Professor Yin Hongbiao gave a lecture on "Song Binbin's Apology: Truth, Rumor, Apology, Reflection"


On March 7, 2014, a luncheon meeting for faculty and staff of the School of International Relations of Peking University was held. The keynote speaker of this luncheon is Professor Yin Hongbiao, and the title is "Song Binbin Apologizing: Truth, Rumor, Apology, Reflection".

Based on the long-term research on the history of the Cultural Revolution and the accumulation of historical materials, the keynote speaker, Professor Yin Hongbiao, introduced the ins and outs of the various incidents surrounding Song Binbin, a student from the Girls’ High School Affiliated to Normal University in 1966, and analyzed many controversies and rumors, as well as the dissemination of information in them. The role of judging the truth from an academic perspective. Professor Yin Hongbiao affirmed the positive significance of Song Binbin's apology, and analyzed the different social evaluations caused by the apology. During the exchange session, many teachers and students conducted further information exchange and discussion on this topic.


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蕉下客对49年以后中国历史感兴趣,鉴于中文互联网有关的记忆和记载正在被大规模地有计划地移除,本博主要用作收集网络“垃圾”,“拯救”网络记忆和记载,可能偶尔会有点原创,稍微会转一点资料性强创见多的不被主流刊载的学术性文章。另外,凡华夏文摘刊登过的文章一般不cross post,当然也会有例外,视情况而定。
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