bowling in copenhagen

If I continue to post, everyone will think that I am playing ball games when I go to Copenhagen to attend the seminar @@

Continuing from the previous article, this is another complex restaurant. This is combined with bowling. We first went to a restaurant with a larger space, this time for burgers and fries. It's finally more normal. Otherwise, I have been eating western food that is slowly served the other day, and the portion is too small, so I am not full. (The part about western food has not been po)

hamburger fries

After our meal, our group moved to the basement next door to play bowling. This is actually my first time bowling.

shoe rack

Before entering the field, you must change into your own foot-sized bowling shoes, and then carry your own shoes to our fairway.

These shoes are sterilized after one use, so don't worry.

change shoes

The bowling ball is full of freshness. I didn't know the weight of the ball at first, so I just took it. It was only later that I slowly found the weight that was right for me.

The classmates next to me taught me how to hold the ball. Use the index finger, middle finger and thumb to hold the ball, and then throw the ball smoothly toward the center of the track along the auxiliary line on the floor, so as not to let the ball hit the ground too hard.


Overall it was a lot of fun, we played two rounds in one hour. Sometimes I also accidentally throw it all down, which is really touching.


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JimJKC歐洲 | 比利時 | 留學 | 生活分享
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