[Cooking the ingredients] A week's dishes of resentment at the end of the month: one pot to the end | The average meal is 64 yuan.

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The end of the month is really bad, but the more you can't do it at the end of the month, the more you want to do it ...! 😱

Although the average price of a meal this time is relatively high, in fact, the price of rice and seasonings is not included, it is purely the cost of ingredients.


This time, it is simple and rude

See you again in the end

All the ingredients are diced and diced . I only used 2 king oyster mushrooms this time, because there are already a lot of other ingredients.

Cooking order:

Stir-fry king oyster mushrooms and some sweet peppers (closer to the hard part of the head) until fragrant, then add carrots , onions , and meat in sequence, and fry until the carrots are slightly cooked; add the potatoes and stir-fry for a while, and finally add the sweet Add peppers and frozen cauliflower , pour about half to a bowl of water , cover the pot and cook until the potatoes are soft.

In fact, it depends on the individual situation to decide the order. I can save trouble if I can. If I have two electric cookers, I will cook rice in one pot and cook this in one pot, and then jump up on both sides to end the round immediately...😂

Seasoning :

When adding king oyster mushrooms and carrots, I added a little bonito sauce to suppress the taste. Wine or soy sauce can also be put in, but I'm used to bonito sauce or mirin.

The ingredients shown in the picture are about 8 minutes full of the 28 cm deep frying pan. After the potatoes were slightly soft, I added 2 spoons of seasoning and 2 pieces of Gongken apple curry .

The seasoning is this:

2 tablespoons are the tablespoons that were originally included in the jar.

In fact, I basically don't use this kind of seasoning, but occasionally I will add it when I get a little tired of cooking, and change the taste. For the seasonings I have used, I think the taste of this jar is quite natural.

I have used umami stir-frying, eating at the right taste, cooking master, etc. before, but I feel that the taste is not very natural. After eating the original flavor of only adding salt, these seasonings seem to have a heavy taste. However, the use of salt for seasoning really depends on the freshness of the ingredients, so it can still be used occasionally in a can.


This time, I didn't make curry rice , but curry-flavored risotto , so I didn't add a lot of water, and the curry pieces were also small pieces from Koken.

The focus is still on the vegetables, so the way I cook it, it will taste a lot like a vegetable curry risotto .

If I cook curry I'll use a completely different way, I'll talk about it when it's cooked.

you're done

in conclusion

A kind of murderous act of starving yourself while writing...

Although the days before the end of the month and before the paycheck are always hungry, I can’t help but want to eat more (?), so I go shopping without ordering the menu in advance, and the result is like this…

For those who are afraid of getting tired of eating, these ingredients can be fried with white sauce or chacha in addition to curry (different brands taste a lot different), which are very suitable.

After cooking, I swiped on YouTube and watched the cooking video, full of resentment while watching it🤣

If you have money, time and a kitchen (especially the kitchen), I think it is really easy to implement such things as cooking well... I think what a dead ordinary person like me needs, and how can I do it to save money? good food...

Plus I'm lazy.

I don't want to spend my holidays on these things.

I'm probably going to keep trying to go in this direction and wish I could get some inspiration to tell me what to cook next week.


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