SF RES Land March Report

March report. Introduce this month's node development, chain development and commission usage report.

Shiba Doll Motion

The Chiba doll bill in February was a riot. There are motions 4, 5 and 6 successively. An article has been written earlier to analyze the impact of 5 and 6 passing . The current Block time is maintained at 6.13 seconds, which seems to be maintained for a while.

After Motion 4 passed, the bonus of #8020giveaway was increased and the event ended successfully. For details, please refer to this article .

latest news:

There is a new proposal on Commonwealth, Metahuahua NFT and Passage platform propose to cooperate to create the Metahuahua world. It is still in the brewing stage, if you are interested, you can participate in the discussion.

I think Metahuahua is pretty, and I discussed cooperation with Metahuahua. They are willing to whitelist 5 SF RES Land delegators. If you want to get a whitelisted spot to buy Metahuahua (current pricing is unknown), you can participate in the Giveaway event on Twitter. If there are more than 5 participants, 5 participants will be randomly selected to obtain a whitelist quota. The draw date is 14/3 (seven days after this article is published).


The Chihuahua chain is in the process of adding Authz module and CosmWasm. If it goes well, delegators can use websites with automatic reinvestment services and use smart contracts on the chain, such as minting NFTs. The future of this mystery is not very interesting.

Withdraw commission on March 1

The numbers are as follows:

 Pickup time: 1/3/2022 HKT2221
Quantity: 155,765.907222Huahua
HASH for withdrawing commission: 0291C44E9C90CF2B317BF92D074E28756066D429734E378A1D40A36855C74F8F
At that time Huahua/USD: 0.00347981
Theoretical fiat currency value of 80% commission: 433.6286093USD
Last converted to HKD: 3,208.2HKD

at height 1,115,611

 Number of wallets delegated: 89
Total number of Huahuas entrusted: 18,135,208.756949 HUAHUA
Validator Rank: 92

Thank you for your support.

On February 1st, we fulfilled our earlier commitment and donated HK$1,605 to MANNA. Manna , to support their social care services; donate HK$1,605 to the Missionary Church Mutual Love Center . In order to help Hong Kong schoolchildren to go to class smoothly after online classes, they will provide them with internet data cards and donation evidence as follows:

The March commissions will tentatively continue to support their work. At the same time, they will look for new partners, one of which may be them , hoping to respond to the goal of narrowing the digital divide.

Welcome to continue entrusting to SF RES Land. Thanks for the support

(Note: After thinking and thinking, the English version is still available on Medium)

I am Chihuahua validator SF RES Land , I hope to use Chihuahua to narrow the digital divide, welcome to support me
SF RES Land is Chihuahua Validator, striving for narrow the digital divide by Chihuahua. Please support me.

Delegate to SF RES Land:
1) https://chihuahua.omniflix.co/ Press Delegate to find SF RES Land
2) Use Delegate in Cosmostation app


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SF RES Land 8月營運報告
