【My Bird Day at Royal Construction】23. Pre-handover work

Mr. Engineer工程先生

"Mr. Lian Liulang." Detective Hou looked at his ID card, "It's a very special name."

"It's a waste of time. My mother took it because of her resentment against my father. That man is not the breadwinner." Director Lian replied.

"Yeah." Detective Hou lowered his head for a while, then raised his head and said, "We saw you and the victim walking down the driveway into the basement on the monitor at the convenience store in the back."

Director Lian froze, his two hands on his knees clasped his fists tightly, his head gradually lowered, no different from his usual bowing and bowing, except that the expression on his face no longer had a smile, and Criminal Hou continued to question: "Can you explain what you were going down from the basement with Mr. Lin Yuzhou on the day he was killed?"

"Just... just... go and see the scene. The basement has some paint that hasn't been done. I want to ask him to fix it."

"Based on these pictures of the scene." Police officer Hou lit a cigarette, "The scene hasn't been painted yet."

"That's why you laymen don't understand." Director Lian spoke at a faster pace, looking a little excited, "Before painting, you need to apply soil, and the basement ceiling is made of black soil, so you don't look white, so you think he didn't work, In fact, it has already been done.”

"So what part did you take him to fix?"

"The elevator entrance, the place in the elevator hall."

"On the same floor as he was killed?"


"You made a note before, why didn't you mention it?"

"Because that would make me the biggest suspect."

"You mean, you didn't do it?"


Interpol Hou turned to another page of the report, which was a photo of the elevator entrance. In turn, he pushed it in the direction of Director Lian, and said slowly, "Please point out the location of the land grant."

Director Lian was speechless, only to realize that he had just said the wrong thing because of the tense relationship, and the location of the elevator hall would not be approved at all.


"You're lying." Police Officer Hou added to help.

There was a moment of silence. The entire interrogation room was covered in smoke. Although there was no smoking in the room, the work pressure was really unmatched by ordinary people who worked for a long time, so everyone turned a blind eye.

"Now, please explain what you and Mr. Lin did in the basement."

Seeing that the lie was exposed, Director Lian had no choice but to tell the whole story of what he planned to take back the deduction, but why it ended up in the raft foundation pit, even the Director did not know at all.

"We will prosecute you for assault. Before we find out what happened in the last paragraph, we will trouble you to stay at the police station," said the police officer.

Even the director was silent, and now he has no other choice.

Director Shen, Xiao Xu, and Zheng just returned to the public works in the same car. The noise outside the gate of the construction site was not as noisy as it was in the morning, and the announcement of the suspension of work was officially posted at the gate.

As soon as he returned to the public works office, Director Wu said as soon as he saw Zheng Gang, "Xiao Lin, there is a house to be handed over in the last case next week. You and Xiao Xu go back and help me deal with it."

"At this time, you have to deal with the handover, right or wrong." Zheng Gang was a little impatient.

"The boss who stopped work is already two big. You don't let him have some income. After we all drink the northwest wind, I will ask you again if you are right." Director Wu replied angrily.

"Are you sure the client won't return our house after seeing this news?"

"It's not something you have to worry about, the boss is already using some media relations."

"Let's go, why are you still in a daze?" Zheng Gang said to Xiao Xu. After this happened, Zheng Gang has always been more like a senior than Xiao Xu.

It has been a year and a half since the last case was completed. The housing market in the past two years has been relatively bad, and it is a case with a large number of flats. There will be more or less damage, such as the paint on the wall is a little dirty because someone is walking around, or there is some scale on the balcony faucet.

"Check it out and see if there is anything to be sorted out and write it down. Let's contact the manufacturer again, or sort it out ourselves." Zheng Gang ordered.

Starting from the door, the door machine is not scratched, but there are some traces of fingerprints, which should be the relationship between the sales staff trying to press the door. The outside of the entrance door is a dark brown fluorocarbon paint fire door with some carvings. The door is 80 kilograms. Be careful when opening and closing the door. Being caught is no joke.

"Come on, senior, look at this." Just as he was calling Xiao Xu over, a slender scratch was drawn on the wood grain on the inside of the entrance door.

"Right-handed." Xiao Xu speculated.

"You're right, it's super difficult to handle."

"Call Ashin, otherwise what should I do? He is very good at dealing with this kind of imitation wood grain. Can we find anyone else?"

"But he's supposed to be dealing with his brother, is he in the mood to help us deal with this?"

"Aren't we in the mood to deal with the house handover, haven't we been forced to come here?"

"Yes, let's record it first."

The two of them continued to check what needed to be sorted out. Just brush the dirty parts of the paint by themselves. The basement still has the stock left before. The rust on the sink and faucet can be treated with detergent, and the aluminum doors and windows and indoor wooden doors are nothing In a special situation, it's pretty good.

"Call Sister Ahua first, and ask him to clear it up first. Maybe there will be some problems. We will talk to him about Axin when we go to him." Xiao Xu finally regained his senior appearance. .

"Hey, Ashin, you're... in good condition now." Just called Ashin.

"Um..." Although there was only one word, it was just a little sad to hear it. "We're going to remove Taofu. If you guys want to come to see my brother, come back tomorrow, and things will be sorted out tomorrow."

"Okay..." Zhenggang didn't know what to say, neither was comforting, nor was it right to ask about work, and it wasn't right now, "That's it, I'll call you tomorrow."

Azhou's mourning hall is in the small room at the farthest corner, probably because it is fully booked. There is only this kind of small mourning hall with five people crowded in the same room. Axin and Azhou's wife are cleaning the table inside. Nodding, after all this is a mourning hall, warm greetings are not suitable.

A Xin turned inward, lit three incense sticks, handed them to Zheng Gang, Xiao Xu and Director Shen respectively, turned around and said to A Zhou's photo: "Brother, Xiao Lin, Xiao Xu and Lao Shen have come to see you, so many good friends remember You, you can rest assured, I will help you take care of the construction site, and everything will be fine." After speaking, he went to the side so that the three of Zhenggang could stand at the table.

"Zhou, don't worry, we will help you find the murderer." Director Shen said.

After the three of them finished the incense, they still had to talk to Ashin about the business, but he was just embarrassed and didn't know how to speak to Ashin, and seemed a little awkward.



"Are you going to work these days?"

"Isn't your construction site closed?"

"There are other cases to do, not paint."



"A lot?"

"Not much, just one place."

"Okay, I won't be here all day."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that," Zheng Gang was no longer so restrained, "I also want to say that you won't be in the mood to work."

"You can still sell your house, and such a big thing happened?"

"I ordered it before, and it hadn't happened yet."

"Yes, when are you going to test?"

"Next week, there's always time to sort things out."

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow afternoon." After speaking, the three of them left the Azhou mourning hall and went back to work at the construction site.

to be continued


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Mr. Engineer工程先生在營造業工作的小小工程師。營造業是個資訊很封閉的行業,所有經驗大部分只能靠業內傳承下來,希望盡自己的一點小小心力,把業內的知識及生活分享給大家 ☛ https://engineeringlifetw.com/
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