[When you hold a mallet in your hand, all you see in the world are nails: be careful that your professionalism rigidifies your thinking]

If you solve everything with a single mind, you may have a lot of blind spots and be overly paranoid; the world will never work in one way, after all.
"When you have a mallet in your hand, all you see in the world are nails."

From Munger's Poor Charlie's Common Common Sense book.

The core concept of this statement is that if you solve everything with a single mind, you may have a lot of blind spots and be overly paranoid; after all, the world will never work in just one way.

This is why Munger has always emphasized the need to have "multiple thinking". Learning to see things from a variety of perspectives, literature, science, engineering, art, etc., allows you to see all aspects of things.

【Example of professional rigid thinking】

I recently had such an experience when I was a teaching assistant for the CTPS problem-solving project at National Taiwan University .

Our team members are all students with strong professional ability, most of them have great data analysis ability and foundation, so they have a great performance in data processing and analysis during the project process.

However, because of their professionalism, they are used to dealing with problems in this way.

In the process of measuring the effectiveness of a plan, faced with more uncertain results, they also chose to build a data prediction model through familiar methods at first, but forgot to take a step back and first consider "whether there are other more cost-effective" workaround .

I ended up spending a lot of time working on models that didn't get there; there are other ways to get there that don't require data power.

In my past industry-university cooperation projects, I had a similar experience.

Problems that do not need to be too complicated to solve, but because the project is related to AI, make engineers insist on using AI models to solve problems, which consumes a lot of time and cost.

In the end, it can be solved with a simple excel model and a solid theoretical foundation.

The above situation is actually a well-known situation in psychology called the "set-action effect", which mainly means that when faced with a problem, although there are better methods, people often tend to use the usual methods.

[Thinking problems with the end in mind can avoid single thinking]

I think the most important thing to avoid the way of interpreting nails in the eyes is to take three steps back when encountering a problem, how many possible solutions are there?

When you think of the solution SOP that you are best at and most familiar with, don't rush to use it, but think "beginning with the end" whether such a solution can most effectively achieve your goals.

When you are too deep and get into the horns, you can also try to seek help from outside, and let people in different fields from yourself see if there is a better way to solve the problem!


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