One bite of the whole year's Heian Ruyi ~ Japanese Setsubun, Bean Sprinkling Exorcism and Eifata Roll

A whole year of peace and happiness in one bite...! This is the auspicious food that Japan must eat during the festival. It is similar to the large flower roll sushi. This year's auspicious direction is the north north west, facing the north north west and taking a big bite of the Huifang roll. With the smog brought by the new crown in 2019, I look forward to Huifangjuan bringing luck to everyone....

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

On February 3rd, the ghost retreat, start! !

After work, I went to the school child care center to pick up my son as usual.

The two of them were walking holding hands, and a mother and son, two or three-year-old children, came face to face, and the cute baby voice said,

"Mom! Today I'm going to eat Eiffa rolls..."

After Yangping and I heard the conversation between the mother and son, we looked at each other,

"Oh! Today is Setsubun! I forgot...!"

They hurriedly jogged hand in hand and rushed to the supermarket to buy Huifang rolls.

In an instant, I felt that Yangping and I were very similar to a very old advertisement in Taiwan, two old people holding hands,

"Wife, I have to be vegetarian today!" said the old man.

Then, the two old people rushed to buy Da Mao black melon (advertised product), the same thing, the same result.

In order to eat, the mother and son jogged straight to the supermarket holding hands. I really want to cut this cute figure and enlarge it, and stick it on my heart for the rest of my life. In fact, the little boy is a very cute creature. In two years, he will never hold hands with me again. Now, I have to hold this little boy's hand as if it were about to slip into my palm. Firmly impossible.

The so-called festival points are derived from the twenty-four solar terms. Beginning of Spring, Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Beginning of Winter, there are four festivals in a year. The beginning of spring is in the first month of the year, which symbolizes the removal of the old and the new, so since ancient times, the festival has been held in the beginning of spring.

The ritual of Setsubun is said to have originated from the Heian period "Oi Nuo ついな". At the end of the year, bows and arrows made of peach wood were used to exorcise evil spirits. Later, in the Edo period, it evolved into a well-known bean sprinkling to exorcise demons.

The Japanese believe that diseases and disasters are the evil karma of demons, so they want to destroy the demons, and the Japanese word for extermination of demons (Magic annihilates mametsu, 魔をannihilation する) sounds the same as beans (まめmame), so it evolved into the later demons (usually to demons). A person wearing a demon mask) throws beans and shouts "Don't come, the devil, good fortune comes in!"

Usually, the festival falls on the 3rd of February every year. Only in a leap year last year, it was on the 2nd of February. This is the "February 2nd Festival" that has only reappeared after 124 years since AD 1897. In other words, last year was the first and last "Secondary 2nd Festival" in my life.

After finishing the story of Setsubun, Yangping and I rushed to the supermarket in order to eat the Setsubun Benefit Roll, and it was already crowded with people, and we couldn't smell any emergency declaration at all. Maybe everyone is bored at home, so shopping and eating have become the biggest pastime!

In other words, why do you eat huifang rolls during the festival? Huifang rolls are similar to Taiwanese flower sushi, and the ingredients in it are not limited, ranging from the most common shredded eggs, gherkins, and dried radishes to luxurious seafood and assorted grilled meats. In ancient times, it was said that facing auspicious directions brought luck, but it was really popularized in Japanese society after 1988, the result of the promotion of convenience stores.

I chose the seafood flavor, and Yangping chose the plain flavor. In addition, I chose a tuna flavor for the old man. There were only three of them, and they greedily bought an extra barbecue flavor.

Seafood Flavor Rolls

I wanted to take a photo to accompany this article, but when I saw the crowd, I thought I'd forget it. My dear Yohei asked what am I doing? I honestly wanted to take pictures, but there were too many people…. Before I could finish speaking, Yangping snatched my phone and dropped a word, "Leave it to me!"

I saw him holding a mobile phone, carrying a schoolbag, and walking around in the crowd. After a couple of clicks, he took a beautiful photo that was not lost to the crowd!

piles of yummy rolls

For the sake of Yangping's hard work in taking pictures, it seems that I won't be able to write this! (laugh)

While checking out, I met Yohei's classmate Ichiro. Ichiro was alone, he bought a few bottles of mineral water and bento. I glanced at his shopping basket. He didn't buy a huifang roll. I took one out of the shopping bag and gave it to him, "Auntie invited you."

Ichiro hasn't come to play at home for a long time, but I always miss him. He is Japanese and Filipino, and his father is Japanese, but Ichiro died of illness when he was a junior. Ichiro inherited the big eyes and dark complexion of his Filipino mother, and the tall figure of his Japanese father. Ichiro is tall and tall, and looks like a miniature version of Tiger Woods.

He shyly took the Hui Fang scroll and shyly said thank you. Yangping also said goodbye to the miniature version of Tiger Woods very warmly.

I didn't ask Ichiro, why didn't my mother come? I'm not the kind of person who will take the initiative to ask people a lot of private matters. All I can do is to give him a favor and then wish him a happy festival.

Towards the north, the north and the west, bite down

Hui Fangju, this year's auspicious position, north north west, bite down towards the north north west, a whole year of happiness and peace.

In other words, this year's auspicious position is North, North and West, facing North, North and West and taking a big bite of the Eifa roll, I hope to take all the unhappiness in one bite, and eat all the smog brought by the new crown last year. I look forward to the Eifa roll for Ichiro and everyone. Come get lucky.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year.


2022.2 Rewrite and repost in Matt City

2021.2 Pathfinder

2021.10 Ruffian State


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