Matters X 𝐄𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 ®【White List Creation Challenge】Hua Jingling Biography

The original intention of designing Dilmun was to resist the oppression of the material world on the spiritual world, and I did not expect that one day, we would be separated from the biological instincts such as diet and fertility to such a degree. The times carry everyone forward, and before I know it, I have also contributed to the world becoming what it is today. I often feel sad and don't know if I can go back in time.
This game is written to participate in the Matters X 𝐄𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐒𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐦 ® creative challenge. Writing fiction for the first time in a long time, and having a bit of a good time: It's great to talk about some really tough issues, and to be able to weave everyday metaphors behind the fictional plot. In the future, I will have the opportunity to write more fictional works!

1. A Ling

People around me are disappearing one after another.

Um? Actually, I don't know if I should say "disappear". After all, A Ling next door is still on my Discord contact list, and we had a video chat yesterday.

In the video, she looks like a cartoon doll... Of course, girls in their 20s and 20s like her are all dressed up in cartoons, with sky-high braids, colorful costumes, and fluorescent colored contact lenses. It's weird - I guess she just used some video plug-in to make a virtual doppelganger. She said that she can't come to my house to help me install the new game console, and she can't play video games together in the future, because she is no longer in the same world as me.

"Then which world are you in?" The current two-dimensional children are very imaginative, so I will follow her.

She looked around for a while, leaned closer to the screen, lowered her voice, and said mysteriously, "I'm at Elysium."

"What? E what? Where is that?"

"Uh..." A Ling looked embarrassed, "Ouch, Granny Hua, I can't explain it to you! It's very sudden, and I was notified only recently. Anyway, I won't be able to come to your house tomorrow, and I won't be able to come to your house from now on. I can't help you any more... Take care of yourself. The instruction manual for that game console is very clear, so you can definitely install it yourself!"

"Okay, okay! Do you think Granny Hua really doesn't know how to install a game console? Before I retired, I was the chief designer of Dilmun Ocean! I asked you to come and help, I didn't want to invite you to have a cup of tea and chat with me. Chat. If you think I'm old and nagging, and you don't want to play with me anymore, just say it, why make up such an excuse?"

I pretended to be angry and wanted Aling to tell me more about where she was and what she was doing. Ah Ling really hurriedly defended: "I don't have it! Granny Hua, it's true! I don't live next to you anymore!"

"Doesn't live next to me? I see your shirts are still hanging on your balcony, and the loofah is looking good. You sublet it to someone else? We've been neighbors for 20 years, and you moved out without saying hello. already?"

"No. No. I am, I am..." A-Ling blushed and burst into tears, unable to speak.

"Ah, what's going on? Baby, mother-in-law didn't blame you. Dear..." It's really a lot worse across the video! I wanted to pat her on the shoulder very much, but I could only hold the phone and say something weak.

After a while, she slowly calmed down and said slowly, "Mother Hua, don't blame me and don't ask more questions. I'll tell you slowly when I have a chance in the future. I'll hang up today."

2. Ah Ching

A Ling said she was at Elysium.

uh 🤔  

Twenty years ago, the Dilmun Ocean system that I was involved in designing and developing was at its peak. However, in order to prevent new rival products from threatening our market share, the company secretly planned the Elysium System. A Ling's mother, A Jing, is the creator of this system.

A-Jing is smart and strong. She joined our company right after graduating from university, starting as a data analyst at the grassroots level. Although she is a junior, she is not afraid to challenge authority, and often asks her superiors some tough questions. I'm not her direct supervisor, and I've always treated her as a colleague to discuss issues. Maybe that's why she trusts me a little bit, and will often come to me for lunch and talk about work.

"I think that Eric is a glass heart at all. I just pointed out his procedural error, and he actually blocked me directly! I really can't stand this kind of person who has poor ability and can't listen to criticism. !"

We often talk about such topics. When I was young, I was on the same rampage as her, and it was interesting to hear her talk about it.

"What's your purpose of pointing out the error to him?"

"Of course for the perfect execution of our project!"

"Then you accuse him with words that make him uncomfortable. He is unhappy and blocks you. How will this project go on?"

"Do I still have to take care of his mood? It's so hot!"

"You pointed out the mistakes of your colleagues with a fiery mood, which made your colleagues feel rebellious. Isn't this hindering the perfect execution you want?"

"Please, Eric is still a senior! Does he actually want a junior to take care of his emotions and teach him to focus on the bigger picture?"

"A-Jing, people who can focus on the overall situation are always in the minority. You can see the shortcomings and have the will to improve, which is very rare; however, it is even more rare to unite those who don't care about the results as much as you. Eric is also a team member after all. A senior engineer, you need him on your side, not against him."


“If you really focus on the big picture, you need to see that the execution of projects requires not only a technical mind, but also the ability to stimulate the potential of others.”

A Jing has grown a lot in the next ten years. She has really become more mellow, able to listen to dissent, understand where others stand, and grow into a cohesive group leader. Before she gave birth to A Ling, she used to work as a product manager on Dilmun's video social platform. After returning from maternity leave, she took the initiative to ask Ying to be the R&D director of Elysium System.

Given my experience designing Dilmun Ocean, my boss also let me participate in the start-up of Elysium as a consultant. However, A Jing is very assertive and hopes to do a lot with this project. Soon after the project started, she approached me privately:

"Senior Hua, I respect the decades of design experience you have accumulated in Dilmun Ocean, but after all, it has an old day. Although the company positions Elysium as an iterative product of Dilmun, I actually hope to completely subvert the design created by Dilmun. Worldview. Innovation starts from changing our underlying design logic. Only in this way can we hope to win in the future business competition. So I hope you can stay out of your way and leave the opportunity to newcomers.”


Dilmun's system has been in operation for almost twenty years, and I have devoted all my youth to it. Up to now, some of the R&D personnel I have worked with have moved to other companies, some have entered the top management, and some have passed away. In addition to relying on engineering designers with professional capabilities, the company's future transformation also requires management talents who can grasp and utilize the internal power trends of the enterprise. I have finished the battle that belongs to me, and I have no intention of fighting. In the future, the struggle for personnel and power will be left to the young people. The Elysium System is a classified project, so I won't go into it. I should also retire early and do something else.

3. Malfunction

About six years ago, when it was the afternoon after school, A-Ling came to my house in a panic and slammed on the door desperately:

"Grandma Hua! Grandma Hua! Are you at home?! Come here! Mommy is about to die!"

I ran out with her—although A Jing and I both lived in the company's assigned staff residence, I haven't stepped into the R&D area for more than ten years after I retired. Several new buildings have been built. One of the buildings looked like a large incinerator from the last century. It was bulging and dusty. It was much taller than the nearby office buildings, but it had no windows, and there were sparks bursting from the top. I secretly complained, how did the architectural aesthetics of office buildings become like this? A-Ling dragged me and ran towards the incinerator.

When she came to the entrance of the building, A Jing fell to the ground, unconscious, her body was covered in thick smoke, and it was looming, but there was no smoke smell here, it didn't look like a fire. I rubbed my eyes and tried to see more clearly, but I saw her limbs slowly become transparent... I looked up in awe, and the plaque at the entrance of the building said:

🧮🔥Turing Volcano🔥🧮
No entry without permission

A-Ling and I drag A-Jing's body out together. The strange thing is that she seems to be attracted by some force, which is extremely heavy. Neither A Ling nor I could move. I tried her breath, it was light, but it didn't stop.

My heart was beating so fast, oh my gosh! Shouldn't it be... that one?

I hope not!

I patted her face: "A-Jing! Can you still talk? What happened?"

She didn't open her eyes, she only moved her lips with difficulty. I put my ear close to her lips, trying to hear what she was saying—"Senior...the trial...starts...the beginning..."

After saying these few words, she never regained consciousness. Her body became thinner and more transparent.

"Mother-in-law Hua! You save mother! Hurry up and save her!"

Ah Ling huddled beside Ah Jing and wept, until Ah Jing completely disappeared from our arms.


Aling and I sat in front of the Turing Volcano Building until night fell.

"A Ling, let me ask you, has your mother worked in this building for the past few years?"


"Have you ever been in there?"

"No. Mom always told me to wait outside the building for her to come out of get off work."

"Have you seen other uncles and aunts come out of this building?"

"Huh?" She rubbed her red and swollen eyes, recalled hard for a while, and said, "I don't remember."

I stood up and pulled A-Ling up: "Let's go home. You are tired today, so stay at my house for the night."

4. Body and Spirit

Forty years ago there was a global plague, and I was still doing research in university, focusing on artificial intelligence and sociology.

Before the plague began, there had been a lot of discussions about dematerialization and deincarnation in the academic, political, and business circles. At that time, the earth's ecological environment was already extremely unstable, and the whole world was prepared for sudden and devastating natural disasters. Some organizations have proposed a response: abandon the physical body—without having to bear the consequences of environmental degradation—and transform human civilization into a spiritual being. Such an extreme idea has been questioned by all parties and is still under argument, but the epidemic has changed everything.

The plague was so contagious that it could spread through the respiratory tract between people less than a meter apart. In the first year of the epidemic, nearly 100 million people lost their lives. In order to stop the spread of the plague, governments around the world have imposed draconian quarantine measures, and at the same time, activities that require face-to-face activities have almost stopped, and all activities have been turned online. Concepts like Web3 are emerging among young people.

In the past, we individuals always needed to rely on concepts such as the state and enterprises to provide the infrastructure for our social existence, including water and electricity, network platforms, markets, banks, citizen security, laws and regulations... Because of this dependence, individuals Often sacrifices are made for the collective good. Web3 explores more radical individual autonomy, allowing the underlying logic written in the network code to motivate and constrain individual behavior. And on the basis of Web3, it seems feasible to abandon the flesh.

When isolated living and remote work become the norm, the voice of Web3 is getting louder and louder. I was very excited about these concepts at the time. Originally doing these theoretical studies in university research institutes, there was no prospect of commercial implementation. In the years when the plague was prevalent, people from the business world gradually came to seek cooperation, which led to the birth of Dilmun Ocean.

Dilmun Ocean can be regarded as the crystallization of Web3 and the de-incarnation trend. At its peak, there were as many as 500 million simultaneous online users in the world. In this system, people can really complete all economic and social activities without leaving home. This has also spawned many subsidiary industries. For example, you can order a nutritional maintenance system, you can sleep in it, and only rely on nutritional delivery to maintain vital signs, and then your brain can directly connect to Dilmun Ocean for work and entertainment. , social activities and other activities, greatly reducing your dependence on the material world.

Human reproductive activities can also be carried out with the help of science and technology. There were already many radical feminist thinkers attacking nature's gender design. For this, I just chose not to have children. However, with the popularity of Dilmun Ocean, more and more women choose asexual reproduction. A Ling was born in this way. After A-Jing gave birth to A-Ling, although she quickly returned to work, she has been reflecting a lot on the damage to her body and spirit during the pregnancy. She had vaguely revealed to me that she wanted to go further in the deincarnation movement.

The development of society to this stage is actually something I didn't expect, and I don't want to see it. The original intention of designing Dilmun was to resist the oppression of the material world on the spiritual world, and I did not expect that one day, we would be separated from the biological instincts such as diet and fertility to such a degree. The times carry everyone forward, and before I know it, I have also contributed to the world becoming what it is today. I often feel sad and don't know if I can go back in time.

If I were a consultant at Elysium System, I would hope that new products would reawaken human desire for the material world. A Jing wanted to go in the opposite direction. She asked me to quit research and development, she must have decided to give up the physical body. So what did she mean when she died? Does she regret her choice?

The office building on Mount Turing was demolished shortly after the accident. All relevant information was also blocked and nowhere to be found. Nothing seems to have happened. Only A Ling and I remember the scene we saw that evening.

As I am old, I have many inconveniences in my life, and I have to rely on Ah Ling for help. But for all the inconveniences that life brings, I never wanted to split up. My eyes are dim, my hands and feet are inconvenient, and maybe I will say goodbye to this world soon, but seeing the growth of A Ling and the relationship between us that are not blood related but better than grandchildren, isn't this the most exquisite design of life? ? Old people leave their spirits to young people, and young people can regenerate their own spirits and deliver them to their offspring. Life dies, but the spirit inherits immortality through life.

I still believe that death is the best invention of life.

Now A Ling said that she also went to the Elysium System. So this system seems to be really commercialized.

How many people in this world, like me, are reluctant to part with this cruel and beautiful material world?

 This is the story I've written over the past three days. It seems that it is finished, and it seems that it is just a beginning. This is the first time I write a fictional work, and I know that there are still many shortcomings: the characters are not full enough, and the world construction is very hasty. I always feel that there should be more stories about Ah Ling, Ah Jing, and Granny Hua to explain. However, I don’t force myself to write so well. It’s the first time I write it, and it’s good to be able to end it and justify it. I really like the imagination space given by the current story, and I will work harder in the future!

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!