【Fu Style | Money Baby】#85 Working 4 hours a week is no longer a dream

When office workers work 40 hours a week or more, 4 hours a week seems like a fantasy. . .

Written on April 5, 2022

It's a rare day off, one can relax a little, but still not miss the opportunity to study.

The Lazy Reading Club held an online book tasting session to share the book "Working 4 Hours a Week". Just hearing the title of the book is already shocking and fascinating. Of course, we must raise our ears and listen carefully with BB Qian!

Source: @PopularOnline.com.my / Edited by: @福罗火火Flog

Samson, the tutor of the lazy reading club, first introduced the background of the author of this book, Tim Ferriss. In addition to being a successful American entrepreneur who founded BrainQUICKEN, the author is also a writer and Uber , Shopify, Evernote, and more.

He is also a national Chinese Sanda champion, a Japanese horse archer, a political asylum researcher and activist, a Taiwanese MTV break dancer, an Irish hockey player and a TV drama actor in Mainland China and Hong Kong.

As a successful entrepreneur, Tim should be too busy to spend, how can he still have so much time to play Sanda, be a dancer, be a hockey player and a TV actor, etc. Does it mean that he has 72 hours a day?

This is of course impossible, he and we both only have 24 hours a day, and because he is very clear about his goals and how to make good use of his precious resource - time, he has achieved so much.

Since time is limited, Tim Ferriss uses the word "DEAL" to make full use of this resource, allowing himself and his readers to move towards the New Rich.

The word "DEAL" (deal) actually means:

• Definition (life orientation)

• Elimination (cut chores)

• Automation (automatic receipt)

• Liberation

Definition (life orientation)

If you want to work 4 hours a week, you first need to set your own life goals, establish your own position, and then prioritize the things you need to deal with.

The new aristocracy mentioned by Tim Ferriss can be anyone, whether it is a working class, a company owner, or even a student. The difference with them is the deferrer.

When the new aristocracy attaches great importance to relative income and can control the situation of "W" ("W" includes: what, when, where, and with whom to do it), postpone life Those who prefer to save everywhere, save everything for last, find that their best years are gone.

Relative income is looking at income from a new perspective.

for example:

Xiaofu's monthly salary is HKD200,000

Xiao Luo's monthly salary is HKD50,000

Who do you think makes more money?

I believe many people will say that it is Xiaofu.

But Xiao Fu needs to work 40 hours a week, while Xiao Luo only needs to work 4 hours a week.

So what does it look like in terms of relative income? Both Xiao Fu and Xiao Luo work 4 weeks per month, relative income = income / actual working hours.

So, Xiao Fu's hourly income is HKD1,250, and what about Xiao Luo? His hourly earnings are HKD3,125.

From this point of view, Xiao Luo made more money than Xiao Fu.

Relative income is really a good indicator of your own income. If you only work 4 hours a week and the income you get is enough to meet your living needs, the extra time can be used to do things you are interested in.

Elimination (cut chores)

To become a new noble, the second step proposed by author Tim Ferriss is Elimination .

In order to make good use of time, manage it well and improve work efficiency, it is necessary to focus on the things that are related to the goals and the most important, and eliminate those insignificant chores.

To be efficient, Tim Ferriss suggests using Parkinson's law and the Pareto Principle to improve work efficiency.

I believe that everyone is familiar with these two rules. "Parkinson's law" says that work fills up all the time we have available. In order to make good use of time, we can try to limit the work to be completed in a shorter period of time. For example, if it is planned to be completed in one week, then try to shorten it to three days.

As for the "80/20 rule" (Pareto Principle), it means that 80% of the output comes from 20% of the input. We can ask ourselves, what 20% of the reasons are responsible for 80% of our desired results and happiness? Or what 20% of the reasons are responsible for 80% of our problems and unhappiness?

When we can intelligently identify the key to the 20%, we can achieve 80% of the benefits, instead of just working hard.

We don't have to demand the best performance in everything, but do the little things that matter, and we can enjoy great results!


When we have established our goals in life, decided to become a new nobleman, and have cut down on unnecessary chores, we can re-examine what jobs can be “outsourced” (outsourcing the work to others) , to automate revenue.

Tim Ferriss pointed out that as a new noble, we want to have our own business, not to work hard for this business.

When we choose "outsourcing", pay attention to outsourcing the "time-consuming" and "necessary" work, and delete the unimportant work that is screened out by the second step of "reducing chores" , no need to outsource.


The last step is to try to liberate one's body and mind and achieve "freedom".

If you are an office worker, you can try to negotiate with your employer to change to remote work, so that you can work while freeing up time to do things you like.

If you are an entrepreneur, you can try a mini-retirement, let yourself step down from the line of fire for a short time, and enjoy a free and easy life.

Working 4 hours a week is no longer a dream, but you can follow the 4 steps of "DEAL" suggested by Tim Ferriss, step by step, and let yourself enjoy a free and easy life.

Citizens, do you want to enjoy a life without the constraints of work together? What are you waiting for? Check out the book The 4-Hour Work Week!

Attached is Xiaofu's [Facebook Page] and [Appreciation Citizen], and everyone is welcome to support her.

🪴Xiaofu's creative space

https://www.facebook.com/Xiaofu's creative space-626942741287470/

🪴Xiao Fu's admiring citizen


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