Love is expressing love in a way that others like

After all, "the way to love someone" is a means, not an end.

Do you really notice that they are saying they love you?

Walking on the street, a friend suddenly locks the throat;

Sitting in the seat, the batou from the classmates flew from the sky;

It's too late to get home, push the door open,

The oncoming parents' stinking scolding is bloody.

Do you really think they'll be happy doing this?

I actually don't know why some people do this.

The love of these people is a candy that insists on poisoning,

Image source: Send emoji

Missing day and night, anxious care, sincere and warm love, when they rise to the lips, only the mouth is full of abuse and condemnation.

This will only make the listener cry and hear the chill.

Don't blame the concubine for not understanding the king's will.

Image source: dig it

I think, when people see tigers come at them; tsunamis come at them,

Our first reaction would be: I'm running away! I will resist! !

Because we judged that it was "Dangerous⚠️"

I hope that when we are overwhelmed by the strong emotions of others, we can judge first, is this love? Or harm? Do I need to fight back, or can I just sink in?

Before we express our love, we can all think about this way, can I convey my love for him?

After all, the way of loving someone is a means to tell him, "I love you," not an end.


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