have achieved the ultimate goal of LCL Sea in the world of Blockchain.


The daily life of DAO AMA - let's talk about how to realize the human completion plan

What we are after is SEELE that plans to realize the human completion plan? ! (Where is my Asuka?)

Who has the answer? Ask daddy.

Lao Tzu's "DAO Sutra" says: One life is two, two begets three, and three begets all things.

The fertilized egg splits from one to two (a), two to four (b), and four to eight (c). Then enter the Morula stage (d & e)

Before differentiation, every cell is exactly the same, only the number increases, but when it reaches the Morula stage, the next step is that nature points out a way

Embryonic differentiation waves

Cell differentiation; each cell adjusts according to its own genes, assigns different positions, mutates into different cells, and solves different problems.

If the cells do not undergo dissimilation, they will eventually become cancers that we are very familiar with. The only goal of absorbing nutrients is to continue to grow. Even if you suddenly want to go somewhere one day, but your feet have not grown, there is only fantasy.

Everyone is born with different experiences and specialties, and everyone likes different things. This is written in our genes; just like the Embryonic differentiation waves that the Morula stage is about to cross.

Taking nature as a reference, why is DAO's one-person-one-vote so difficult? Because you want a skin cell to see how many times the heart should beat?

This is my guess, and everyone is welcome to discuss.

The healthy growth of DAO should follow the formation of alienation - subDAO. There is no subDAO to handle different transactions, it just stays in the Morula stage.

Different division of labor requires different sub DAOs to handle; different problems should not be thrown into the same big DAO, and everyone is expected to participate.

At what age does alienation begin?

8 people or more must start subDAO. This number is referenced from the number of cells above.

As a core of the creation of DAO, this is one of the conjectures, and people with expertise are used to deal with expertise in subDAO.

I still don't want to be a drop of orange juice in the sea of LCL.

LCL DAO: Each wallet must vote for each issue. The core person hopes to encourage everyone to actively participate in the same issue, learn by themselves, have in-depth understanding and discussion, and then vote.
Morula stage DAO: The voting rate is high, the number of participants is small, everyone is very active, and everyone actively wants to have an in-depth understanding and discussion of each topic. Everyone is omnipotent.
Benign tumors: DAO has not been alienated, and individual wallets have become alliances in DAO. Every discussion is a small group with substantial differentiation, but there is no change in DAO token.
Malignant tumors: DAO has not been alienated, and individual wallets have become alliances in DAO. Every discussion is a small group with substantial differentiation, but there is no change in DAO token, but it has begun to influence the intention of voting, and the number of votes increases. , thereby mastering or dominating the entire DAO.

Compared with a stereotyped skin cell, the omnipotent Stem cell seems to be able to cure all diseases. The omnipotent person, I would like to invite everyone to take a look at the following Kenji Fujima, and probably understand to some extent the impact of having multiple roles.

Xiangyang's two main players, Kenji Fujima, who is the main defender, and Hua Xingtong, who is the main center. Original URL:

The so-called theory will be practiced step by step in $like.f∞g SubDAO.

Our $like.f∞g SubDAO has been established on June 4th, 2022; the first AMA was completed on June 16th. was built on June 26th.

$like.f∞g SubDAO start-up NFT eggs sales proceeds will become our fund bank, collectors who own this NFT eggs will witness our Embryonic differentiation waves

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