post-adolescence shock

Instinct politeness made Me match the atmosphere, pretending to hear the old guy talking about the dramatic, absurd, youthful frivolity of when he was young, he chopped up a man by the sea below, and secretly buried his body in the sand dunes.

Me went to Penghu many years ago and was in the same club with two universities, one senior and one junior. In order to save money, I quietly pitched a tent and spent the night in someone's yard. In the middle of the night, there was a flashlight in a ring, looking inside through the tent, Me was about to get up and go out to explain, he thought it was the police who were concerned. As a result, a hunched grandmother first probed closer, looked at it silently for a few moments, and then walked away. "She should have known at a glance that we looked innocent and innocent," Me said. The next morning, Me went to the market and bought a piece of milkfish maw. She also shamelessly stayed in the front yard, cooking fish slices and ginger soup for breakfast. What impressed me was that I didn't know that my junior was vegetarian until after the fish soup was cooked. Me and the senior had to eat in front of him and praised the fish. Grandma didn't bother to care about these tourists.

But this summer is different. The old guy is from Penghu. Me and him go back to their hometown for vacation. They are familiar with everything, T-shirts and shorts, one old and one young, swaying, as if they are in their own backyard. In my memory, I went to a remote military camp in Magongbian. Of course, it was deserted, and the gates were locked. The old guy's thin body first lay on the ground, then rolled over into the gap under the gate of the barracks fence, and then quickly got up and crossed the two green interlaced low walls. Me did exactly that, completely copied his movements, even the rhythm, and back home the old guy seemed suddenly a few years younger, with his back like a teenager.

The two chatted happily in the empty bunker. The atmosphere of this place is really wild and interesting, and they should be open to do something. They walked up to a tower and looked out at the boundless sea. The tower was pitch-black and covered with a blue sky. The old guy's eyes suddenly glowed, and he pointed to a white-sand beach under the empty window and said, "Do you believe it? When I was young, I used to ride a horse there!"

The image of this elder is an old urchin who likes to mix with young people, calling the young people around him children. Occasionally, the old school recalls the business experience that used to be in the advertising industry, millions of business transactions, and a group of young people under the company, "Look at Miss Mi, who runs an art gallery, Jiji, who is a Japanese restaurant, and also There is a lady who opened a famous brand clothing store and spoke very funny, and the young lady who knelt down and laughed with the guests was all the people I brought out at that time and followed me...", the commercial spaces he mentioned were all I took Me there, and those people were big brothers and short brothers, and they eagerly honored this old man who was never disgusted. Me remembered hearing about the distant past in the shopping malls at least three or four times, and already seemed impatient. He was not forgetful, but just wanted to summon some blood energy that was different from the image of the shrinking old man now, and could activate some life energy.

The tone was very similar to what he was talking about now, do you believe it? When I was young, I once rode a horse on that beach!

His face was full of ruddy, and a happy smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. It was neither complacent nor showing off, but pure rejuvenation-style joy. He was so excited and a little shy, Me thought how should I respond to him?

Instinct politeness made Me match the atmosphere, pretending to hear the old guy talking about the dramatic, absurd, youthful frivolity of when he was young, he chopped up a man by the sea below, and secretly buried his body in the sand dunes. Me was surprised and said, "Wow, yes!" But it might be hard to hide Me's youthful exuberance of the old guy, and he didn't feel anything interesting. However, when the old guy finished saying that, what Me said was indeed established, and a pair of round and gray old ass appeared in his mind. I said it was too weird! It's not a girl's double breasts.

As I entered the year of immersion in memories, I gradually understood why the old urchin always likes to bring a few chaperones around. It is like looking in the mirror of time, watching the children's sloppy talk and unruly behavior, can remind myself, There used to be a few tubes of stimulant hidden in the space-time capsule, ready to give myself a post-youth electric shock in the future.


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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡
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