Walking Evening News: Fasting will not make you lose more weight

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0421 Evening News

Good night,

Today is Queen Elizabeth II's 96th birthday. Although landmarks such as the Tower of London will launch a cannon salute to celebrate the Queen's birthday, the Queen, who has recently reduced appearances due to her health, has chosen to spend her time in private. The residence, Sandringham House, is said to have been spent the day at the late husband Philip's favourite manor cottage.

And because the British monarch has a tradition of "two birthdays" , in addition to the "real birthday", the Queen will also celebrate the official birthday this year in the beautiful June as usual, and will also be the longest reigning British monarch. Sovereign, celebrate the 70th anniversary of his accession to the throne.

The same scene: Mattel, a toy company, launches a special edition of Barbie to pay tribute to the Queen 👸
In the official commemorative photos released by the British royal family, the Queen's love for horses is at a glance. (AP)

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Global Hotspot

Under the dual pressures of global warming and modern intensive agriculture, parts of the world are heading for plummeting insect populations and ecosystems on the verge of collapse, according to a new study by University College London, published in the journal Nature. The "insect apocalypse".

The study pointed out that in the most affected areas, the number of insects has dropped by nearly 50% (49%), and the number of species has decreased by 27%. Due to the important role of insects and plants in the process of pollination, the current "insect crisis" is staged. "It could ultimately impact human health and food security. Scholars suggest that careful management of agricultural areas, such as protecting natural habitats near farmland, may help to make sure that important insects can still thrive.

Photo credit: Pixabay

out of gender

The acceptance of LGBT in South Korean society is still low, and the military is the most unfriendly workplace environment for LGBT. Previously, after undergoing gender reassignment (transgender) surgery, the military was dismissed by the military on the grounds of "physical and mental disabilities". It's a pity to end up on a dead end. In addition, the country's military code prohibits sexual behavior between male soldiers, even during vacations and off-duty periods. Violating the law can be sentenced to up to two years in prison.

In 2017, the South Korean military launched a large-scale investigation into the outflow of soldiers' sex videos. More than 10 people were prosecuted for sex with men. Two of the soldiers were convicted and sentenced. Two defendants refused to accept the sentence and appealed all the way to the Supreme Court.

South Korea's Supreme Court rejected the military court's ruling on the 21st, finding that the legal provisions do not apply to consensual sexual acts that occur outside the military camp when they are not on duty, and pointed out that the moral concept that homosexual acts constitute obscenity must keep pace with the times. The crime unreasonably violates soldiers' sexual autonomy and rights to non-discrimination, equality and dignity and the pursuit of happiness.

Human rights groups see the ruling as groundbreaking and help address LGBT discrimination in the military, and have called on the Constitutional Court to rule the provision unconstitutional — the Constitutional Court has ruled the provision three times in the past, most recently in 2016. year.

Photo credit: Associated Press

I can't just see

Many readers may have tried intermittent fasting methods such as "16/8" and "12/12", which have become popular in recent years, but a study published in the "New England Journal of Medicine" showed that, For the same calorie intake, limiting eating to 8 hours does not lose more weight than eating all day.

For the year-long study, 139 overweight subjects were given a daily upper limit of calories, the difference being that the experimental group had to eat between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., while the control group had no limit.

After a year of low-calorie diets, both groups successfully lost weight (average weight loss of 14 to 18 pounds), but there were no significant differences in weight loss or health indicators such as waist circumference, body fat, blood sugar, and blood pressure. The researchers note that this suggests that the benefits of intermittent fasting are overwhelmingly due to counting dietary caloric restriction (rather than the fasting itself)—there is no benefit to eating in between.

Photo credit: Pixabay

Quote of the Day

The " 2022 Global Chinese College Students Short Poem Contest " held by Shanghai Jiaotong University in China recently announced the submissions for the audition, and many poems directly pointed to the epidemic in China (such as "Unnecessary Leaving School " which was spread like crazy, " Historical Records " about the whistleblower Li Wenliang. ) and Xuzhou Iron Chain Girl ( "A woman grows at the head of his bed " and other social issues, but they cannot escape the fate of being blocked and disappearing.

Further reading

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