LA 24: Human Figure Fundamentals - Throat Center

Life Architect

We first come to the center of the throat:

The central physiological location of the throat is the thyroid and parathyroid. Both of them regulate the body's metabolism.

Its meaning and function in the human diagram is the hub to realize the ability to plan and express, so that others can receive and understand the information to be conveyed.

In the human diagram, the energy of the remaining eight centers will be sent to this center, so that the energy can be manifested in the external environment. Therefore, the center of the throat is often under great pressure.

- If the center of the throat is blank, it means that there is no stable and continuous energy supply to the throat center, so the center will be more vulnerable, especially the voice and thyroid function.

- And usually tend not to speak when alone, but tend to want to speak when many people gather.

However, the following unhealthy states are prone to occur psychologically and behaviorally, so pay attention:

1. Because there is no continuous and stable energy to support the operation, they themselves often do not know how to express themselves properly, or have language barriers.

2. Once they get along with someone with a defined center of the throat, their empty or fully open center will absorb the energy of other people, or even be conditioned by their energy, then they will put the energy that has been blocked in the body, one time. Sexual springs flowed out, depending on which center their gates would connect to.

3. If he doesn't have a very good awareness of awareness and doesn't follow his correct strategy, the surging energy will get out of hand, causing them to only talk about things around them, or to interrupt the flow of others' speech, while bystanders. The eyes appear to dominate the conversation, or to be the focus of the eyes of others.

4. In a conversation, others may find that they are speaking inconsistently. Because the energy in the center of their throat is a reflection of the energy of others, they are asking them the same question with different people, or the same person asking the same question at different times. Questions, the answers you get will be different. So you don't need to take the answers they provide too seriously, because they are in an unhealthy state, and the answers they give are for reference only.

If my friends, the center of your throat is blank, don't worry, because you also have the following advantages.

- They have the potential to be singers or speakers, and can speak many languages. It may seem paradoxical, but in fact, they are in a healthy state and they can already know how to use and control the energy in the center of their throats, making them more flexible Become a channel for others to speak, say what others say in their hearts, or turn other people's wisdom into their own words to inspire others

If the center of your throat is filled with color, you usually

- Consistent and steady energy supply to throat center, can speak and act effortlessly

- If the center of their throat is connected to other power centers, it is easy to speak and act hastily

- Sometimes the influence of speaking decreases because of talking too much

- If the throat center is not connected to other dynamic centers, it is easy to make statements that cannot be fulfilled by action

- Possess good expressiveness and can express himself consistently.

- The way you express yourself is determined by the gates you open and the centers you connect to



- fill the center

1. Express yourself with your own strategy

- blank center

1. You don't need to think about how to say it, let the speech come out naturally


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LA 28: 人類圖基礎-根輪中心
