Is it wrong to "don't have children"? Learn English words related to "marry and have children" from exploring the collapse of traditional values

Last year, Taiwan's population showed negative growth for the first time, and the marriage rate was the lowest in 11 years. Most people believe that the crux of Taiwan's low birthrate problem is that married couples have "too few births", and efforts should be made to increase the fertility rate to slow down the rate of aging. So, why do you want to have children? If you love someone very much, do you have to get married? After you get married, do you have to have children to be complete? "Marry and have children" related English words.

According to recent news reports, statistics from the Ministry of the Interior showed that Taiwan's population showed negative growth for the first time last year, and the marriage rate was the lowest in 11 years, at only 5.16 per 1,000. Most people believe that the crux of Taiwan's low birthrate problem is that married couples have "too few births", and efforts should be made to increase the fertility rate to slow down the rate of aging.

"Marriage and having children" has always been a deeply rooted tradition in Chinese society. Many people live for others all their lives. When they were young, they worked hard to study and live for their parents' expectations. I live to raise my parents and children, and when I am older, I worry about my children and grandchildren, and my life focus is not on myself. However, with the improvement of women's education level and the popularization of contraceptive measures, the global top guest DINK (Double Income, No Kids) continues to grow, and the young people of the new generation have more ability to think independently, pursue themselves, and obey the true nature of their hearts. The desired lifestyle, "starting a family and starting a business" is no longer the only way in life, and women in the new era are no longer like traditional housewives, devoting themselves to home service all their lives.

So, why do you want to have children? If you love someone very much, do you have to get married? After you get married, do you have to have children to be complete? "Marry and have children" related English words.

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Are children the key to maintaining a relationship?

Traditionally, it is believed that children can strengthen the relationship between husband and wife. If there is a conflict between husband and wife, they will consider the child, and will not break up without saying goodbye. I don’t think marriage is the grave of love. It’s just that you haven’t found the right half for you. It has nothing to do with children. On the contrary, if the other half is your true love, love will sublimate rather than fade with time. Love is a matter between two people. There is no need to involve children to consolidate love. I have seen many people insist on marriage for the sake of children, but although the two are under the same roof, they get along like enemies. When marriage and relationship have reached the point of mutual disgust, when the relationship between husband and wife has become an empty shell, letting children live in a family where the husband and wife are not harmonious will not only torture the whole family, but also hurt the child even more. If you were a child, and your parents had an affair, domestic violence, daily quarrels, and unhappiness, would you expect your father or mother to endure a lifetime just to give you a seemingly complete (but unhappy) family? Don't entangle the grievances and grievances of adults on children. Many times, adults use children as shields in order to avoid facing problems. In fact, children do not want to be the object of your sacrifice and patience.

The ultimate happiness of a woman is not necessarily marriage. Traditionally, it is believed that the most important goal of a woman is to find a good home, but if she can't find someone who suits her, she would rather choose to live the life she wants alone. Women must have the ability to be independent in order to have the opportunity to find a happier life, not to let love be reduced to a relationship that is only left to inherit the family in order to maintain marriage.

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Is it the most sacred duty of a woman to inherit the lineage?

Chinese traditionally believe that no matter how hard life is, as long as the incense is not continued, it is ashamed of the ancestors. From a personal standpoint, the purpose of inheriting the lineage is for the family; from a national perspective, it is a national security issue; but from a global perspective, human desires are boundless, while the earth’s resources are limited. The world’s population will reach 7.8 billion in 2020. Ecological overshoot, climate change, climate change, food shortages, biodiversity loss and other challenges, for the long-term survival of civilization, is it good news for the earth to "reduce the size of human beings"?

Some people say that to continue the incense is not to let the hard work and wealth of one's life fall into the hands of others. Many parents have worked hard to save a fortune all their lives. They are diligent and thrifty. If you don’t do a good job in financial planning, you will instead cultivate your children’s habit of getting something for nothing, eating and doing lazy, losing their ability to earn a living, gambling all their savings, and even ruining their lives. Lin Zexu, a minister of opium scavenging in the Qing Dynasty famously said: "If a child is like me, what to do with money, and if he is wise and rich, it will damage his ambition; "Instead of leaving life savings to children, it is better to make good use of your wealth, help yourself realize your dreams, fulfill the meaning of your life, or invest in disadvantaged public welfare to make the world a better place because we have been here.

Why is the most glorious and greatest mission of a woman to be a mother? In modern society, women have the same opportunities for education and work as men. Marriage is because they love each other, not to reproduce offspring, and women are not a tool to bear children. If there are no children, there is no value in a marriage, even if it does not end. Everyone's values are different. A woman can choose to use her own way to splendid her life. It is not necessary to have children to prove that she is a successful mother. For me, no matter how good my genes are or how rich my family is, I don't care whether my blood is passed down or not. I only care about whether I have a meaningful life in this life and whether I can live the life I want.

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"Raising children to prevent old age" will not feel lonely?

In the past, traditional agricultural society was generally a "big family", and a family may have more than a dozen children. "raising children for old age" is to hope that when you are old, you can rely on your children to take care of them and enjoy the life situation of caring for grandchildren. However, today’s families are almost all “small families”, with one or two children at most. In fact, the phenomenon of aging and low birthrate in modern society has intensified. Last year, Taiwan’s dependency ratio rose to 40.2, which means that per 100 working-age population, With a population of 40.2 supporting young children, it is becoming more and more difficult to implement child-raising and anti-aging at an economic level. Nowadays, the younger generation may not be able to support themselves, let alone support the elderly. Many parents spend most of their lives and finally stay by their side to take care of them. It is a foreign domestic helper, which inevitably makes people feel chilled.

Aside from the economic aspect, the elders of the Chinese society are more inclined to "tie" their children by their side. Without the company of the younger generation, life will lose its purpose. If the mentality of "raising a child" is too high, the child is too dependent on the parents, and the parents take too much care of the child, which will also make the parents lose their independent spirit. . When you "tie" your children to your side and entrust everything to your children, each other may be in pain, because the living habits and values of different generations are different, and they all need their own living space, and even a relatively high proportion In order to accompany their aging parents, young people still live at home to remain single, do not get married, do not buy a house, and give up social activities, and their world has nothing but family.

European and American parents raise their children to enjoy the joy of family life, not to "raise children to prevent old age". As long as parents are good to children, children will grow up to be "filial" to their parents, but not "obedient". Family members The "shun" of the class relationship between superiors and inferiors should not be used to maintain harmony between them. Thinking of the neighbor who used to live in Australia, his child will have to pay rent if he continues to live at home after the age of 16. Let the child start taking loan from high school and college, work part-time to earn money to support himself, and cultivate the child to develop independence without excessive depend on parents. Each child is an independent individual, not his parents, and no one is destined to live for another person.

Of course, every child will be grateful for the kindness of their parents, but now the social pressure is higher than in the past. If the child's body is in a bad state, he can't bear the pressure and collapse. Once the elders lose their support, the rhythm of life will be greatly changed, and the aging of body and mind will be accelerated. , spend the rest of his life in pain. The concept of raising children to prevent old age is outdated. Even the financial experts in Forbes’ column have strongly suggested that it is best to put your pension before your children’s education fund, and avoid sacrificing your retirement foundation in order to cultivate children. On the contrary, it will create a greater burden on the children in the future.

Times are changing, and many experts remind that the concept of raising children and preventing old age in the current social environment is outdated. The new generation, whether they have children or not, should live more for themselves. "Only you are responsible for your life." We should all prepare for retirement and independent living as soon as possible. "Live until you are old, never too old to learn." No matter how old you are, you should not be ashamed or lose your dreams. These are the values that are suitable for today's society. Raising children will not only prevent them from getting old, but will also cause them to fail at anything, causing them to suffer from depression. Those who truly know how to "enjoy happiness" must rely on themselves to obtain, understand what they want and what they want to accomplish, and only then can they achieve spiritual prosperity. with true happiness. Zhang Manjuan once said: "People are born lonely and lonely. This is the essence of human beings. The more you love yourself, the more you can enjoy loneliness, because you no longer need to get comfort from others." Own.

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Happiness is the way of life you choose

Getting married, having children or not, has nothing to do with right or wrong, but depends on each person's values and choices. For me, happiness is the way of life that I choose and want, not for others to see. I don't have children, I just don't like children, and I don't like raising furry children. This is the way of thinking that has not changed since then. Like a free life, spend more time on things that interest you, and make your life colorful. When you meet a soul mate, you can live the world of two people as you like, and you don't need to rely on children to maintain love, and you don't need to raise children to prevent old age. Have the ability to be independent. According to Buddhism, the source of all suffering is due to ego-clinging and self-view, and because people have reincarnations of birth and death, they are tossed around in the long night of suffering. Although I can't decide not to be born, I can decide not to have children, to reduce the fetters of this life. In the face of the future world environment is not very good, overpopulation, environmental pollution, if we can realize the sexual emptiness that we have no income The wonderful principle is as stated in the Prajna Heart Sutra: "Seeing that the five aggregates are empty, save all suffering." Don't be selfish and let your children suffer in the future. Naturally, you can transcend all suffering, eliminate worldly desires, transcend the cycle of birth and death, and achieve the ultimate. Changle.

If you like children, like the process of raising children, and are ready for the responsibility of raising children, then congratulations on giving birth. On the one hand, it can promote Taiwan's economy and solve national security problems. But don't think that a woman's life is complete only when she gets married and has children. In the past, women often played multiple roles such as mother, daughter-in-law, and wife at the same time, and it was easy to lose themselves because of busyness. However, in the modern and free social atmosphere, the option of "mother" is no longer the only choice for a woman, and giving birth or devoting to the family is no longer an obligation, but one of the options in personal life, as long as you reach a consensus with your partner. , don't care about the expectations of elders or other people, after all, life is what you want to live, don't give birth to children for the expectations of others, it is not difficult to have children, but just like raising pets, don't do it if you are not ready to give a lifetime of love and patience Just give birth, after the child is born, he will be tied to your whole life. There are so many meaningful things in life that we should pursue. Different stages are a kind of trade-off philosophy of life. It does not mean that without marriage and children, life will not be complete. Live more for yourself, but you can live a different life. Brilliant life.

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Learn English words related to "marry and have children"

1. DINK (double/dual Income, no kids)

Ding Hak / Ding Hak is transliterated from DINK, which means dual-income family, childless couple. The term originated in Europe and the United States in the 1950s and was introduced to the Asian lifestyle in the 1980s.

  • Cambridge Dictionary explains: Used to refer to either one of a couple who both have jobs and who have no children.
  • Example: Luxury goods are marketed to DINKs, who are more likely to have the disposable income needed.
  • Similar words of Dingke:
    DINKY (double/dual Income, no kids yet)
    double income family, no children yet
    DINKER (double/dual Income, early retirement) dual
    -income families, no children, early retirement GINK (green inclinations, no kids) people who choose not to have children due to environmental reasons
    DINKWAD (double income, no kids, with a dog)

    DINKYWAD (double income, no kids yet, with a dog)
  • Top Guest Type:
    New CouplesNewlyweds

    Empty Nesters
    (Empty Nesters)
    Gay Married Couples

    Other Childless Couples
2. ecological overshoot
3. climate change
4. food shortages
5. biodiversity loss
6. To continue the family line , you can also use carry on, the family can use ancestral ancestors, and the line blood can also use name
  • Example: To continue the family line is one of life's most important things.
7. raising children for old age
  • Example: Raising children for old age is the traditional virtue in traditional Chinese society.
8. Never too old/late to learn
Live and learn
are not the same as "live until you are old and learn to be old", which are mainly used to express surprise at the new things you just know.
  • Cambridge Dictionary definition: said when you hear or discover something that is surprising
  • Example: I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn. I had no idea they were related. Oh, it's unbelievable.
9. trade-off balance, coordination, trade-off
  • Cambridge Dictionary definition: a situation in which you balance two opposing situations or qualities
  • Example: She said that she'd had to make a trade-off between her job and her family. She said she had to balance work and family.

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